
shí jí ér shàng
  • ascend the stairs
拾级而上[shí jí ér shàng]
  1. 拾级而上的时候克莱顿夫人不得不抓着莉齐的手。

    Mrs Clayton had to hold Lizzie 's hand as they ascended the steps

  2. 于是我就拾级而上,走进了这座漂亮的大教堂。

    So I just walked up the steps into this big , beautiful church .

  3. 拾级而上,便可到达山顶。

    Go up the steps and you will get to the hilltop .

  4. 这里的商品琳琅满目,从竹制抹茶筅到印花手帕应有尽有。逛完商店,沿旧楼梯拾级而上,看着往来的中央线(Chuoline)列车隆隆驶过,而屋顶咖啡馆N3331就开在两条轨道中间,距轨道仅一步之遥。

    After browsing the handful of shops selling everything from bamboo matcha whisks to printed handkerchiefs , ascend the old staircase to watch Chuo line trains rumble mere feet from either side of the rooftop cafe N3331 , set between the tracks .

  5. 你可以拾级而上或是乘坐电梯。

    You can take the stairs or the lift up .

  6. 拾级而上,我们来到了悬崖上的一处洞穴。

    The steps took us up to a cave in the cliff .

  7. 进入紫金城南天门拾级而上,是金顶灵官殿长廊。

    Zijin City went up the stairs into the suspicions is Jinding Lingguan Dian promenade .

  8. 塔的第五层以上,为空筒式,在塔内拾级而上,无须步出塔外。

    Tower above the fifth floor for the air tube , rising in the tower , do not need out of the tower outside .

  9. 春天一到,农户们沿着田园诗般的梯田拾级而上,亲手从清香的茶树上采摘嫩叶,再手工精心烘焙。

    As spring breaks in Hangzhou , farmers begin their shuffle along the town 's idyllic terraces , hand picking tender leaves off of fragrant bushes .

  10. 主宫门建在富丽堂皇的大理石平台上,可扶护栏拾级而上。另有一对桥梁横跨一条护城河。

    The main gate stood on top of a splendid marble terrace ascended by marble stairs and balustrade , and a pair of bridges stretched across a moat .

  11. 只有顺应潮流,勇于改革,不断创新,才能使国家力量在一次又一次的发展机会中,拾级而上,不断扩展。

    If only keeping pace with times , being brave to reform , and carrying out ceaseless innovation , country power can increasingly flourish in the valuable development chances .

  12. 在赏月坪浏览片刻,便沿着大理石山道拾级而上,登八百一十九级台阶,可直达月宫。

    Be appreciating the ping of month to browse a short moment , then along marble mountain way ten classes but up , ascend 819 class steps , can go directly to palace of the moon .

  13. 有效的教学设计体现在促进学生综合推理能力发展的同时,形式逻辑推理能力也拾级而上。第四,提出几何层级教学设计的总体框架。

    Effective teaching design should demonstrate the development of comprehensive reasoning ability and promote formal logical reasoning ability at the same time . Fourth , the present study proposes the general framework of the teaching design of geometric reasoning levels .

  14. 拾级而上,可看到分别以碧绿、深黄、暗红和灰蓝的地毯所演绎的水、空气、火和土,而第五层透明的浅蓝与天空遥相呼应。

    Rising through the building , water , air , fire and earth are echoed in carpet shades of aquamarine , sand , russet red and slate respectively , while the fifth floor evokes the sky with a lucid pale blue .