
  • 网络Global marketing
  1. BrandZ完整报告的PDF版可在此下载,它是一份长达53页的现代全球营销原理的速成教程。

    The complete brandz report , available as a PDF here , is 53-page crash course on the principles of modern global marketing .

  2. 2009年才首次开展全球营销活动的HTC,其销量曾大幅上升,在上季度却下跌了近30%。

    HTC , which launched its first global marketing campaign only in 2009 , saw its sales shoot up but then fall nearly 30 per cent last quarter .

  3. 加入WTO后,中国市场在跨国公司全球营销战略中的地位迅速提高,如何适应中国市场环境的变化,是跨国公司在中国普遍面临的问题。

    After taking part in WTO , China market is becoming more important in the globe marketing strategy of the multinational company . How to adapt to the transform of China market is a key problem to every multinational company .

  4. 对国际型工程公司所具有的EPC全功能、较强的融资能力、先进的工艺技术和工程技术、全球营销网和采购网、以设计为主体等主要特点进行了论述;

    Then it illustrates the EPC function , strong financing ability , advanced technics and engineering technology , global sales net and procurement net , designing as main body , and other main characteristics of international engineering companies .

  5. 全球营销巨头goodby,silverstein&partners的联合创办人里奇希尔斯坦(richsilverstein)表示,开展在线宣传活动时,很难坚持按时间收费的传统模式。

    The traditional time-based billing model is tough to uphold when developing online campaigns , says rich Silverstein , co-founder of goodby , Silverstein & partners , an agency owned by Omnicom , the global marketing giant .

  6. 巴黎法国大使箱包公司的全球营销主管凯瑟琳·德·布勒克尔(CatherineDeBleeker)说,该公司计划于2016年上半年推出Pluggage系列,它包括三款智能手提箱,24英寸款的售价可能是600美元。

    Catherine De Bleeker , global marketing director for Paris-based Delsey , said her company planned to offer its Pluggage line of three smart bags in the first half of 2016 , with a possible price of $ 600 for a 24-inch model ;

  7. IGMS模型整合了市场营销战略的三个观点和两个理论,有助于全面提升跨国公司的全球营销管理水平。

    IGMS model integrated three viewpoints and two theories of marketing strategy , and helpful for multinational corporations to comprehensively improve the global marketing management level .

  8. 全球营销战略综合分析框架模型(IGMS)作为目前全球营销战略研究领域的阶段性成果,已经就各维度对公司总体业绩影响程度进行了实证检验。

    As an achievement of current stage in the research field of global marketing strategy , IGMS has made empirical test on multidimensional influence on enterprises'overall performance .

  9. 全球营销顾问机构effectivebrands的马克代斯恩阿龙斯(marcdeswaanarons)表示,这意味着企业需要学习如何更多地在社交媒体上推广品牌形象,而不是像过去那样仅仅依靠电视、纸媒和在线广告。

    That means companies need to learn how to project their brand image , not just on television , in print and online , as in the old days , but increasingly on social media , according to mark de swaan arons of effective brands , the global marketing consultancy .

  10. 全球营销理念下的需求链管理初探

    Initial Discussion of Demand Chain Management with Global Marketing Concept

  11. 牛津大学商学院教授,市场营销系主任,全球营销专家。

    Chair of Marketing , Said Business School , University of Oxford .

  12. 对澳大利亚国家旅游品牌全球营销策略分析

    An analysis of Australia 's tourism brands global marketing strategies

  13. 选择全球营销的企业,必然面临国际市场的激烈竞争。

    Global Corporations are certainly up against drastic competition in international market .

  14. 论全球营销中的物流策略

    Discussion on the Logistics Strategy in the Global Marketing

  15. 这是企业全球营销的基础。

    This is the foundation of enterprise global marketing .

  16. 在本届奥运会上,它们很少实施统一的全球营销战略。

    Few of them are implementing a unified global campaign for this Olympics .

  17. 这正是全球营销理论产生和发展的必备条件。

    This is the prerequisite for the emergence and development of global marketing theory .

  18. 论电子商务对全球营销的革命性影响

    Revolutionary influence of electronic commerce on globe marketing

  19. 锐步公司将花费四亿一千一百万美元在全球营销。

    Reebok 411 million on global marketing .

  20. 全球化思考,本土化执行是全球营销的基本战略原则。

    The essential strategic principle of global market-sale is to think globally and enforce naturally .

  21. 全球营销战略可以有效提升跨国企业在全球范围内的经营业绩。

    Global marketing strategy can effectively improve business performance for multinational corporations around the world .

  22. 你认为公司选择产品进行全球营销的准则是什么?

    What do you think are the dimensions for companies to choose products for globalization ?

  23. 服务企业全球营销战略内部驱动因素实证研究&以我国高端服务企业的实证检验为例

    An Empirical Study on the Inner Drivers of the Global Marketing Strategies of the Service firms

  24. 最后,世界市场的不断同质化,也使标准化产品能在全球营销中取得成功。

    The globalization of markets makes it easy for standardized product to succeed in global marketing .

  25. 华为正在筹备一场该公司史上最大规模的全球营销战,以支持这款手机的推出。

    Huawei is planning its largest global marketing campaign to support the launch of the phone .

  26. 跨国公司的全球营销是以全球观为导向的整体营销。

    The global marketing of transnational corporations is the overall marketing guided by the global concept .

  27. 论全球营销战略及整合的全球营销战略模型IGMS&兼评其对我国企业发展跨国经营战略的启示

    On Global Marketing Strategy and Integrating Global Marketing Strategy Model-Implications for Chinese Enterprises to Develop Multinational Strategy

  28. 因而提出了绩效评价如何适应全球营销环境的问题。

    This paper discusses the problem of how to adapt marketing performance measurement to global marketing environment .

  29. 绩效评价如何适应全球营销绩效评估要与管理模式相适应;

    How to Adapt Marketing Performance Measurement to Global Marketing to adjust performance according to management mode ;

  30. 这种全球营销推广活动的主要目的是实现利润最大化,而不是为了增加销售额。

    The main aim of such global marketing campaigns is not to increase sales but to maximise profitability .