
  • 网络Social Marketing;Societal Marketing
  1. 社会营销理论在水土保持中的应用

    Application of Theory of Social Marketing to Soil and Water Conservation

  2. 诚信营销是社会营销观念的主要表现之一。

    Credible marketing is a major one among social marketing concepts .

  3. 将目前我国健康促进工作中采用的PRECEDE-PROCEED模式与社会营销模式进行比较,提出社会营销模式在我国的应用前景。

    Compared with the PRECEDE-PROCEED framework , social marketing framework represents a promising future in health promotion in China .

  4. 从社会营销观念看绿色壁垒之合理性

    Social Marketing - Based Concept on the Rationality of Green Barrier

  5. 社会营销策略在社区控烟中的应用

    The application of social marketing strategy in community tobacco control

  6. 社会营销为媒介生态的调适提供了一种解决方案。

    Social marketing provides a resolution for the adjustment of media ecology .

  7. 中国非营利组织社会营销障碍分析及对策建议

    The Social Marketing Barrier Analysis and Countermeasure Suggestion of Chinese Non-profit Organization

  8. 公司社会营销对基于顾客品牌权益的影响

    The Effect of Corporate Societal Marketing Acting on Customer - Based Brand Equity

  9. 社会营销的环境约束研究

    A Study on the Environmental Restriction of Societal Marketing

  10. 中国广告商运用的社会营销中的集体主义价值观

    Group-Oriented Values in Social Marketing Employed by Chinese Advertisements for a Mass Audience

  11. 安全套社会营销项目效果评价

    The Effect Evaluation of the Condom Social Marketing Project

  12. 网络营销与社会营销策略组合的整合模型

    A model integrating network marketing and social marketing strategies

  13. 一般认为,生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念、社会营销观念是五种有代表性的企业经营观念。

    The corporation marketing activity surely is done through a certain of operation concept .

  14. 论海上交通安全的社会营销

    Discussion on Social Marketing for Maritime Safety Management

  15. 企业的营销观念落后,还没树立绿色营销的社会营销观念,绿色营销环节脱节。

    Enterprises have not yet set up the social marketing idea of green marketing .

  16. 社会营销模式在健康促进活动中的应用

    Social Marketing Model in Health Promotion Campaign

  17. 论社会营销及其行为改变策略

    On Social Marketing and Behavior Changing Tactics

  18. 以及社会营销观念。

    The last is social marketing idea .

  19. 企业要实施诚信营销就必须对社会营销观念有正确的认识。

    Enterprises must have a correct understanding of social marketing concept before practicing credible marketing .

  20. 对社会营销的研究和应用不断增多。无等级的合作:公共部门与非营利部门合作伙伴关系

    Coordinating Without Hierarchy Public - Nonprofit Partnerships

  21. 从市场营销到社会营销

    From Market Marketing to Social Marketing

  22. 社会营销组合策略研究

    Study on Social Marketing Mix Tactics

  23. 社会营销观念是社会公共危机下的企业战略核心

    The Concept of Social Marketing is the Strategic Core of an Enterprise in Social Common Crisis

  24. 基于社会营销视角的中国服务企业社会责任内部认同研究

    The Analysis of Service Enterprises Internal Recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility in China Based on Social Marketing Perspective

  25. 使用改变跨理论模式的策略来设计社会营销计划。

    The stages of change constructs of the transtheoretical model were used to design the social marketing plan .

  26. 同时,它也影响着企业的市场营销观念不断更新,促使现代企业采用社会营销观;

    Also the corporation 's marketing conception has been changed , many corporations have taken the social marketing conception ;

  27. 最后作者还提出媒体营销应从市场营销上升到社会营销层面。

    Finally , the author lodge the media marketing should promote from the marketing level upto the social marketing level .

  28. “印度青年气候网络”等组织的成员富有奉献精神,有胆识,并具有社会营销的专门知识。

    Groups such as the IYCN have members who are committed , bold , knowledgeable and expert at social marketing .

  29. 文化营销就是在这一背景下,市场营销发展到社会营销阶段的必然产物。

    Culture marketing become to be the inevitable result of social marketing as a new stage of marketing with this background .

  30. 社会营销观念认为,企业应该确定目标市场的需要、欲望和兴趣。

    The societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs , wants , and interest of targeted markets .