
  • 网络ability-based management
  1. 能本管理:高校图书馆建设新动向

    Ability-based Management : New Trend for College Libraries ' Construction

  2. 能本管理&现代企业管理的双刃剑

    Ability-based Management & the Double-blade Sward of Modern Management

  3. 论能本管理在我国海关人力资源管理中的应用

    The Application of Capacity-oriented Management in China Customs Human Resource Construction

  4. 创建基于人力资源能本管理的企业文化

    Establishing Corporation Culture Based on Ability-oriented Management of Human Resource Management

  5. 能本管理理论研究的回顾与展望

    The retrospect and prospect that study on the theory of ability-management

  6. 以能本管理优化学校管理的策略与思考

    The Strategy and Considerations on School Management Optimization Based on Ability-Oriented Management

  7. 能本管理在护理人力资源开发中的运用

    The application of competence management in the exploitation of nursing human resources

  8. 论医疗设备的双重能本管理

    Discussing the management baseed on double capability of medical equipmnet

  9. 高校实验室能本管理与创新人才的培养

    Capacity-oriented management and cultivation of the innovative in laboratories of colleges and universities

  10. 人力资源能本管理的理论与实践研究

    Study on the Theories and Practices of Capacity-oriented Management

  11. 以德治院能本管理建设一流的总医院

    Using Morals Managing Hospital and Based Ability Managing , Constructing High-class General Hospital

  12. 现代企业人力资源管理创新&能本管理

    Innovation of modern manpower resources management & Management taking ability as the core

  13. 能本管理&学校管理新理念

    Capability-based Management : a New Concept of School Management

  14. 现代服务业能本管理机制研究

    The Competency Management Mechanism of Modern Service Industry

  15. 论工程管理专业人才创新能力的培养略论基于能本管理的高校人力资源管理创新

    Innovation of human resources management on basis of ability-based management in higher educational institutions

  16. 建立了能本管理的基本概念,对能力、能力本位等基本概念作了必要的界定。

    It defines such basic concepts as capacity-oriented management , capacity , and capacity principal .

  17. 基于能本管理的知识型团队绩效管理初探

    The Capacity-Based Knowledge - Team Performance Management

  18. 本文从管理角度论述能本管理在安全管理中的作用,重点论述人的主观能动性在安全生产管理中的作用,供管理者和生产者在工作中参考。

    This article expatiates the role of capability-based management , especially active dynamic role in safety control .

  19. 人本管理作为一种新的管理理念与能本管理的区别何在?

    What is the difference between productivity oriented management and human oriented management as a new management concept ?

  20. 能本管理作为人力资源管理的新管理思路,越来越受到了企业管理者的重视。

    As a new method of business administration , Ability Based Management has drawn more and more attention because its importance .

  21. 我国企业引进能本管理的新思想,对于提升企业的市场竞争力具有极其重大的现实与深远意义。

    Therefore , introduction of this management idea in China 's business is of great significance for improvement of market competitive force .

  22. 文章介绍了能本管理这一全新理论,以及实现这一理论的有效途径。

    The paper introduced an entirely new theory which is " Aptitude-centered Administration " theory and the effective ways of realizing it .

  23. 本文试从能本管理的内涵、能本管理在酒店的作用及酒店如何实践能本管理等问题进行了探讨。

    The essay has discussed the connotation and function of ability oriented management , and how to carry it out in hotels .

  24. 以人为中心的能本管理在企业管理中的应用略论基于能本管理的高校人力资源管理创新

    The Application of People-centered Ability-based Management in the Enterprise Management Innovation of human resources management on basis of ability-based management in higher educational institutions

  25. 实现空中交通安全管理目标,需要推行安全优先级与主动战略、系统化与精细化战略、人本管理与能本管理战略、开放与持续改进战略。

    The realization of these targets should be supported by Safety Priority Initiative Strategy , Systematization Particularity Strategy , Human Management Competence Management , and Open Amelioration Strategy .

  26. 现代西方的管理理论经历了物本管理、人本管理和能本管理的几个发展阶段,标志着管理科学领域的巨大进步。

    The contemporary management theory in the West has undergone several stages of development , namely " Product-based management "," man-based management " and " ability-based management " .

  27. 第二部分主要是能力本位培训模式构建的相关理论综述:包括学习成长理论、能本管理理论和冰山模型理论。

    The second part introduces the related theories about capability-based training mode construction , which includes learning and pullulating theory , capability-based management theory , and iceberg model theory .

  28. 强化能本管理,有效开发、利用教师的智力潜能和实践创新能力,是把学校丰富的人力资源优势转变为现实发展优势的有效途径。

    It 's an effective way for us to transform abundant human resources in school to actual development priority by making full use of teachers ' intelligence potentiality and practical creativity .

  29. 本文在阐述现代管理理论及其发展的基础上,论述了管理创新、知识管理、学习型组织、能本管理、集成管理等现代管理理论在图书馆管理中的应用。

    Based on the expounding the theory and development of modern management , this paper discussed on the application of Innovations of Management , Knowledge Management , Learning Organization , Ability Management and Integrated Management in library management .

  30. 而在设计能力型医院时,应从医院管理职业化、能本管理、知识管理和建立学习型医院等方面出发,并从医院开发和员工自我开发两个层次来建立医院能力的开发机制。

    When designing a new pattern hospital , it should consider hospital professional management , capacity-oriented management , knowledge management and establishing learning hospital . Meanwhile , it should establish two-level development mechanism from hospital development and staff self-development .