
  • 网络KINGEE;Kim Il
  1. 另一个可能的领导候选人金一(没有亲属关系)1976年就被从他的职位上调走了。

    The only other possible leadership candidate , Prime Minister Kim Il ( no relation ), was removed from his posts in1976 .

  2. 实验结果如下:1、AGC金沉积基底与瓷的结合界面金一瓷结合紧密、无气泡;

    Results : 1 In the metal-ceramic combinational area of galvano-ceramic prosthesis , galvano base and porcelain combined closely to each other , no bubble be find ;

  3. 400Ma时活动的中酸性岩浆热液不仅使超基性岩变质,而且使呈分散状态存在于超基性岩中的金一部分破活化而进入热液形成含矿热液。

    Acidic magmatic hydrothermal solution in 400 my not only causes metamorphism of the ultrabasic rock but also dissolves part of gold which is scattered in the ultrabasic rock .

  4. 一些分析人士说,金价仍会金一步上涨。

    Some analysts say the price of gold could increase further .

  5. 那么你有一金一贷放款。

    Then you have one loan payment to one lender .

  6. 金一家在这儿是因为韩国人商业街满了。

    The KIMS ended up here because the Korean mall was full .

  7. 在该次奥运会上,得到了一金一银。

    In the1996 Olympics , it won one gold and one silver medals .

  8. 金一家每周都去教堂。

    The kings go to the church every week .

  9. 他们就是这么对“罗德尼·金”说的(罗德尼·金一案:殴打金的白人警察被判无罪)

    That 's what they said to Rodney ng .

  10. 我以前赚1万美金一天。

    I made ten thousand dollars a day .

  11. 24他用纯金一他连得,作灯台和灯台的一切器具。

    He made it of a talent of pure gold , and all its utensils .

  12. 涂金泥试件组金一瓷结合界面无气泡。

    In the interfacial area of used gold bonder group , there is no bubble ;

  13. 乌兹别克斯坦在2004年奥运会上获得两金一银二铜。

    Uzbekistan won two gold , one silver and two bronze medals in the2004 Athens Olympics .

  14. 两百亿美金,一百美金一吨,是个什么概念呢?

    And so what does that look like , 20 billion dollars , 100 dollars a ton ?

  15. 今天是6月1号,金一家明天就要去度假了,麦格说,

    The first of June , and the King family is going on holiday tomorrow ! said Meg .

  16. 奥地利的表现和其在2000年奥运会中获得的两金一银的成绩相比有所提高。

    The performance was an improvement as compared to the2000 Olympics in which it won two golds and1 silver .

  17. 有金一代,以汉文化为主体的中原文化与女真传统文化之间的冲突与融合,非常值得研究。

    In Chin Dynasty , It is worth studying the conflict and integration between Central Plain culture and the Jurchen culture .

  18. 她现在被关押。涉嫌杀害一名婴儿的保释金是100万,涉嫌杀害6个婴儿的保释金一共是600万美元。

    Megan Huntsman is being held on 6 million dollars bail , one million for each baby she is accused of killing .

  19. 金正日穿着带有商标的卡其跳伞装,照片上所有人中只有金一个人戴着深色墨镜。

    Kim wore his trademark Mao-style khaki jumpsuit , and in all but one of the photographs he is seen wearing dark sunglasses .

  20. 这天早晨,金一起床就想吃一块炸牛排,这个心思,一直没散。

    He had got up in the morning with a longing for a piece of steak , and the longing had not abated .

  21. 扶养津贴和教育补助金一九九七年九月,教育署推行校本支援计划,发放整笔津贴给录取内地新来港儿童的公营学校。

    Dependency allowance and education grants A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system .

  22. 新华社伦敦消息,菲尔普斯赢得一金一银两枚奖牌,创造了奥运会的奖牌数量记录。

    LONDON - American superstar Michael Phelps won two medals , including a relay gold , on Tuesday night to become the most successful Olympian ever .

  23. 罗斯金一方面受到当时浪漫主义思潮的影响,另一方面继承了18世纪古典主义美学思想的传统。

    On the one hand , Ruskin was influenced by the 19th romanticism . On the other , hand , he inherited 18th classicism aesthetic tradition .

  24. 今天是6月1号,金一家明天就要去度假了,麦格说,我有三个月的自由时间!

    ' The first of June , and the King family is going on holiday tomorrow ! 'said Meg . 'I 'm free for three months ! '

  25. 本文重点讨论如何从带有金一次离子源的飞行时间二次离子像中提取有关航天器污染的信息。

    Emphasizes the procedure how to deduce further the information on the contaminants from some typical secondary ion images via TOF-SIMS with gold as primary ion source .

  26. 就像白人曾经与马丁·路德·金一同游行,也有很多男人真心在乎女性的权利。

    Just as whites marched with Martin Luther King back in the day , there are plenty of men who genuinely give a damn about women 's rights .

  27. 这一拳打高了,没能真正奏效。可是汤姆·金一挨到拳头,立刻就产生了过去他非常熟悉的那种昏迷的感觉,眼前一片漆黑。

    It was too high up to be vitally effective ; but when first it landed , King knew the old , familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind .

  28. 然而,当他正准备到市体校报到时,他的奶奶却不想和孙子分开,因为这样她一周只能见到小金一次。

    However , when he was about to be recommended to the municipal sports school , his grandmother fought the idea as she would only be able to see the boy once a week .

  29. 不论任何情况,所缴纳的一次性预付金一概不退还,只能在参保人达到退休年龄时,抵作2年医疗保险缴费年限。

    No matter any circumstances , the entirely of one-time imprest gold of place pay is not returned , can be in only ginseng when protecting a person to reach emeritus age , 2 years capture of medical treatment insurance expends instead fixed number of year .

  30. 盘江煤电(集团)公司新井开发公司金一采区目前采煤工作面主要集中在7、9等三软煤层,在生产过程中产生粉尘大,成为生产过程中的一大安全隐患。

    Currently , the main mining coal seams are 7 # and 9 # in the coal mining area 1 , those seams are all three soft seam , so much dust is produced in the process of mining production , which is a serious danger can 't be neglected .