
  • 网络Global strategy;Globalization strategy
  1. 对阿里巴巴来说,全球化战略或许真的是个错误。

    For Alibaba , a global strategy may indeed be the wrong one .

  2. 墨西哥经济发展战略的演变与经济全球化战略的形成&兼论发展战略中的非经济因素

    Evolution of the Mexican economic strategy and the formation of its global strategy : the role of non economic factors in economic strategy

  3. 基于CGMS模型的我国家电企业全球化战略的瓶颈因素及其战略对策

    On the Key Influencing Factors of Global Marketing Strategy and Countermeasures of the Chinese Household Electrical Appliance Enterprises Based on CGMS Model

  4. 跨国公司R&D全球化战略研究

    The Study of the Globalization Strategy of Multinational R & D

  5. 试论新经济下的品牌全球化战略

    On the Brand Globalization in the Time of New Economy

  6. 好莱坞在美国的全球化战略中扮演重要的角色。

    Hollywood plays a significant role in United States ' globalization strategy .

  7. 中国应对经济全球化战略研究

    Research of China 's Countermeasures to Economic Globalization

  8. 入世后企业营销的全球化战略和本地化战术

    The Globalization and Localization Strategy of Marketing after the China 's Entry into WTO

  9. 日本四大钢铁公司的汽车板全球化战略

    Global stratagem on automobile steel sheet of four iron & steel companies in Japan

  10. 而跨国公司全球化战略的实质是领导在海外的所有子公司。

    However , the essence of MNC globalization strategy is to lead all overseas subsidiaries .

  11. 金融全球化战略体系的优化

    The Optimization of Financial Globalization Strategic System

  12. 跨国公司R&D全球化战略的表现形式、成因及启示

    The Expression , Origin and Suggestion of Multinational Corporations ' Global R & D Strategy

  13. 培养具有全球化战略眼光和金融财务专长的创新型工商界领袖。

    Training the leaders with innovative and global vision , specialty in finance and accounting .

  14. 最后,对全球化战略的实施和控制过程也作了一定的介绍。

    Finally , the author introduce the implementation & feedback system of the globalization strategy .

  15. 中国应把比较优势理论作为制定经济全球化战略的依据。

    China should compare advantage theory to serve as the basis that formulates economic globalization strategy .

  16. 联想集团的产业定位及其全球化战略;

    Lenovo 's industry orientation ;

  17. 在全球化战略上,有地区总部的公司比无地区总部的要高。

    So subsidiary companies in the regional HQ do more globalization than those without that in HRM .

  18. 跨国公司执世界科技之牛耳,其研究开发水平和技术力量以及其全球化战略使其在技术生产力实现中起着异乎寻常的作用。

    International corporations take the lead in the world 's science and technology as their global developmental strategy .

  19. 品牌全球化战略的成功最终基本都体现在本土化策略的实施上,本土化是企业实施品牌经营全球化战略的关键问题。

    Therefore , localization is the key problem for a company to implement the global strategy for brands management .

  20. 本文首先试图从理论上构建跨国公司全球化战略本地化实施的理论框架。

    Firstly , this article attempts to establish the theory frame of localizing implementation of multinational corporation 's globalization strategy .

  21. 这不仅是国内经济迅速发展的需要,也是中国全球化战略的客观要求。

    The liberalization is not only important to the Chinese economy , but also required by the Chinese strategy of globalization .

  22. 但是对发展中国家来说,跨国公司的R&D全球化战略是一把双刃剑,有其利必有其弊。

    But for developing countries , the R & D strategy of TNCs is a sword with two blades , including gains and losses .

  23. 而航运企业的全球化战略使得港口在港口供应链中的核心地位相对减弱,给港口企业带来了巨大的压力。

    However , the globalization strategy of shipping company has weaken the influence of port in port logistics system and brings great pressure to port authorities .

  24. 中国将会坚定不移贯彻对外开放政策以此作为经济全球化战略的一部分。此外将要用一切可能的方法去解决其中产生的问题。

    China will follow the opening-up policy unswervingly as part of economic globalization and use every possible means to solve the problems arising out of it .

  25. 本土化战略与全球化战略各有优缺点,很难说哪个更好或者更正确。

    Localization strategy and globalization strategy have their own advantages and disadvantages , and it is very difficult to decide which is better or more correctly .

  26. 该公司还表示:我们将继续加强同世界农化企业的广泛合作,继续坚定不移地推进农化业务的全球化战略。

    It added : We will continue to strengthen our co-operation with the world 's agrochemical enterprises and unswervingly push forward the globalisation of our agrochemical business .

  27. 品牌是世界上最伟大的商业资产,实施品牌全球化战略是我国成为世界体育用品强国的必然选择。

    Brand is perhaps the greatest commercial assets , and global strategy is to be the only choice if China intends to take the lead in sports goods .

  28. 在同一时间同一地点,也许既有因素要求跨国公司对某项资本实行全球化战略,也存在着某些因素要求跨国公司对这项资本执行地方化战略。

    There are some factors requesting transnational companies to globalize some resource and there are also some other factors requesting them to localize the same one at the same time .

  29. 随着中国投资环境的改善,将有更多外资企业并购中国企业以满足其全球化战略的需要。

    With the improvement of Chinese environment of investment , more and more foreign firms will enter China through M & G in order to meet the need of global strategy .

  30. 全球经济只青睐于那些运作高效的企业,只青睐于那些立足于全球市场环境、坚持有利益地满足需求的市场导向和需求导向观念、坚决实施全球化战略,有效地采用本地化战术途径的企业。

    The world economy falls back on those highly efficient enterprises with the goal of global market , which take To meet the demands with interest as their market and demand orientation .