
rén ɡōnɡ chénɡ běn
  • cost of labor;labor cost
  1. 中国人工成本很低。

    The cost of labor is very low in China .

  2. 本次升级服务面对市场上所有用户,只收取人工成本费。

    The face of the market to upgrade service for all users , and only pay the cost of labor costs .

  3. 随着民航票价的下浮,运营成本和人工成本的进一步降低,将对铁路形成更大的挑战。Air(初三适用)

    With the reduction of air ticket price , as well as the cutting down of operation cost and labor cost , a bigger challenge will be faced by railway .

  4. 因此,现在H公司面临行业竞争越来越激烈,人工成本越来越难压缩,利润空间越来越小等诸多问题。

    Now the industry is facing more and more intense competition such as artificial cost , more and more difficult to compression , profit space more and more small , and many other problems .

  5. 陈晓磊是SMC上海分部商业科技经理,他表示随着中国面临着更高的人工成本,转型电动是很有必要的。

    Chen Xiaolei , the business technology technical manager of SMC 's Shanghai Branch , says the switch to electric is essential as China faces increasingly higher labor costs .

  6. 盐源禾嘉绿色食品有限公司采用了一套适合自身特点的WMS以后,减少了人工成本,提高了仓库利用率,明显增加了经济效益。

    Yanyuan Wo Jia Green Food Co. , Ltd. adopted a set of characteristics suited to their own WMS after the reduction of labor costs , increase storage utilization , a marked increase in economic efficiency .

  7. 双压下企业人工成本的控制对策

    Control Measures of Enterprise Labor Cost under " Dual Pressure "

  8. 这家超市把额外的人工成本转嫁到顾客的头上。

    The supermarket passed on extra labor costs to the consumers .

  9. 我们的人工成本怎么这么高啊?

    A : Why do we have such high labor costs ?

  10. 直接人工成本大幅度减少,制造费用直线上升。

    Indirect manpower cost decrease evidently while manufacture cost increase remarkably .

  11. 结合矿山特点研究人工成本

    Study on labour cost combined with the characteristic of mine

  12. 企业人工成本的控制体系与对策研究

    Study on Control System and Countermeasures of Enterprise Labor Cost

  13. “人工成本”内涵新释

    A New Explanation on the Content of the Cost of Human Resource

  14. 论企业人工成本管理

    The Discussing of the Labor Cost Management of the Enterprise

  15. 人工成本低:操作、维护简单易行。

    Low manual cost : easy to operate and maintenance .

  16. 在比较单位人工成本的不同运作中,就显得尤为突出了。

    This shows up most clearly when comparing movements in unit labour costs .

  17. 人工成本控制中,员工的工资应该如何规定;

    In the labor cost control , staff 's wages how to stipulate .

  18. 企业人工成本管理问题及对策研究

    Studies on Problems and Countermeasures of the Labor Cost Management of the Enterprises

  19. 降低人工成本也是企业内部改革的一项重要措施。

    Reducing artificial cost is also an important internal reform measure of enterprise .

  20. 人工成本变动的项目投资回收期实证分析

    The Positive Analysis of Pay-Back Period Based on the Changes in Labor Cost

  21. 降低物业人工成本的方法初探

    On Method of Reducing Artificial Cost in Property Management

  22. 加强国有集团企业人工成本管理的对策及建议

    Policy and Suggestion of Strengthening Management of Labor Cost in State-owned Enterprise Group

  23. 会计信息在工资集体协商中的运用&兼论人工成本在工资集体协商中的分析和判断

    How to Run Accounting Information During the Process of the Collective Consultation of Wages

  24. 人工成本管理已成为国外企业管理中一个比较成熟的领域。

    Labor cost management has been a mature field in the foreign enterprise management .

  25. 人工成本理论改进研究及实践探析

    The Labor Cost Theory Revision and Practice Researches

  26. 国有企业人工成本弹性控制工资总量模型研究

    Research on Model of Elastic Controlled Total Wage in Human Cost of State-owned Company

  27. 绝对降低人工成本和相对降低人工成本是降低物业成本的两条途径。

    Absolutely reduction and relative reduction are the two channels that reduce property cost .

  28. 建筑人工成本主要受建筑行业报酬水平和劳动生产效率的影响。

    The construction labor cost is influenced by the construction workers compensation and labor productivity .

  29. 化工企业人工成本研究

    Study on Labour Cost in Chemical Enterprises

  30. 就如何加强人工成本管理进行了探讨。

    And making a discussion on how to strengthen labor cost management in this paper .