
huàn diào
  • replace
  1. 让建筑师大为懊恼的是,我们搬进去最先做的事情之一就是换掉了花饰铅条窗。

    One of the first things we did when we moved in , to the chagrin of the architect , was to replace the leaded windows .

  2. distilledwater蒸馏水每3个月换掉你隐形眼镜的储存盒。

    Replace your contact lens storage case every 3 months .

  3. 他换掉了坏阀门。

    He replaced a dud valve .

  4. 资金的削减意味着早该换掉的设备一直在长期运转。

    Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced

  5. 考虑换掉背景,在文字框增加点东西,甚至是将不同的牌放进同一张3D创造中。

    Consider swapping out backgrounds , adding things to the text box , or combining multiple different cards into a single3D creation .

  6. 当他的职业生涯继续停滞不前时,威廉姆斯换掉了教练,转而在堪萨斯州立大学(KansasStateUniversity)接受克里夫•诺维托(CliffRovelto)的训练。

    When his career continued to sputter , Williams switched coaches to train with Cliff Rovelto at Kansas State University .

  7. 来自捐献者的健康的干细胞换掉了他身上遭癌症重创的细胞。这名捐献者具有天生的对HIV病毒的基因抵抗力。

    His cancer-stricken cells were replaced by healthy stem cells from a donor who had a natural genetic resistance to the HIV virus .

  8. 2005年,BBC换掉艾伦那套符号时也面临了同样的愤怒。

    The BBC faced similar outrage when it retired Allen 's icons in 2005 .

  9. Phoebe可以借你的绿洋装穿吗?可别换掉

    Monica , can Phoebe borrow your green dress ?

  10. 很有可能你的FET已烧了,最好验正后换掉。

    Very likely you have burnt your FETs on car , time to change it .

  11. 你可以换掉Groovy和PHP(包括今后支持的其他动态语言),而使用相同的框架。

    You can switch out Groovy and PHP ( and presumably others in the future ) and leverage the same framework .

  12. 墨西哥湾漏油事件糟得足以使英国石油(bp)换掉首席执行官,但却不足以让美国改变能源政策。

    The Gulf of Mexico oil spill was bad enough for BP to change its chief executive . It was not bad enough for the us to change its energy policy .

  13. 而乐队的其他成员此时也同意将换掉这两位常常抱怨的成员。于是她们便被FarrahFranklin和MichelleWilliams取而代之。

    The band members agreed to replace them with two alternatives , Farrah Franklin and Michelle Williams .

  14. 问:我计划在10月份Windows7推出之后买部新电脑,换掉运行WindowsXP的老旧康柏(Compaq)电脑。

    Q : I plan to get a new computer after Windows 7 is released in October , to replace my old Compaq running Windows XP .

  15. 奔驰美国公司全美CPO业务经理马克•韦伯斯特(MarkWebster)表示,旧车的轮胎和刹车通常都要换掉。

    According to Mark Webster , national pre-owned operations manager at Mercedes-Benz USA , tyres and brakes are typically replaced .

  16. 如果你现在就把你的员工榨干了,他们就会使出一些微妙的手段,让你不得不花更多的钱使他们满意或者在将来把他们换掉。4.missouton错过

    If you burn out your employees now , they will respond by subtle means that will require you to spend more money to keep them happy or to replace them in the future .

  17. o上季度美国个人电脑销量激增,是因为微软(Microsoft)从四月份开始不再支持WindowsXP,这促使IT经理们换掉了数百万台老旧的Windows电脑。

    O PC sales in the U.S. got a bump last quarter because Microsoft in April discontinued support for Windows XP , prompting IT managers to replace millions of aging Windows boxes .

  18. 因为相比更换X光设备,行政部门更有可能换掉我,我怕不能工作,但是我更怕让我未出世的孩子暴露在辐射中。

    Because the administration is more likely to replace me than an X-ray equipment , I 'm afraid to refuse to work . But I 'm more afraid to expose my unborn child to the radiation .

