
  1. 本文应用随机过程理论,结合最优化方法.给出一个企业雇员素质管理的Markov决策模型。

    This paper applies the theories of Stochastic Processes and Optimization method to a Markov decision model of employee quality management .

  2. 试论企业文化素质管理

    ON the Administration of Enterprise Culture Quality

  3. 船员素质管理的探讨

    Discussion on the seafarer management

  4. 应用五常法对门诊护士综合素质管理的探索

    Probe into application of " five Chang method " on comprehensive diathesis of treatment nurses in out-patient clinic

  5. 企业不应该仅限于用经济的手段和技术的措施实施管理,还应该采用文化手段来建立一种全新的管理&企业文化素质管理。

    Therefore , an enterprise should conduct its management not only with economic and technical measures but also with cultural ones .

  6. 做一个简短的管理理念的说明,指出素质管理的甄别和开发过程。使参加者有一个概念性的切入点。

    A short history of management philosophy to indicate how competencies were developed to provide a conceptual starting point for participants .

  7. 战略性人力资源管理的职能在本文被界定为:人力资源战略管理职能、组织管理职能、战略性人力资源价值管理职能和企业素质管理职能。

    Functions of SHRM are defined as : human resource strategy management , organization management , human resource value management and enterprise quality management .

  8. 刚才部门周会,听主管谈他之前服务的公司对员工的素质管理很到位,做了很多有效果的事情,而我们公司却做得很差。

    Just now , the department charge talked about his last work company in the weekly meeting , that company was very good in charge for employees , but our company was failed for a while .

  9. 基于ASP的大学生素质拓展管理信息系统的设计

    Design of The Management Information System of the University Students ' Quality Development Based on ASP

  10. 汉字学生素质考核管理系统

    Chinese software system for examination and management of the students quality

  11. 护理人员综合素质量化管理的研究

    A study on quantization management of comprehensive quality of nursing staffs

  12. 商业银行的人员素质和管理水平相对较低。

    Staff quality and management level of commercial bank are comparatively low .

  13. 大学生素质拓展管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Students Quality Development Management System

  14. 将人员素质和管理制度作为建筑火灾危险性的补偿因子,对其进行分析评价;

    Evaluate the personnel abilities and management regulations as the compensation index .

  15. 提高中小企业素质和管理水平。

    Improve quality of medium and small businesses and level of management .

  16. 努力提高交通运输行业劳动者的素质及其管理的办法

    Staff Qualification Improvement and Administration in Transportation Sectors

  17. 管理者的素质和管理艺术&由《红楼梦》中的管理者看现代企业管理

    Quality of Managers and Their Managing Arts

  18. 高师院校素质教育管理系统优化略论

    On the optimization of the management system of competence education in Teachers Colleges and Universities

  19. 论图书馆人员的素质及管理

    On Quality of Librarians and Management

  20. 组织文化在促进组织生产经营活动、提高组织素质和管理水平等方面都有着极其重要的作用。

    Organizing Culture is important for organizing business activities , improving organization quality and managing levels .

  21. 大学生素质发展管理的含义及相关原理。

    The connotation and the relevant rules of the management of developing the quality of university students .

  22. 本文介绍一个用于学生素质考核管理的汉字计算机软件。

    In this paner , we mention a Chinese software for examination and management of the students'quality .

  23. 其次,园长的专业素质与管理水平等对幼儿教师专业化水平也有一定的影响。

    Secondly , the speciality capability and management level of the kindergarten 's head also affect it .

  24. 第六,努力提高私营企业主的素质和管理水平;

    Sixth , make a great effort to improve the private owners ' qualities and level of administration .

  25. 政府素质及管理艺术是新加坡现代化的神经中枢。

    The quality and the administrative skill of the government is the nerve center of Singapore economy modernization .

  26. 第四章:分析并得出中国高校教师人力资源管理中存在的管理者素质、管理机构、人才引进、培养以及教师职称评聘和评价机制等问题;

    Chapter 4 : Introduces five aspects of problems on human resource management towards teachers in Chinese universities .

  27. 提高园长的专业素质与管理水平,促进教师专业化发展;

    Improving speciality capability and management level of the kindergarten 's head , advancing specialization of infant teacher of infant ;

  28. 此外,消落带周边环境因素,如人口素质、管理水平等,在各种模式对消落带健康影响中起着重要的作用。

    Furthermore , the surrounding factors such as human quality , management level play important roles in the ecosystem health .

  29. 要使学生具有可持续发展的素质,管理者必须具备可持续发展的教育管理观。

    In order to imbue students with sustainable guality , administrators should possess a sense of sustainable development of educational management .

  30. 完善的教育体系,不仅培育出具有较高素质的管理人才,而且可以为企业提供充足的高素质员工。

    The complete education system cultivates not only higher qualified management personnel but also provides high qualified staff for the enterprise .