
  • 网络auctioning
  1. 第三节论述了公开拍卖原则。

    Section III discusses the principles of public auction .

  2. 据我了解,国家文物局已经向有关公司正式表明强烈反对拍卖圆明园文物的原则立场,并明确要求撤拍有关文物。

    To my knowledge , the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has stated strong opposition against the auction , and demanded its cancellation .

  3. 除了一般拍卖应当坚持的公正、公平、公开原则外,强制拍卖还应当坚持拍卖优先、及时拍卖和委托拍卖原则。

    In addition to the principles of openness , fairness and impartiality , the principles of entrusting auction to auctioneer , auctioning timely and priority should also be adhered to .

  4. 做为执行中的强制执行措施,拍卖是一种优先的变价措施,即非有法定的情形,执行中被执行财产的变价以拍卖为原则。

    As a measure of forcible execution in civil enforcement , auction is a measure of priority of appraising , namely auction is the principle of appraising property enforced in the procedure of execution unless in the circumstances prescribed by the law .