
tàn cè yí
  • detector;probe;detector arrangement
  1. “你有金属探测仪吗?”——“不,我没有。”

    ' Do you have a metal detector ? ' — ' No , I don 't. '

  2. 当这些车通过一个速度探测仪时,他被红外线扫描仪发现了,于是被迫停在路边。

    However , as they passed a speed trap , he got nailed with an infrared and was pulled over .

  3. 红外光子牵引探测仪中P型锗元件最佳参数的研究

    An Investigation of the Optimal Parameters of P-type Ge Element in Photon Drag Infrared Detector

  4. MATLAB在微波探测仪数据处理中的应用

    The Application of MATLAB Software in the Microwave Sounder 's Data Processing

  5. SE2智能型料位探测仪机械传导系统探测器的结构设计

    SE 2 Mechanical Transmission System of Intellectual Material Pile Detector Structural Design of Sounder

  6. 用于现场痕量检测的IMS爆炸物探测仪研究

    The study of field IMS analyzer applied to explosive detection

  7. 这种电磁波探测仪主要由现场探测装置和远端测控PDA两部分组成。

    The electromagnetic wave detector contains three parts , which is antenna , on-site detection device and remote monitor and control PDA .

  8. 此类直接型数字平板探测仪由薄膜晶体场效应管(TFT)阵列与光传导器组成。

    The FPD is composed by Thin Film Transistors ( TFT ) arrays and photo-conductive sensors .

  9. 其中,顶板岩层结构探测仪是集成在风动锚杆钻机上,数据处理采用训练成熟的BP算法神经网络进行结构的识别;

    The s detecting structure instrument of the roof rock is integrated in the pneumatic bolt drill and data processing is adopted BP algorithm of mature net to identify the structure .

  10. 根据上传到YouTube的视频显示,这名驾驶员踉跄地通过机场安检口的金属探测仪。

    Footage posted on YouTube showed the pilot appearing to stagger through a metal detector at a security checkpoint .

  11. 目的:将蓝牙无线传输技术应用于雷达式生命探测仪中,实现PDA对雷达的无线控制及两端数据的无线传输。

    Objective To put bluetooth wireless communication technology into the non-contact detection via radar for PDA control of radar and data wireless communication .

  12. 基于ARM-Linux的隧道超前地震探测仪软件设计

    Design for Seismograph Software Based on ARM-Linux in Tunnel Forward Engineering

  13. 天文学家是使用美国航空航天局的远紫外线光谱探测仪(FUSE)卫星,在我们所居住的星系边缘外发现此日冕的。

    Astronomers found the halo using NASA 's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) satellite to peer beyond the edges of our home galaxy .

  14. 介绍了在地下漏水探测仪中用CPLD实现高速音频数据采集控制及与单片机的接口逻辑设计。

    The gathering and controlling of high speed data of audio frequency by CPLD and the logic design of interface are introduced for underground water leakage detecting instrument .

  15. 传统的检测方法是采用GPS与管道探测仪配合,不仅工作量大、成本高,精度也不高。

    The traditional method is carried out with GPS and detected apparatus , which results in huge workload and high costs , what is more , it could not reach an expected precision .

  16. 应用手持型γ探测仪(GDP)对荷瘤小鼠进行体内探测,判别小鼠肺部肿瘤转移的灵敏度为96%,特异性为98%,准确率为97%。

    Based on the application of GDP to identify the metastases in the lung , the sensitivity , specificity and accuracy of RIGS were 96 % , 98 % and 97 % respectively .

  17. Schneier却给了金属探测仪更高的评价。

    KAYE : Schneier does give metal detectors higher marks .

  18. 介绍了CYT岩性探测仪原理,建立了地层岩性解释模型,并进行了实例验证。

    The article introduces the principle of CYT lithological exploration and establishes the explanation model of the stratal lithology .

  19. 极少数油田对管道位置的检测主要采用管道探测仪、地探雷达、GPS接收机、全站仪等专用工具与仪器进行探测,获取相关信息参数,再通过计算机实现现代管理。

    Nowadays , the main methods to check the location of the pipeline used in the oil field are pipeline detector , terra explore radar , GPS receiver , full station instrument and so on , such special tools .

  20. GDT高分辨率探测仪在水文勘测中的应用

    The application of GDT high-resolution detector to hydrologic exploration

  21. 结果乳腺癌SLN核素淋巴显像检出率为88.1%,术中γ探测仪检出率为97.6%。

    Results The detection rate was 88.1 % in lymphoscintigraphy and 97.6 % in intra-operative γ probe detection for SLN in breast cancer .

  22. 本论文工作可以为CE-1微波探测仪正样样机的研制以及科学目标的实现提供定标参考。

    The results provide a constructive reference to the development of CE-1 Microwave Radiometer for launch .

  23. 用“任意比值法测深尺”改进SUBSITE探测仪的测深功能睾丸激素的功能

    Application of ' Arbitrary Ratio Value Sounding Ruler'into Betterment of Sounding Function of SUBSITE Sounder

  24. 利用彩色显示回声探测仪在南海北部水域中测到的图象进行调查底栖鱼类和DSL的垂直移动;

    This paper is based on photographs which were detected by a colour-sounder surveying demersal fishes and DSL rhythmic vertical migration in the northern part ' area of South China Sea .

  25. 介绍了用于地震救灾的DSY-1型固体传声微声生命探测仪的设计原理及其性能。

    The designing principle and behaviour of the DSY-1 solid soniferous microsound life detector are described .

  26. DSY-1型固体传声微声生命探测仪的研究

    Developing of the dsy-1 solid soniferous microsound life detector for earthquake disaster

  27. 方法以99mTc标记的硫胶体作为前哨淋巴结示踪剂,使用γ探测仪进行前哨淋巴结定位,对41例临床腋淋巴结阴性的乳腺癌患者实施前哨淋巴结活检(SLNB)。

    Methods Forty-one patients with clinically node-negative breast cancer underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy ( SLNB ) procedure using ~ 99m Tc-labeled sulfur colloid .

  28. 利用天然电磁波研制的DTY型地电探测仪,多年来一直在地面探查煤层厚度和附近小构造。

    The DTY type natural electromagnetic wave detector has been usually applied to operation on ground level to probe the thickness of coal beds and surrounding minor structures .

  29. 像StackGuard一样,ssp使用一个修改过的编译器在函数调用中插入一个探测仪以检测堆栈溢出。

    Like StackGuard , ssp uses a modified compiler ( gcc ) to insert a canary in function calls to detect stack overflows .

  30. 相敏检波在GJT-400型金属探测仪中的应用

    The Application of phase-sensitive Rectification to Metal Detector GJT-400