
  1. 金信系是一个由民营资本控制的大的金融家族。

    Jin Xin is a big private financial conglomerate .

  2. 湘西南采金信的地质解释

    A geologic interpretation toxin ( indicators ) for mining gold in southwestern Hunan

  3. “金信工程”实现了我国工商行政管理的信息化,有效地促进我国企业诚信建设的展开。

    " Gold Faith " Project has realized informationization of industrial business administration in our country , and promoted the development of credibility construction effectively .

  4. 随着金信工程建设的不断深入,信息化已经渗透到工商行政管理工作的各个环节。

    With the construction of " Golden Project " deepening , the work of industrial and commercial administration has been not separated from the information technology .