
shí huānɡ zhě
  • scavenger;gleaner
  1. 我们曾听说你是一个宇宙侵略的拾荒者(?)

    TIME : We heard you were a Space Invaders junkie .

  2. 反正贝尔法斯特有很多拾荒者等着被拯救。

    Too many scavengers will be saved in Belfast anyway .

  3. 博物馆表示,塔斯马尼亚西岸一名海滩拾荒者发现了它。

    It was found by a beachcomber on Tasmania 's west coast , the museum said .

  4. 尤其是在冬季,乌鸦的拾荒者,吃腐肉,死鱼和垃圾。

    Especially in winter , ravens as scavengers , eating carrion , dead fish and garbage .

  5. 像我这样的拾荒者。

    For scavengers like me .

  6. “只要摸一摸,拾荒者就知道这种塑料袋值多少钱”,一个科学家这样说。

    " By touching the bag and feeling it , the rag-picker knows its value ," says a scientist .

  7. 我国的劣势群体问题与法律对策&以拾荒者为个案

    An Investigation of the Disadvantaged Group Issues and the Corresponding Legal Strategy & A Case Study of the Urban Garbage-pickers

  8. 在老式建筑被铲平了,拾荒者整理好从瓦砾堆中收集的金属,再卖到其它地方。

    After old buildings are razed ," scrappers " sort through the rubble collecting metal and other parts to sell .

  9. 同时,处于这一边缘地带的贫困拾荒者群体也很少得到社会支持,很少享受到社会保障,相应的社会救助措施也不完善。

    Meanwhile , they seldom get social support , rarely enjoy social security , the corresponding social relief measures is not perfect .

  10. 拾荒者的存在是一定社会历史条件的产物,其历史和现实的生存形态是随着社会生产方式和生活方式的变迁而不断衍变的。

    The junkman is the result of certain historical and social condition whose social productivity and living style change by the mistrial and realistic condition .

  11. 拾荒者管理优化与城市环境善治的价值共契研究

    The Study on the Value Contract between the Management Optimization of " Those Glean and Collect Craps " and Better Governance of City 's Environment

  12. 说他是个脾气暴躁不屈不挠的加利福尼亚碎梦拾荒者(记事者),倒不如说他更像卡尔•桑德堡,一个对疯狂芝加哥有挥之不去的爱恨交加之情结的诗人。

    He sounded more like Carl Sandburg in love hate thrall with great maddening Chicago than like the usual tough gritty moody chronicler of California 's broken dreams .

  13. 人们很难将象征高贵优雅的钢琴与拾荒者联系起来。人们总是认为拾荒者脏兮兮的。她说。

    " People could hardly connect the piano - a symbol of elegance and nobility - with waste recyclers , who are always thought of as dirty and messy ," she said .

  14. 但是,贫困拾荒者群体往往处于城市生活的边缘地带,对之缺乏有效的社会引导,所以这一灰色地带也不免会产生社会问题和隐患。

    But scavengers groups are often at the edge of city life , this grey zone also unavoidably will produce social problems and hidden trouble because of lack of effective social guide .

  15. 拾荒者与底层社会:都市新移民聚落研究一曲悲壮的底层社会人物生活咏叹调&读罗伟章小说《大嫂谣》

    Junkmen and Lower Society : On New Migrants in Cities ; The stirring aria on the life of the bottom class : an interpretation of LUO Wei-zhang s novel The Ballad of Sister-in-law ;