
gǒng bǎn
  • arch bar
拱板[gǒng bǎn]
  1. 砼拱板是一种理想的屋面构件,特别适用于冷库建筑。

    Concrete arch bar is an ideal roof member which is very suitable for the cold storage buildings .

  2. 大跨度预应力拱板在粮库工程的应用

    Application of Large Span Prestressed Arch Bar in Grain Depot Project

  3. 21m跨拱板屋盖高处原位现浇施工

    Cast-in-place Construction of 21m-spanned Arch Slab Roof on a Height

  4. 21M跨先张法预应力砼屋面拱板施工工艺

    The Construction Technology of 21M Span Pretensioning Prestressed Concrete Arched Roof Bar

  5. 咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架施工

    Construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang

  6. 薄壁拱板屋盖的设计与研究

    The Design and Research of the Thin-walled Arch Bar Roof Structure

  7. 平房仓粮库拱板的制作与滑移安装

    Manufacturing and Sliding Installation of the Arched Slab in the Flat Grain Warehouse

  8. 拱板结构在冷库建筑中的应用

    Application of Arch Bar Structure in Cold Storage Building

  9. 大跨度预应力拱板屋架施工

    The construction of prestressed long span arch roof truss

  10. 钢筋混凝土拱板屋架预应力施工工艺

    Pre-stress construction technology for reinforced concrete arch roof truss

  11. 非预应力超薄拱板屋架现浇施工技术

    Construction technology of cast-in-site nonprestressed super-thin arch roof truss

  12. 薄壳彩色金属拱板在大跨度建筑工程屋顶上的应用

    Application of Thin Shell Colour Sheet Metal in the Super ? Span Building Engineering

  13. 狭小场地条件下大跨度预应力混凝土拱板的运输及吊装

    Transportation and Installation of Long-Span , Prestressed Concrete Arch Roof Truss under Narrow Jobsite Conditions

  14. 屋面为轻钢拱板的框架结构的力学计算模型的确定

    The Design of Mechanical Calculated Model of Space-framework For a Top Floor of Light-steel Plat

  15. 拱板仓气密工程技术改造及储粮应用研究

    The modification of air-tightness work technique about arch plate depot and its application on grain storage

  16. (拱板转向架)下拱板夹板衬圈,涨圈簧

    Bottom arch bar plate-enlargement ring

  17. 给出了带裂纹的三点弯曲拱梁和带裂纹的三点弯曲拱板的线弹性解和全塑性解。

    The linearly elastic solutions and fully plastic solutions of tri-point bending arched beams and arched plates with cracks are presented .

  18. 他的车都具有一个蓝色的帽子,以及每一方的延伸到后轮拱板中间蓝色痛苦。

    His car features an all-blue bonnet , and blue pained panels on each side which extend to the middle of the rear-wheel arches .

  19. 本文亦对试验中所发现的拱板缺陷及产生原因进行分析,并提出改进建议。

    Reasons on the defects of arch board roofing found during the test and advices of further development will also be provided in this essay .

  20. 平房仓粮库工程屋盖结构拱板为空间薄壁预应力结构,跨度大、壁薄、结构复杂。

    The arched slab of the roof structure in the Flat Grain Warehouse is a space thinwalled prestressed structure with large spans , thin walls and complex structures .

  21. 全文简要地阐述了补偿基础的理论以及计算要点,并对箱形倒拱板基础的配筋和构造作了详细介绍,为今后改进和推广这种新型基础提供了技术信息和研究成果。

    This paper explains briefly the theory of compensation foundation and the calculating outline , and introduces thoroughly the arrange reinforced steel bar and construction for box arch plate reverse foundation .

  22. 介绍采用边挖边筑钢筋混凝土挡土拱板替代地下连续墙的深基础逆筑法施工以及主要技术措施。

    The reversed construction method of deep foundation adopts digging-and-building reinforced concrete retaining wall , in place of under - ground continuous wall . Also included in this article are its main technical measures .

  23. 预应力混凝土拱板屋面是一种新型的屋面结构,结构受力合理、跨度大、保温防潮,它特别适用于粮仓建筑。

    The pre-stressed concrete arch board roofing is a new type of roofing structure which is practiced widely in granary construction for its reasonable stress , large span , and the capability of insulation and moisture proofing .

  24. 必须指出,在地质构造力的作用下巷道的顶板和底板应力集中,极需用底拱或板加固。

    It is pointed that under the action of tectonic forces , stresses are concen-trated along the bottom and roof Hence a concrete bottom arch or slab is urgent-ly needed .

  25. 拱型槽板弹塑性变形的有限元分析方法

    Finite element method for elastoplastic deformation of arched trough plates

  26. 拱型槽板成形过程中回弹的有限元仿真研究

    Finite element simulated research of spring during arched trough plate takes shape

  27. 拱型槽板成型的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Forming of Arched Groove Plate s

  28. 根据拱型槽板实际变形情况,建立了合理的有限元计算模型;

    A reasonable finite element model is set up according to the actual deformations of the arched trough plates .

  29. 介绍了对焊接引起的吊车梁旁弯、拱度、翼板角变形及腹板局部不平直度以及吊车梁整体扭曲等变形所采用的不同火焰矫形工艺。

    Tbe different straightening methods with flame heating for side bending , hogging , angle distortion of rib plate , local unevenness of web and torsion of whole crane beam are introduced in the paper .

  30. 通过理论(数值)分析、模型试验,对板拱荷载横向分布情况进行了研究,按照等效原则将箱板拱比拟为板拱,形成箱板拱荷载横向分布实用计算方法。

    A practical method of was used to calculate lateral load distribution in the box-slab arch bridge based on the model test and numerical analysis for the transverse distribution of load of slab arch bridge .