
  1. 基于KPI的平衡计分卡在社会保障管理中的应用

    The Application of Balanced Scorecard Based on KPI in the Social Security Management

  2. 加快推进社会保障管理信息化。

    We will speed up the informationization of social security management .

  3. 国外社会保障管理体制的运行及经验

    The Operation and Experience of the Social Security Managing System Abroad

  4. 完善社会保障管理体制等。

    And perfecting the mechanism of social security administration , etc.

  5. 加快社会保障管理和监督体系的完善。

    Perfecting the system of managing and supervising social security .

  6. 从财政角度加强社会保障管理工作

    Strengthening social security management at the angle of finance

  7. 试论我国社会保障管理与改革

    On Administration and Reform of China Social Safeguard System

  8. 其次,需整合社保工作机构,提高社会保障管理服务水平;

    Secondly , to integrate social security agencies to improve the the services .

  9. 论社会保障管理与服务社会化改革

    Social Security Management and Reform of Service Socialization

  10. 社会保障管理更加复杂;

    Management for social security is more complicated ;

  11. 我国社会保障管理信息系统构建探析

    Analysis of Chinese Social Security Management Information System

  12. 构建我国运动员社会保障管理体制的法律制度思考

    The Law System Thinking on Set Up an Our country athlete social Guarantee Management System

  13. 社会保障管理人性化探究&以社会救助为分析视角

    Explore to Humanization Management of Social Security & Take Social Assistance as the Analytic Perspective

  14. 第三,建立健全农村社会保障管理机制,加快法制化进程。

    Third , establish a rural social security management system and speed up the legal process .

  15. 社会保障管理信息系统核心平台是建设社会保险信息系统的基础。

    Management information system of social security is to build the core platform based social insurance information system platform .

  16. 我国目前多头管理的社会保障管理体制,已经给社会保障制度建设及其实际运作带来了不少问题。

    The multi-channel management of social security systems has brought about a lot of questions to social security system construction .

  17. 财产保险在社会保障管理、社会风险管理及社会信用管理等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Property insurance plays an important role in the management of social security , social risk management and social credit management .

  18. 虽然这一计划是由联邦政府机构社会保障管理局来执行的,这一机构并不使用联邦政府的经费。

    Although the program is administered by a federal agency , the Social Security Administration , it uses no federal funds .

  19. 我国运动员社会保障管理体制现状应随着社会的发展不断进行调整和完善。

    Our country athlete society guarantee management system present situation should along with society of the development carries on adjust continuously with perfect .

  20. 而建立一个科学合理的社会保障管理体制,是使社会保障制度逐步走上科学、合理、统一、高效运行轨道的重要前提。

    A scientific and rational social security management system will help the social security system to operate scientifically , rationally , efficiently and beneficially .

  21. 由于我国政府社会保障管理绩效评价起步较晚,与国外相比较定性研究较多而定量研究较少。

    Since our government Social Security Administration Performance Evaluation of a late start , compared with foreign qualitative research more quantitative research is less .

  22. 我国社会保障管理体制在变革过程中,尤其是养老社会保障的转轨中,产生了巨额的转轨成本&养老金隐性债务。

    Large transformation cost-invisible pension debts-emerged in the reform of the management system of social security , especially in transforming the social endowment security .

  23. 通过该系统提升了人力资源社会保障管理服务能力、各项人社业务的协同办理以及跨地区业务协作能力。

    From this system , it improves service capability for human resources and social security management as well as coordinating capability for other related business .

  24. 国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制。

    The overseas social security management system mainly divides into , the government direct management , the semi official autonomous management and the commercial insurance management .

  25. 传统社会保障管理与服务模式的最突出特点是行政化和单位化。

    The most striking feature of traditional social security management and service mode is that it is carried out with an administrative force by individual units .

  26. 妥善解决这一问题,有助于创新社会保障管理模式,提高社会保障体系建设的效率。

    Proper solution of this problem contributes to the innovation of social security management mode as well as the efficiency-enhancement of the construction of social security system .

  27. 运动员社会保障管理体制的合理性决定了运动员社会保障的公正性及其运行的有效性。

    The athlete social guarantee manages the rationality of system to come to a decision the candor of the athlete social guarantee and the usefulness of its movement .

  28. 我国现行的社会保障管理体制存在许多重大缺陷,而且业已成为深化经济体制改革的障碍。

    There exist a large number of deficiencies in our country 's actual social security management system and they have become the barrier to deepen the economic system reform .

  29. 主要表现为:社会保障管理权限不明、编制范围不明、审批规定不全、执行效率低下、监督力度不足。

    Main show is : social security management competence unknown and preparation of the range , examination and approval shall not unknown , execute the low efficiency , insufficient supervision strength .

  30. 我国现行的运动员社会保障管理体制是一种多部门交叉分管、条块分割和企事业单位自管的分散管理体制。

    Our country current athlete society ′ s guaranteeing management system is a kind of many sections to cross cent take care of , piece partition cause and business unit from tube of dispersion management system .