
nǐ jīnɡ tǐ
  • crystalloid
  1. 成熟未萌发的种子亚显微结构中,主要的内含物是蛋白体和脂肪体,大量的脂肪体环绕在蛋白体的周围,充满整个细胞。蛋白体由拟晶体和蛋白质基质组成。

    In submicroscopic structure of mature non-germinated seed , the cell inclusion was mainly contained protein bodies and lipid bodies . The protein bodies , composed of crystalloid and protein stroma , were surrounded by many lipid bodies which were filled up with the whole cell .

  2. 未萌发种子蛋白体周围由一单层膜包裹、内部为蛋白质基质及分布其中的内含物3部分组成,根据内含物形态和性质上的不同可分为球状晶体、拟晶体和簇晶体3种形式。

    Protein body consists of a limited membrance , proteinaceous matrix and different types of inclusions : globoid crystals , protein crystalloids and druse crystals .

  3. 得到了产物的初级成核速率方程和反应结晶达到拟稳态时晶体生长速率方程。

    The primary nucleation equation and the growth rate equation of the product were obtained .

  4. Fourier拟谱方法及晶体生长的化学气相淀积过程的数值模拟

    Fourier Pseudo-spectral Method and Numerical Simulation of CVD Process in Crystal Growth

  5. 用曲线拟合法提高石英晶体温度传感器的温度频率关系参数的准确度

    Improving the Precision of Temperature-frequency Relation Parameters of Quartz-crystal Temperature Sensor by Method of Curve Fitting

  6. 利用精度较高的样条函数最小二乘拟合法分析光子晶体的能带结构,得到了光子晶体的色散参数。

    The dispersion parameter of photonic crystal is obtained by analyzing the photonic band structure , using the least-squares spline approximation method which has a little high precision .