
  • 网络community marketing
  1. 社区营销成为时下网络营销推广的产物,利用Web社区进行口碑传播在消费者决策中扮演了极其重要的角色。

    As a product of network marketing and promotion , community marketing plays a very important role in the consumer decision-making by word-of mouth advertising .

  2. 网络社区营销传播的信息要素是与营销对象相关的话题、传受双方是同一社区的网民,传播媒介是社会化网络软件,与传统营销方式的传播要素相比具有明显的特征。

    Transmission elements of the Internet community marketing include topics related to marketing object , netizens amassed under the flag of community and socialized internet software , which is obviously different from traditional marketing ; 3 .

  3. 大中型超市社区营销能力提升的理性思考

    How to Improve Marketing of Large-scale and Medium-sized Supermarkets in Community

  4. 成品粮油社区营销模式研究

    Research on the Marketing Pattern of Community Finished Product Grain and Oil

  5. 论大中型超市社区营销功能的提升

    Function promoting of large and middle community supermarket

  6. 网络社区营销中信息传播以人际传播为基本形式,意见领袖在信息传播过程中具有关键性的推动作用,网络社区营销的信息具有无限的扩散潜力。

    The basic form of the information transmission in the Internet community marketing is interpersonal communication . The opinion leader plays a key part in promoting information transmission , and boundless proliferation potential lies with the information of Internet community marketing .

  7. 罗德里格斯是一家名为Senta的公司的社区和营销经理。

    Rodriguez is the community and marketing manager for a company called Sentab .

  8. 本文接着以5P理论为基础,对社区市场营销策略进行介绍,并对套餐设计和差异化策略进行重点阐述。

    Then this paper described community marketing strategy , while elaborating packages designing and difference marketing are very important .

  9. 接着,本文对目前医药企业社区市场营销存在的问题加以分析,以此奠定本文的现实基础。

    The analysis of the current marketing problems laid the basis of reality .

  10. 数据仓库技术的吉林联通社区综合营销系统中的应用

    Data Warehouse Technology in Jilin Unicom Community Marketing System

  11. 新医改一方面满足了老百姓新的健康需求,另一方面也给医药企业的社区市场营销策略带来了新的挑战。

    On the one hand , the new health care reform meet the new health needs of people , on the other hand , it has brought new challenges to the pharmaceutical companies on the marketing strategy of community .

  12. 首先主要分析了文章研究的背景及意义和国内外研究现状。并且对数字社区的营销进行相关理论概述。包括数字社区概念及特点、市场营销策略相关理论、营销渠道相关理论。

    Firstly , it mainly analyzes the research background , significance , and domestic and foreign research status , and describes the digital community marketing theoretically , including Digital Community concept , features , related theory of marketing strategies and marketing channel .

  13. 问卷内容包括对社区卫生服务营销服务的概念、方式、方法、作用的知晓情况。

    We undertook the pretest and posttest about concepts , methods and functions of community health service marketing .

  14. 结论:在全科医学教学中安排社区卫生服务营销管理教学内容,是提高社区医务人员社区卫生服务营销意识的有效途径之一。

    Conclusion : Incorporating service marketing in general practice training is an effective way to improve the knowledge of community health workers in community health service marketing .

  15. 同时,3G虚拟品牌社区的广告和营销效果是否理想与用户体验设计和社区情感特征直接相关。

    At the same time , the effect of advertising and marketing in the 3G virtual brand community will be affected by user experience and sensibility features .

  16. 特别是在用户主体性地位显著增强、高效互动的Web2.0环境下,虚拟品牌社区的广告和营销价值日益受到各类企业的重视。

    Many companies attach importance to the value of advertising and marketing of virtual brand community especially under the environment of web 2.0 .

  17. 手机支付和二维码的出现则使得品牌社区的广告和营销活动直接与社区成员的电子商务活动和消费行为对接。

    Advertising and marketing in 3G virtual brand community will directly affect the E-business and consuming behavior of community members by mobile Payment and two dimension codes .

  18. 最后,从建立长效机制、组建权益保障组织、社区治理、政策营销等方面提出了一系列有针对性的对策建议。

    Eventually , This thesis has some practicable advices from those four aspects such as building long effective mechanism , establishing rights protection organization , managing community and marketing policy .

  19. 全科医学;教学;社区医生护士;社区卫生服务营销。

    Entire section medicine ; Teaching ; Community doctor nurse ; Community health service marketing .

  20. 伴随着网络虚拟社区时代的来临,新兴的网络虚拟社区逐渐显示出强大的营销功能,这种交互的、植入式的社区营销方式以多样化的形势和强力的渗透成为企业进行品牌建设的新利器。

    With the network community era is coming , the emerging virtual communities gradually show strong marketing functions .

  21. 第五部分首先简单介绍网络虚拟社区中的行为哲学,然后着重介绍怎样借助网络虚拟社区开展网上营销。

    The fifth section first simply introduce the behavior philosophy in the network fictitious community , then emphasizing on how to develop the network marketing with the aid of network fictitious community .

  22. 尤其是针对网络社区的两面性,从辩证两方面解读、归纳相关策略以实现网络社区的营销价值或是应对其带来的挑战。

    Especially considering the dual character of on-line community ( virtual community ), this article will interpret both dialectical sides , in the hope of generalizing some correlated strategy to realize the marketing value of community or face the challenge of that .