  19. 伯南克为自己在美银-美林交易中扮演的角色辩护称:我从未说过,如果他(刘易斯)援引MAC条款,就会换掉美银的董事会和管理层。

    Defending his role in the BofA-Merrill deal , Mr Bernanke said : I never said I would replace the board and management if he [ Mr Lewis ] invoked the MAC .

  20. 大多数拥有多个品牌的大公司都竭力让公司名称远离公众关注的焦点,然而MonsterBeverage却反其道而行之,用热门子品牌换掉了公司名称。

    And while most big companies with several different brands under their umbrella are distancing their main name from the limelight , monster beverage is claiming its sub-brand as the company identity .

  21. 如我们所看到的,如果有人能将Amazon的模数“n”分解成“p”,“q”,那么他就可以有效解密所有的“安全”流通,直到Amazon换掉它的证书。

    As we saw , if someone could secretly factor Amazon 's " n " modulus into its respective " p " and " q ", they could effectively decrypt all " secure " traffic until Amazon changes their certificate .

  22. o上季度美国个人电脑销量激增,是因为微软(Microsoft)从四月份开始不再支持WindowsXP,这促使IT经理们换掉了数百万台老旧的Windows电脑。而苹果Mac的销量没有类似的激增。

    o PC sales in the U.S. got a bump last quarter because Microsoft in April discontinued support for Windows XP , prompting IT managers to replace millions of aging Windows boxes . The Mac got no such bump .

  23. 我们现在打算用simple-build-tool来构建Scala,换掉Maven。前者能够更方便的针对Scala的不同版本发布内部使用的库。

    We tend now to use simple-build-tool for Scala projects instead of Maven , which makes it easy to release internal libraries for multiple Scala versions .

  24. 安倍推出了让日本摆脱经济停滞的三管齐下的计划,首先是出台巨额财政刺激,并突然换掉日本央行(BoJ)行长。

    Starting with a big fiscal stimulus and a leadership coup at the Bank of Japan , Mr Abe has launched a three-pronged plan to lift the country out of stagnation .

  25. 埃洛普对销售和营销部进行了一次很大的人事调整。在推出Lumia手机之后,埃洛普换掉了首席运营长德瓦德(JerriDeVard)和另外两名高管。

    Mr. Elop has shaken up a sales and marketing department , replacing Chief Operating Officer Jerri DeVard and two other executives after the Lumia launch .

  26. 周五,骑士队的总经理大卫·格里芬否认了詹姆斯参与换掉布拉特的决定,并指出这位四届常规赛MVP“并没有在运作球队。”

    Cavaliers general manager David Griffin on Friday disputed the notion that James was part of the franchise 's decision-making process regarding Blatt , saying the four-time MVP " doesn 't run this organization . "

  27. 从公司内部看,梅耶尔为促进创新,换掉了公司的黑莓(BlackBerrys)手机,给每位雅虎员工发放主导全球智能手机市场的苹果(Apple)iOS和安卓(Android)手机。

    From an internal standpoint , Mayer fanned the innovation flames by swapping out the BlackBerrys ( bbry ) still being issued to every Yahoo employee for Apple ( AAPL ) IOS and Android devices , which now dominate the global smartphone market .

  28. 在之前的几代,英特尔每两三年就会更新一次设计,但netburst架构“使用6年之久才最终被我们换掉”。

    In previous generations Intel would update its designs over two or three years , but the netBurst architecture " was six years old when we finally replaced it " .

  29. 据发言人YoichiUchida表示,这家日本航空公司计划换掉所有波音787梦想飞机当前正在使用的共100个罗尔斯·罗伊斯引擎。这个过程可能会耗费三年。

    The Japanese airline plans to swap out all 100 Rolls-Royce engines currently used on its 50 Dreamliners . The process could take as long as three years , according to spokesman Yoichi Uchida .

  30. 有时我以为他是在等着把我换掉。

    Sometimes I think he 's waiting to ship me down .