
sù miáo
  • sketch;literary sketch
素描 [sù miáo]
  • (1) [sketch]∶单纯用线条描写、不加彩色的画

  • (2) [literary sketch]∶文学上指简洁朴素、不加渲染的描写

素描[sù miáo]
  1. 我总是用钢笔和纸画素描。

    I always sketch with pen and paper .

  2. 当我画这幅素描时,他站在那里凝视。

    He stood at gaze when I drew the sketch .

  3. 展览会上最贵重的展品是毕加索的一幅素描。

    The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing

  4. 克莱尔和戴维·阿斯特正在画远处西班牙山峦的风景素描。

    Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills

  5. 他先是画素描,然后发展到画油画。

    He started with sketching and then progressed to painting .

  6. 我们预计每次素描练习都会令我们看上去像是不成气候的艺术家。

    We expected every drawing exercise to show us up as hopeless artists .

  7. 她爱好弹吉他和画素描。

    Her hobbies were playing the guitar and sketching .

  8. 这孩子在给一套素描着色。

    The child was colouring in a series of out-line drawings .

  9. 安妮拿出画本和铅笔,迅速地画了一幅印第安人的素描。

    Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the indians .

  10. 一个小男孩拿着铅笔和纸在画一幅素描。

    A little boy was drawing a sketch1 with pencil and paper .

  11. 你得承认这些素描很逼真

    You have to admit that these sketches are true to life .

  12. 他也是杰出的素描家和铜版画家

    He was a sketcher and a copper-plate engraver .

  13. 警察来了,毕加索和女管家都交出他们画的素描。

    running , drew a picture of him too . When the police came , they both handed their sketches in .

  14. 基于GIS的野外地质素描系统的模型与设计

    The model and design of the field sketch system based on GIS

  15. 在环欧之旅中,Bancroft夫人画了大量的素描。

    Ms Bancroft sketched extensively during her travels around Europe .

  16. 一个布莱顿海白(SeawhiteofBrighton)素描本和一支0.9毫米的派通(Pentel)自动铅笔,我不需要带太多行李。

    A Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook and a Pantel 0.9 millimeter propeller pencil . I don 't need much .

  17. 他用素描画出所有创意,并与设计配件的louloudelafalaise密切合作。

    He sketched everything , working very closely with loulou de la Falaise , who created the accessories .

  18. 此系统有效实现了在计算机上完成地质编录的外业产状量测,构造线素描,普通影像的空间建模,岩层产状属性、图像数据库快速查询及CAD成图等等功能。

    This system can accomplish effectively many functions through computer such as field terrane - surveying of geology catalog , drawing tectonic lines , building spatial model based on digital image , fast querying of terrane-attribute and figure database , cartography through CAD technology and so on .

  19. 尘埃纺基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲,我“重击”(LOL)我坐在一张桌子并且开始在我的很糟的书内素描。

    Mote was spinning Christian hip hop , and I was " smitten "( LOL ) so I sat down at a table and started sketching in my black book .

  20. 您的确很擅长艺术。我擅长素描。我描画了一幅关于一位叫YukieNakama的日本女演员的画,我把它付粘在这邮件上一同发给您,您就可以看到它了。

    You are really good with art . I also sketch . I sketched a drawing of a Japanese Actress named Yukie Nakama . I will attach to this email so you can see .

  21. 设计性基础素描思维方式与工业设计创新

    The Design Considerations of Basic Sketch and Innovation of Industrial Design

  22. 论高师扩招以后的素描教学

    On sketch teaching after wider admission of students to Teachers Colleges

  23. 谈素描教学中的再现和抽象训练

    About the Training of Reappearance and Abstract in the Sketch Teaching

  24. 论设计素描教学视觉新语言的培养&设计素描教学探索

    Teaching new language of vision & Discussion on sketch design teaching

  25. 素描语汇解读:线与面形体与空间

    Interpreting Sketch Terminology : Line and Face , Figure and Space

  26. 我要给你幅我沉睡时的素描。

    I want you to have the drawing of me sleeping .

  27. 创意产业背景下的设计素描教学研究

    Creative Industries in the Context of Teaching and Research Design Sketch

  28. 我决定放弃电脑开始在纸上素描。

    I decide to leave the computer and sketch on paper .

  29. 丹。皮乔奥维奇用马克笔在箭厂空间的玻璃门上画一些素描。

    Dan Perjovschi makes drawings on the Arrow Factory glass facade .

  30. 他对铅笔素描和弹吉他是多么有天分;

    How gifted he was with sketching pencils and his guitar .