
tàn wèn
  • make cautious inquiries about;inquire after
探问 [tàn wèn]
  • (1) [make cautious inquiries about]∶打探;探听

  • 他们一再探问此事

  • (2) [inquire after]∶问候、询问健康或生活情况

探问[tàn wèn]
  1. 看你能不能向他再探问出些细节来。

    See if you can pump him for more details .

  2. 她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!

    She had the impertinence to ask my age !

  3. 他们一再探问此事。

    They inquired about the matter time and again .

  4. 我发现第二天她老向我探问这位先生的情况。

    I found the next day she was wonderfully inquisitive about this gentleman .

  5. 他总是探问与他无关的事。

    He was forever poking his nose into things that didn 't concern him .

  6. 琼斯一直在探问你的健康状况,他听说你病了。

    Jones has been asking after you ; he 's heard you 've been ill .

  7. 最后我跟一位印度少女探问他的身份。

    I finally asked another Indian teenager who he was .

  8. 作为双眼彼此探问的结果,他问。

    He asked , as the result of that conference .

  9. 班伏里奥:您有没有设法探问过他?

    Benvolio : have you importuned him by any means ?

  10. 他常探问别人的事。

    He often pries into other people 's affairs .

  11. 晓梦决议本人去探问妞妞的下落。

    Xiao dream I go to seek resolution of the whereabouts of girl .

  12. 她探问到车站去的路径。

    She inquired for the road to the station .

  13. 我谨慎地探问他的往事。

    I pumped him discreetly about his past .

  14. 她一遍又一遍地探问他什么伤心事使他的青春黯然无光?

    She was never tired of inquiring what sorrow had his young days faded .

  15. 对我们一家作了周到的探问。

    Made solicitous inquiries about our family .

  16. 我探问她的身体怎样。

    I inquired how she was .

  17. 她的眼光正带着探问的神色在盯着他,这是使他变得畏惧的眼光。

    Her eyes fixed on him with the inquiring look that he had come to dread .

  18. 但是之前也没有人去探问剩下10%的人到底有着怎样的天性。

    What no one had previously inquired about , though , was the nature of the remaining 10 % .

  19. 探问一下自己的内心,把握住自己的生活目标和职业目标。

    Do a gut check about your direction , making sure you 're aligned with personal and professional goals .

  20. 探问意欲为何&对故意概念中希望和放任的新诠释

    A Probe into What Intention Is for & A New Interpretation Concerning Whishing and Indulgence in the Concept of Willfulness

  21. 他们仍到美国领事馆去探问美国能否以某种方式进行仲裁。

    They went to the American consulate and asked if the United States could not in some way arbitrate the incident .

  22. 另外还有许多来宾驻足探问,一些有缘人士也纷纷前来报名修习方便法。

    Also , a number of visitors came forward to make inquiries , and many enrolled to learn the convenient method .

  23. 与此同时,随着金融改革的力度加大,协会的若干成员在私下探问,这个协会今后将何去何从?

    Meanwhile , as financial reform intensifies , some of its own members are quietly asking questions about the future of the group .

  24. 本文探问在资讯时代大学图书馆长的资质问题。

    This article deals with the problem of what qualification a curator of a college library should have in the age of information .

  25. 我从他们的神态及对我的探问的支吾回答中懂得,他们对我这个美国人有所怀疑。

    I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me , an American .

  26. 从中我们可以看到,现代人以否定辩证法的方式对自我的新的质询和探问,对文化终极价值的不断追寻。

    We can see , human who inquiry into selves through " negative dialectic " as well as continued pursuit of the ultimate value of cultural .

  27. 对笔法的产生与内容的探问,是对笔法深入研究的必要前提。本文即从这两方面提出自己的见解。

    The text , based on the origin and content of the brush style as a premise , trying to put forward the specific ideas of my own .

  28. 在哈拉雷的街头巷尾,人们忙著探问到伦敦的机票要多少钱,那里平均工资又是多少,有什麽样的工作机会。

    On the streets of Harare , people ask how much a flight to London costs , what an average wage is there , what work is available .

  29. 克朗彻的两只眼睛似乎靠得更近了,而且在互相探问,你对此有何高见?

    Mr. Cruncher 's eyes seemed to get a little closer to one another , and to interchange the inquiry , ' What do you think of this ? '

  30. 这个森林充满着危险,我应该马上要回家,这是一个很奇怪的事情,但我应该去探问究竟是什么事。

    The forest is full of danger , I ought to go straight home , but this is such a strange thing . I 'd better look into it .