
  • 网络listing
  1. 1994年联想集团的股票在香港证券交易所挂牌上市,融资近3000万美元。

    Lenovo financed its assault by listing on the Hong Kong stock market in 1994 , raising nearly $ 30 million .

  2. 上市公司股票首次在本所挂牌上市,上市当日可在本所举行上市仪式。

    As for the initial listing of shares , the listed company may hold the listing ceremony in the bourse on the day of listing .

  3. Q公司成立于2000年,2004年完成股份制改制,2008年在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。

    Company Q was founded in 2000.It listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008 .

  4. 双重上市(DualListing)是指同一家公司分别在两个不同的证券交易所挂牌上市的行为。

    Dual listing is referring to the behavior that the same company listed separately at two different stock exchanges .

  5. 专注于单户家庭住宅出租的房地产投资信托基金SilverBayRealtyTrust,上周挂牌上市。

    Last week , Silver Bay Realty Trust , a property investment trust focused exclusively on single-family rentals , was listed .

  6. CNN记者:阿里巴巴在香港首次挂牌上市,就一路飙升。

    CNN Reporter : Her pounced on Alibaba.com on its Hong Kong debut .

  7. 在泽西岛注册的中国西部水泥有限公司(WestChinaCement)上周表示,公司正计划明年在香港挂牌上市,并将重新审查自己在伦敦的上市。

    West China Cement , a Jersey-domiciled Chinese cement producer , revealed last week that it was planning to list in Hong Kong next year and would review its listing in London .

  8. 当时,有人预计,Facebook的遭遇会让今后的新发行商选择纽约股票交易所挂牌上市。

    At the time , some speculated if the Facebook experience would cause future new issuers to choose the New York Stock Exchange .

  9. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)于2007年将旗下最重要的阿里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com)挂牌上市。阿里巴巴集团旗下还有一个中文在线支付服务以及在线零售网站淘宝网(Taobao)。

    Alibaba Group , which also owns a Chinese online payment service and online retail site Taobao , spun off its flagship Alibaba.com business to the public in 2007 .

  10. 此外,由于在交易所挂牌上市,ETF的透明度优于许多其他投资工具。

    And since these products are listed on exchanges , they provide more transparency than many other investment vehicles .

  11. 这为“自由市场”的快速扩张扫清了道路,让其在2007年8月(如今经济史学家称其为全球金融危机的开始)赶上在纽约纳斯达克(Nasdaq)挂牌上市,筹得更多资金。

    This cleared the way for MercadoLibre 's rapid expansion , just in time to raise more funds when it laun ¬ ched on New York 's Nasdaq exchange in August 2007 , the same day that economic historians now say marked the start of the global financial crisis .

  12. 公司成立刚刚两年,我们就挂牌上市了。

    We went public only two years after the company was founded .

  13. 我们已将我们的股票在深圳所挂牌上市。

    We have had our stocks listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

  14. 双汇获得了70亿美元融资,并将挂牌上市。

    Shuanghui secured financing of $ 7bn and is poised to list its shares .

  15. 该消息一经发布,在上海证券交易所挂牌上市的基建和运输类股票应声上涨。

    Infrastructure and transport stocks traded on the Shanghai stock exchange jumped on the news .

  16. 这个国家控制的石油巨头于2000年在纽约证交所挂牌上市。

    The state-controlled oil giant listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange in 2000 .

  17. 2004年6月25日,首批8家上市公司在中小板正式挂牌上市。

    The first eight listed companies were officially listed on the SME board on June 25,2004 .

  18. 在沪深两地证券交易所挂牌上市的医药类公司,在全国医药行业中,具有很强的代表性。

    The pharmaceutical corporations which are listed at Shanghai and Shenzhen securities markets are typical in pharmaceutical industry .

  19. 这家计划不久后在纽约证交所挂牌上市的集团拒绝置评。

    The group , which plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange soon , declined to comment .

  20. 本文选取在沪深交易所挂牌上市的1002家国有控股上市公司作为样本,对国有企业在不同的股票发行制度下对上市模式的选择及最终形成的控制权结构进行了统计上的检验。

    This paper analyses the influence of different listing policies to the listing conduct and the control right structure .

  21. 中国首家企业与企业间电子商务公司阿里巴巴网络有限公司于2007年11月挂牌上市,其创办者马云终获成功。

    Jack Ma hit pay dirt when his Chinese business-to-business Stavt-up , Alibaba.com , went public , in November , 2007 .

  22. 去年早些时候,刘强东带领公司在纳斯达克挂牌上市,筹集到17.8亿美元。

    He led the company 's public stock offering on the Nasdaq early last year , which raised $ 1.78 billion .

  23. 挂牌上市以及出售少数股权也将发挥一定作用,而全面私有化可能会被用得很少。

    Stock market listings and minority stake sales will also play a role but full-scale privatisation is likely to be used sparingly .

  24. 样本选取在深沪证券市场挂牌上市,有企业并购交易的上市公司。

    This paper selects those companies which listed in the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets and had M & A transactions as samples .

  25. 在交易所挂牌上市的有价证券包括在全国公开发行的政府债券、司债券、融债券和股票。

    The securities listed in exchange include government bonds , corporation bonds , financial bonds and stocks publicly issued all over the country .

  26. 2009年10月30日,我国首批28家企业在深圳证券交易所创业板挂牌上市,这标志着我国创业板市场的正式启动。

    The first batch of 28 companies listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange innovative board on October 30,2009 marks the beginning of Chinese innovative board .

  27. 然而,截止到2004年底,仅有38家中小企业挂牌上市。

    However , only 38 SMEs listed by the end of 2004 . It was the venture that blocked the SMEs to go public .

  28. 中国最大的民营教育服务机构新东方教育科技集团本周四在纽约股票交易所挂牌上市。

    New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. , the largest provider of private educational services in China went public on Thursday in New York Stock Exchange .

  29. 1994年,上海东方明珠股份有限公司正式挂牌上市,这是我国首家媒介类股份公司。

    In the year of 1994 , Shanghai Oriental Pearl Limited Company , which is the first media joint-stock company in our country , was listed formally .

  30. 提醒投资者的是,特别是那些拥有挂牌上市公司,并且有如此策略的家族,都可以在不违反法律的情况下做到这个。

    It could worry investors that all this could be done without breaking the law , especially as other families with quoted firms have had comparable schemes .