
  • 网络humanistic management;humanism management
  1. 职业学院图书馆人文管理之我见

    My Opinion of the Humanistic Management of Library in Professional College

  2. 人文管理在我院护理管理中的实施与效果

    The practice and effect of humanistic management in nursing management

  3. 中学教育教学工作中的人文管理

    The Humane Management of the Educational Teaching Work in the Middle School

  4. 第三部分,理性管理与人文管理的融通。

    Chapter three expresses the accommodation of the above two types of management .

  5. 技术与人性视野中的企业人文管理

    The Enterprise 's Humanistic Management the Field of Vision in Technology and Human Nature

  6. 呼唤新形势下的知识女性&我校图书馆人文管理谈

    Calling the New Situation Feminine with Knowledge

  7. 新形势下高校教学管理队伍建设探析科学&人文管理与民办中学的师资队伍建设

    The Analysis of Teaching-Management Team 's Construction in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation

  8. 理性管理与人文管理是教师管理的二种基本范式。

    Rationalism management and humanism management are the two basic models of teachers ' management .

  9. 医院实验室不应忽视人文管理

    Hospital Laboratory should not Ignore Humanism Management

  10. 论高校系办公室的人文管理高校院系办公室学习型组织的构建

    Construction of Pro-learning Organizations in the Offices of the Colleges and Departments Subordinate to the Institutes of Higher Education

  11. 加强用工单位的人文管理,加大对新生代农民工的人文关怀。

    Humanistic management of labor units , increase the humane care of the new generation of migrant workers . 4 .

  12. 第一次是经验管理向科学管理的飞跃,第二次是科学管理向人文管理的飞跃。

    The first leap was from empirical management to scientific one , while the second from scientific management to humanistic one .

  13. 老子思想理论体系中蕴含着深厚的人文管理思想,一直被世人誉为经世治国之道。

    The profound humanistic management thoughts in Lao-tzu philosophy thought has been emphasized by the world as the way of governing .

  14. 本文着重思考当前形势下医院实施人文管理的积极效应及存在问题。

    This article put great emphasis on the positive effects and the exiting problems of the hospital humanism management in current situation .

  15. 发展医务社会工作,设置医务社会工作部门成为医院人文管理、和谐管理的必然要求。

    Developing medical social work and establishing department of medical social work is the request of hospitals humanities management and harmonious management .

  16. 他全身心致力于研究中国企业面临的管理问题,为企业导入人文管理、并重塑企业经营战略;

    It aims at the research of the running problems of the Chinese enterprises and help them to realize humanistic management and reconstruct operating strategy .

  17. 激励员工是一个讨论了多年的话题,特别是不断强调个性化管理、人文管理的今天。

    Motivating staff is a topic of discussion for many years , in particular the ongoing emphasis on individualized management , management of the humanities today .

  18. 构建和谐校园不仅要有和谐的办学理念和优秀的校园文化,更要有和谐的人际关系和科学的人文管理。

    Building harmonious campus needs not only the harmonious idea of running a school and excellent campus culture but also harmonious relationship and scientific humanistic management .

  19. 从人文管理、环境布置、馆藏文献资源建设等方面探讨了高校图书馆人文精神的构建。

    This paper probes into the construction of humanistic spirit in university library from aspects of the humanistic management , environmental arrangement and collected literature resources construction .

  20. 由于人是文化的产物,在人文管理中必须依据文化理念和机制,达到医院管理活动中内在的协调与和谐。

    Human is the product of cul tures . Thus , humanized management must contain some culture theory and mechanism to reach internal collaboration and harmony in hospital management activities .

  21. 本文阐述了IT时代企业管理思想的变化,在此基础上,探讨了知识管理、组织创新和人文管理的发展趋向。

    This paper introduces the change of enterprise managerial ideology in the IT age . On this base , the developmental trend of knowledge management , organization innovation and humanities management are discussed .

  22. 论述了信息资源的技术、经济与人文管理以及信息资源的技术、经济与人文管理,探讨了图书馆以人为本的信息资源管理与服务创新。

    This paper discusses on the technical management , economic management , humanistic management and organizational management of the information resources , and probes into the innovation of the people-based information resources management and service of the library .

  23. 经过不断探索,管理科学逐渐过渡到了以文化人为假设、利用文化的功能进行人文管理的阶段,这是现代管理的理性选择。

    With constant exploration , management science transits to the stage , in which the assumption of intellectuals is employed as humanistic management by making use of cultural function , which is also the rational choice of modern management .

  24. 首先,构建和谐社会呼唤正善治;其次,科学管理与人文管理的结合;最后,提升管理文化软实力。

    First of all , calls for building a harmonious society that is " good governance of politics "; Second , scientific management and human management of the combination ; Finally , enhance the management of cultural soft power .

  25. 近年来,人文管理体制被越来越多的监狱所运用,也取得了一些成效,但由于没有统一的标准,各地的做法各有不同,取得的效果不一。

    In recent years , humanistic management system has been applied by more and more prisons , and achieved some success , but because of the lack of uniform standards , practices vary in different prisons and obtained mixed results .

  26. 重视系办公室的制度建设是一个比较有效的手段,但是,光有制度是不够的,还必须加强系办公室的人文管理。外聘导师是新办普通高校加快青年教师培养工作的有效措施

    To intensify the system construction is an effective way , but it is not enough . To Invite Teachers from Other Resources is an Effective Way to Speed up the Fostering of the Young Teachers for A Newly Set-up Ordinary University

  27. 图书馆的人文管理要体现在对人文精神的肯定和对人文管理的投入与创新上。介绍了图书馆人文管理的必要性,提出了图书馆实施人文管理的措施。

    Humanistic management of library must reflect in the affirmation of humanistic spirit and input and innovation of humanistic management , this paper introduces the necessity of library humanistic management , puts forward the measures for implementing humanistic management in library .

  28. 这就要求我们重新审视奠基于华夏文明和中国经济现实的人文管理思想,探讨管理学的思想如何从西化逐渐转变为中西融合化,理清中西管理思想融合的内在机理。

    Thus , it requires us to search into the humanitarian management thoughts based on our own unique culture and economy and probe how westernization gradually changes into merger between China and west . And , to see clear the inner mechanism of the merger .

  29. 通过对罗洛·梅焦虑成因论的评析,阐述了西部农村教师的心理管理应从改善人际关系,注重潜能的实现,强化人文管理等五个方面着手。

    The article evaluates the theory on the cause of anxieties from May . Roll , and elaborates that the mental management of the teachers in the western rural areas should pay attention to improving personal relation and life potential as well as strengthening personal management .

  30. 文章通过研究网络环境下的信息失范行为状况,分析了信息行为社会控制的复杂性,并从政策、法律、道德、教育诸方面对信息行为的人文管理手段进行了论述。

    The paper studied the condition of information behaviour out of standard in the network environment , and analysed the complexity of information behaviour society controls . In the end , the article put forwords the humanistic management about it from the policy 、 law 、 morals and education means .