
  1. 第二章主要阐述了ZH公司的营销特点与相关的营销战略理论。对于与其市场拓展战略相关的市场营销理论与服务营销理论进行了详细叙述,为进一步的研究做好基础。

    The second one elaborates the marketing characteristics of ZH company and the related marketing theories in details , and makes a good preparation for further study .

  2. 第5部分结合前几部分的分析,运用SWOT、迈克尔·波特五力模型及三种基本战略思路,探讨WB医药的市场拓展战略,以WB糖尿病药品为例提出运作的具体策略。

    Part V with the previous part of the analysis , the use of SWOT , Porter Five Forces Model · Michael and the three basic strategic thinking , marketing of WB medicine strategies to make the operation of WB diabetes drug as an example of specific strategies .

  3. 帝亚吉欧两年前开始实施对华拓展战略。

    Diageo introduced its strategy for expanding in China two years ago .

  4. 上海虹桥地区功能拓展战略

    Strategies for Expanding the Functions of Hongqiao District in Shanghai

  5. 城镇规划要为经济社会发展拓展战略空间

    The urban planning should serve the social and economic development

  6. 长沙卷烟厂国际市场拓展战略研究

    The Research on Strategy of International Market Development of

  7. 论日本旅华市场态势与拓展战略

    Strategy of the tourism market to China from Japan

  8. 长沙卷烟厂入世过渡期业务拓展战略研究

    Strategy Research on Business Innovation of CCF in the Transitional Period of Access to WTO

  9. 绿色营销的新思考&中药国际化的拓展战略

    New Thinking on the Green Marketing & the internationalization expansion strategy of Chinese traditional medicine

  10. 首先要有合理的市场营销战略,即市场拓展战略;

    First , it needs a reasonable market sales strategy , namely market expanding strategy .

  11. 另外,通过对国家政策及行业现状的研究,预见性的提出了海外市场拓展战略。

    In addition , through research of the national policy and the industrial current situation , the paper predicted the internationalized marketing strategy .

  12. 因此,对哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司国际市场拓展战略的研究既具有理论意义,又具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the research on the international market expand strategy for Harbin Turbine Company Ltd. since have the theories meaning , and again have the important realistic meaning .

  13. 第一节,在总体战略整合中,笔者根据产业发展趋势和公司资源优势提出了纵向一体化的拓展战略;

    Section one , in the total strategy combine , I have proposed to be vertical strategy combine according to industry 's development trend and company 's resource advantage ;

  14. 在此形势下,中职学校应该提高泛地区化发展的战略竞争力,拓展战略空间,打造战略品牌和构建战略机制。

    Under the trend , secondary vocational schools should enhance strategic competency , broaden strategic space , shape strategic brand and build strategic mechanism for the development of extensive regionalization .

  15. 在综合以上理论的基础上,考虑解决具体问题的需要,建立了国际市场拓展战略选择模型,并研究了模型的三种应用方式。

    On the foundation that synthesize the above theories , establish the model for the choice on the international market expanding strategy , and combine to study the model 's three kinds of applied ways .

  16. 在此基础上,本文从目标市场战略、业务拓展战略、金融创新战略、规模拓展战略以及我国银行的配套改革等五个方面对我国银行跨国经营战略选择提出了自己的见解。

    Accordingly , my own opinions about aspects as target market strategy , business expand strategy , finance innovative strategy , scales expand strategy and coordinated reforms of China 's banks are offered in this thesis .

  17. 将整合企业资源,发挥企业独特竞争优势的思路贯穿于整个战略中,主要的战略包括重点客户战略、业务拓展战略、制度改革战略、科技创新战略等方面。

    The soul of the strategy is to integrate the resource and exert the unique competitive advantage of the Development District Bank and it consist of super customers strategy , business development strategy , institution innovation strategy and the technology innovation strategy .

  18. 对连云港港口发展阶段进行了划分,并选择管理创新战略、港城互动战略、市场拓展战略、产业优化战略、结构调整战略五个方面作为战略实施重点。

    Moreover , Lian Yun Gang harbor development is divided into several stages and the key strategic implementation points are the managerial innovation strategy , the interactive harbor-city strategy , the market open-up strategy , the industry optimization strategy , and the structure regulation strategy .

  19. 由此思路,进一步导出煤炭企业集团发展煤炭物流产业的战略选择为供应链管理思想、资源获取战略、平台支撑战略、资本运营战略、网络拓展战略及双化并行战略。

    According to that , it can export coal logistics industry strategy choosing of coal company which is supply chain management thinking , resource gain strategy , platform supported strategy , capital working strategy , network expanding strategy and the parallel strategy of standardization and informationization .

  20. 本文在探讨我国加入WTO后服务贸易发展与服务市场进一步开放的基础上,就中国服务贸易拓展的战略思路及服务型企业国际化战略进行了深入研究,并提出相应的对策建议。

    The paper gives a deep study on China 's strategic chooses in service trade development and puts forward related countermeasures under the framework of WTO .

  21. 本文定义了协同效应源于企业核心能力与并购之间的互动关系,构建了P公司基于核心能力的获取和拓展的战略并购模型,强调并购整合即协同效应的实现,是一个价值创造的过程。

    This paper defines synergy effects as the source of interactions between strategic M A and the core capabilities of Enterprises . Establishes the strategic M A model for P company based on core capabilities acquiring , enhance and re-engineering .

  22. 大珠江三角洲城市群经济空间拓展的战略抉择

    The Strategic Choice of Economic Spatial Expansion in Great Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration

  23. 拓展文化战略研究应对金融危机挑战

    A study on the development of cultural strategies to deal with the challenges of financial crisis

  24. 它极大拓展了战略决策思维的对象、空间、视野和方法。

    This process greatly enlarges the object , dimension , horizon and approach of strategic decision-making thinking .

  25. 面对3400万箱的诱人市场,国内优势卷烟工业企业无不以国内业务拓展作为战略重点,加快推进企业间的兼并重组工作。

    Nowadays , all of the preponderant cigarette factories concentrated on the enlargement of domestic business , gazing at the 3,400 million boxes cigarette market .

  26. 论农产品批发市场升级拓展与战略转型的重要性&以拓展建设农产品物流配送中心为例

    On Importance of Updating Development and Strategic Transformation on Agricultural Products Wholesale Market : Taking Expanding and Constructing Logistics Distribution Center on Agricultural Products for Example

  27. 就战略管理的主要领域融入战略网络理念的分析进行介绍,以拓展企业战略管理的视野。

    An introduction is given in this paper on the analysis of main strategic fields combined with strategic networks in order to broaden the viewing scope of strategic management .

  28. 旅游企业市场拓展竞争战略研究的意义在于,一是对该行业的整体健康发展和业务管理实践具有深刻的指导意义和现实作用;

    The profound meaning of investigating the competition in tourism market bases on three points . Firstly , the research work will guide the development and management of the whole tourism industry .

  29. 我们期盼着拓展我们的战略合作伙伴关系。

    We are now looking forward to extend our strategic partnership .

  30. 美军信息化联合作战战略新拓展&数据战略与元数据实施研究

    The Latest Development of US Information Joint Operation Strategy : Research on Data Strategy and Implementation Metadata