
  1. 基于知识持续管理的人才流失危机管理探讨

    The Study on Crisis Management of Brain Drain : A Knowledge Continuity Management Approach

  2. 人才流失危机管理对于解决目前民营企业人才流失难题、保持稳定高素质的人力资源存量是十分必要和重要的。

    Crisis management is very necessary to solve brain drain and keep human resources pool stable .

  3. 人才流失危机管理包括事前管理、危机处理和事后管理三部分。

    The crisis management of enterprise talents loss include management in advance . dealing with the crisis , management after the event .

  4. 该部分包括企业人才流失危机管理主客体、体系的内容、体系的功能以及体系成功运作的关键因素等内容。

    It include : main body and object of the crisis management of enterprise talents loss , content and function of the system , key factor that-can proof the system run successful .

  5. 电信企业人才流失的危机管理

    Crisis management of the Person of Talent Escape of Telecommunication Enterprises

  6. 面向人才流失的危机管理

    On Brain Drain Crisis

  7. 五部分给出结论,为企业在现实工作中实施人才流失的危机管理系统敲响警钟。

    The fifth chapter is a conclusion , which sounds a warning for enterprises to implement the system of crisis management of brain drain .

  8. 本文深入分析了人才流失危机的内涵,阐述了人才流失危机管理的程序,试图寻找一种有效的方法,帮助企业解决人才流失的困境,提高企业竞争优势。

    The paper analyzes meanings of the enterprise Talents loss crisis , set forth the process of the crisis management of enterprise Talents loss . The author wants to search a effective way to help enterprise improve the problem of the enterprise Talents loss crisis and improve competition superiority .

  9. 高校图书馆的人才危机主要是核心人才的危机,建立核心人才继任机制是人才危机管理的必然选择。

    The college librarys talented person crisis is mainly the core talented persons crisis and the succession mechanism of core talented person is the best choice of talented person crisis management .