
  • 网络earthing device;grounding connection;Grounding
  1. GC-MS-DS系统的安全接地装置

    A Safety Earthing Device of GC-MS-DS

  2. 高土壤电阻率地段接地装置施工设计

    Construction and Design of Earthing Device in soil High Resistivity Area

  3. 对PHC桩基础防雷接地装置若干问题的探讨

    The Discussion On Lightning Protection Grounding Device Of PHC Piles

  4. TSC式自动调谐消弧线圈接地装置

    A New Arc Suppression Coil Grounding Device with TSC Automatic Tuning

  5. 500kV变电站接地装置的综合测试与分析

    Comprehensive Testing and Analysis of Ground Apparatus for 500 kV Substation

  6. 本文对PHC桩基础防雷接地装置施工中存在的若干问题及其改进方法进行探讨,并结合工程实际经验提出了建议意见。

    This article discusses some issues unsolved about lightning protection grounding device of PHC piles and provides some correction suggestions based on the construction experience .

  7. SF6电流互感器电场计算及其结构优化根据电场计算方法和物理模型建立了空腹式接地装置的计算等效模型。

    Electric Stress Calculation and Design Optimisation of SF_6 Current Transformer According to the characteristic and the precision demand , it improved the electric calculation method of surface charge .

  8. 现场的各种干扰影响PLC控制系统的工作可靠性,根据干扰的来源,分别对供电电源、接地装置和输入输出通道采取相应的隔离、接地、抑制等抗干扰措施。

    Disturbing signals on site effect the reliability of the PLC controlling system . According to the disturbing sources , some anti-disturbing measures such as insulation to the supply power , ground to the electric equipments , restrain to the input / output channel are adopted .

  9. 根据对农村35kV变电站防雷保护与接地装置设计的实践体会,就农村35kV变电站防雷保护与接地装置设计中存在的主要问题进行探讨。

    According to the practice of protection against lightning and earthing installation design for 35 kV rural substation , the existent major problems were discussed .

  10. 接地装置电位超过2000V就要对接触、跨步电位差进行验算,并采取隔离电位的措施,以及防止对低压设备的反击等。

    The measures to isolate potentials and to prevent the high potential to back-strike on to the low voltage equipments should be applied .

  11. 分析了接地装置腐蚀的原因、机理及危害;介绍了加入GPF-94高效膨润土降阻防腐剂等防止接地装置腐蚀的措施及其适用场所。

    The cause mechanism and hazard of grounding device corrosion are analyzed , meanwhile anti-corrosion measure for grounding device is discussed , such as GPF-94 bentonite-based resistance-reducing agent etc.

  12. 浅析输电线路接地装置的腐蚀

    Brief Analysis to Corrosions of Earthing Devices of Power Transmission Lines

  13. 高压电缆分支箱接地装置的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Grounding Device for High-voltage Cable Branch Box

  14. 接地装置腐蚀分析及材料选用建议

    Analysis of Grounding Connection Cauterization and the Suggestions for Material Selection

  15. 消弧线圈接地装置及其在变电站设计中的应用

    Arc suppression coil grounding device and its application in substation design

  16. 接地装置的经济指标和降阻剂的选择

    Economical Index of Ground Electrode Systems and Selection of Resistance Reducing Agents

  17. 电磁兼容实验室接地装置的设计与安装

    Design and fix of the earthing device for EMC laboratory

  18. 戈壁沙漠地区油库接地装置的设置与管理

    Views on how to equip and manage grounding facilities in desert areas

  19. 接地装置腐蚀的原因分析和预防控制

    Analysis on Causes of Corrosion on Ground Device and Its Preventive Control

  20. 发电厂变电所接地装置的腐蚀及防腐措施

    Analysis on Corrosion and Anti-corrosion Measure of Substation Grounding Device

  21. 变电站接地装置的腐蚀机理及防腐措施研究

    Research on Corrosion Mechanism and Anti-corrosion Measure for Grounding Device at Substations

  22. 输电线路杆塔接地装置的冲击接地电阻计算公式

    Calculation formula of impulse grounding resistance for grounding device of power-transmission tower

  23. 铁塔三维接地装置降低接地电阻分析

    Analysis on Grounding Resistance Reducing by Using Steel Tower 3-D Grounding Device

  24. 浅谈确保输变电工程接地装置的施工质量

    Discussion on quality of grounding installation for electric power transportation & distribution project

  25. 便携式接地装置智能检测仪的研究

    A convenient and intelligent instrument for detecting grounding grids

  26. 黄金矿山井下电气设备接地装置的安装

    Installation of earthing of electric appliances in the pit of gold mining earn

  27. 人工接地装置设计方法分析

    The analysis of design method of manual grounding devices

  28. 输电线路杆塔接地装置冲击系数及其拟合计算公式

    Characteristics and fitting formula of impulse coefficient of grounding device of transmission line

  29. 电气接地装置的设计与施工管理

    Management on Design and Construction of Electricity Earthing Device

  30. 城市地下变电所环网接地装置的设计和计算

    Design and Calculation of Earthing Device for Loop Network at Urban Underground Substation