
  1. 联合国妇女十年之后提高非洲妇女地位阿鲁沙前瞻性战略

    Arusha Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of African Women Beyond the United Nations Decade for women

  2. 前瞻性战略打造供应链竞争力差异化产品策略把握市场脉搏&广西国发林纸公司运营谋略。

    Forward-looking strategy for the competitiveness of the supply chain diverse product strategy to the market pulse & the operation strategy of Guofa forestry and papermaking co. , Ltd.

  3. 这是一项前瞻性战略,一直展望到2015年。这一年由于千年宣言及其目标而意义重大并充满希望。

    This is a forward-looking strategy , extending to2015 , the year given so much significance , and so much promise , by the Millennium Declaration and its goals .

  4. 基于高校毕业生就业的现实考虑,更是基于对社会经济的前瞻性战略思考,当前政府特别关注高校毕业生就业问题,而毕业生就业公共服务已成为政府履行职能的重点。

    Government pays close attention to employment problem of college graduates particularly , which is not only based on the forward-looking of socio-economic strategies consider . And the public service for employment of college graduates has become focus when government performing their function .

  5. 竞争战略与薪酬体系的契合对企业绩效产生积极影响,其中防御型战略与机械薪酬体系、前瞻型战略与有机薪酬体系相匹配对企业绩效产生积极影响。

    The consilience between competitive strategy and compensation system has a positive impact on enterprise performance , and among them , defense strategy matched with mechanical compensation system , perspective strategy matched with organic-like compensation system which both have the positive influence on enterprise performance .

  6. 如果要在更大规模上吸引外资投资于武汉市制造业,必须把握国际资本流动的特点和发展趋势,以适时制定与之相匹配的前瞻性外资战略和政策。

    If Wuhan wants to attract more foreign investment to manufacturing industry , it should grasp the characteristics and trends of global capital flow and make proper policies .

  7. 许多民营和国有企业,借助于前瞻性的战略眼光,将资金和土地有效整合,迅速成长成为全国性的房地产公司。

    Many private and state-owned enterprises , which had a forward-looking strategic sight and dedicated itself to the effective integration of capital and land , had rapidly grown into the nationwide real estate companies .

  8. 当我们遇到不段发展的需求时,我们还要有未来的前瞻眼光来从战略上保证军队的作战。

    As we meet ongoing requirements , we are also looking to the future to support an Army at war from a strategic standpoint .

  9. 文章指出,要构建该建筑企业集团的比较优势,促进企业的可持续发展,必须从以下几个方面着手。即正确定位,勾画具有前瞻性的发展战略;

    The article pointed out , in order to construct the comparison superiority for building enterprise group , promote enterprise 's sustainable development , we must begin from following several aspects : correct localization , outlines foresighted developmental strategy ;

  10. 指出了为实现企业可持续发展,必须营造良好的法律环境,并建立了适应法律环境实现可持续发展的具体措施:加强事前法律防范,加强日常规范管理,制定和实施前瞻性可持续发展战略。

    It delicates that good legal circumstances should be set up in order to realize sustainable development and puts forward correct solutions to realize sustainable development adapting to legal circumstances : strengthen legal defense before the affairs and daily regulation , make and carry out predictable strategy of sustainable development .