
  • 网络control port;Controlled Port;console;console port
  1. 用串口直连电缆连接到交换机串行控制端口(9600、8-N-1、无流控制)。

    Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable ( 9600,8-N-1 , no flow control ) .

  2. 通过功能全面的控制端口可以实现免点击参数更新,而且可以在算法流程的任意一点执行回读。

    An extensive control port allows click-free parameter updates , along with readback capability from any point in the algorithm flow .

  3. 认证后根据认证服务器结果控制端口开放状态,并通知申请者使用网络资源。

    And then , the state of ports was controlled according to the authentication result , and give notice to supplicant to use network resource .

  4. 它具备控制端口转发的任意一个细节的能力,你可以基于目标地址、目标端口、协议、网卡和源地址来设置端口转发。

    With the ability to control every facet of forwarding a port , you can forward based on things like Destination Address , Destination Port , Protocol , Source Interface , and Source Address .

  5. 智能化方面,要支持链路状态故障转移、流量控制、端口自协商等功能。

    Intelligent , it should support link fault pass-through , flow-control , port auto-negotiation function and so on .

  6. 论文所论述的配置方法较好地实现了高度控制系统端口功能自由配置的目的。

    The configuration method we discussed can implement the function of port configure freely of the height control system .

  7. 它提供了对安全远程登录、安全文件传输、访问控制和端口转发的支持。

    It provides support of secure remote login , the secure file transfer , the access control and port forwarding .

  8. 本文提出使用有效业务量作为控制各个端口队列门限的主要依据,让各个端口承担相同的流量压力,从而使系统保持均衡状态。

    The association between bandwidth and memory utilization can be used to balance the traffic pressure by adjusting the per-queue thresholds in the shared memory .

  9. 采用简易JTAG接口,通过计算机并口控制测试访问端口。

    The easy JTAG is introduced to control Test Access Port ( TAP ) by computer parallel port .

  10. 通过调用执行于内核态的Vxd设备驱动程序间接实现对端口的访问控制,提高端口访问的安全性。

    It can indirectly access I / O ports by calling Vxd under kernel state to increase its safety .

  11. 其中,总线接口,A/D采样控制,双端口RAM缓存,控制译码,时序逻辑电路均由CPLD实现。

    In this instrument , bus interface , controlling of sampling of A / D , double port RAM , controlling coding , timing logic circuit are all realized by CPLD .

  12. 给出某型导弹自动测试设备中数据采集系统的设计方案,对系统设计中通道放大器、数据采集控制、双端口RAM等关键问题做了较详细的分析。

    The paper introduces a design plan in developing a data acquisition system for the automatic testing equipment of a series of missiles . Some key techniques , such as analog channel , data acquisition controller , double pert RAM , are analyzed .

  13. 微计算机控制的五端口反射仪

    A microcomputer operated " five port " reflectometer

  14. 高级选项提供对各种设置细粒度的控制,如端口值、管理控制台的安装以及数据库配置。

    The advanced options give you fine-grained control over settings , such as port values , installation of the administrative console , and database configuration .

  15. 消息侦听器服务是一个监视侦听器端口的内部线程;它控制侦听器端口将使用的线程数。

    The message listener service is an internal thread that monitors listener ports ; it controls the number of threads that will be used by listener ports .

  16. 电台同步数据传输系统终端在收发数据时一般为透明逐bit传输,计算机并行接口包括数据寄存器、状态寄存器和控制寄存器3个端口。

    The synchronous data transmission system terminal of a transceiver always transmits bit by bit transparently when receiving and transmitting data . A computer parallel interface includes three ports respectively for a data register , a state register and a control register .

  17. 为解决多媒体通讯存在的问题,本文从结合UPnP提供的设备发现和控制机制,以及端口映射机制等方面进行了系统的研究。

    To overcome the problem of the multimedia communication , this article systemic study on the " Equipment finding and controlling " mechanism and " port mapping " mechanism offered by UPnP , and so on .

  18. 拥塞控制直接针对具体端口,提高了控制的精确性。

    By monitoring the available buffering capacity , congestion control directly target specific port and the accuracy of control improve .

  19. 启用,并且还控制了寄存器读取端口的数据源。相关引脚为输入缓冲区。

    When a shared analog function is enabled for a pin , both the input and output buffers are disabled . A value .

  20. 芯片具有输出左移/右移控制、输入输出端口选择、输出模式选择、整体和分段清零等功能,并且各个功能之间可相互配合。积极地开展学术交流,扩大了壮医药的影响。

    Various functions , such as left / right shift , input / output exchange , selection of output mode and partially / fully clear are presented .

  21. 本文对单片机控制系统进行了端口扩展和电路设计,分别设计了信号采集电路、显示电路和控制输出电路等。

    This paper expands the port of MCU and designs the circuit to the control system of the MCU , including signal-gather circuit , display circuit and control export circuit etc. .

  22. 系统采用分层控制技术、单端口数据交换机制,在实现秘密主动的取得目标主机上已经删除或格式化数据的同时,还能用屏幕截取功能获取目标主机的实时操作信息,来获取有价值的信息。

    This system used hierarchical control technology , the single port data-exchanged mechanism , secretly and actively obtained some data that is deleted or formatted by the aim hosts , at the same time , obtained the real-time operating information of the aim users by intercepting screen function .

  23. 在高度控制系统的实际应用中,控制板的硬件端口功能定义不是固定的,而是可以由用户通过用户界面来自由定义。

    The hardware port of the control panel is not fixed , instead , it could be defined freely as the user like in the application of the height control system .

  24. 在对其控制系统设计前,先将原有的控制信号进行隔离并找出控制信号流入端口,引入原系统的保护电路信号并提取位置反馈信号。

    Before designing the control system , this paper isolates and locates the input port of the control signal , employs the original protection circuit and obtains the position feedback signal .

  25. 在完成火焰切割机高度控制系统基本控制功能的基础上,本文探讨了一种实现控制系统硬件端口功能自由配置的方法。

    Based on the completion of the basic control functions of the height control system , this paper discusses a method to implement the control system hardware port control functions configure freely .

  26. RS232控制-对于自定义安装,当前的BDP-93提供了一个和通信协议的RS232控制端口具有丰富的控制。

    RS232 Control-For custom installation , the BDP-93 offers an RS232 control port with a rich control and communication protocol .

  27. 为使信号到达数据采集电路后稳定可靠,设计了自动增益控制电路,该电路在FPGA中实现,自动完成自动增益控制功能,不需占用CPU的控制端口和处理时间。

    In order to keep the stability of the ultrasonic signal , we have designed automatic gain compensation system , it is realized in FPGA and don 't use the ports and process time of CPU .

  28. 核心控制电路的设计包括对放大电路的增益控制,外部AD芯片和数据缓存芯片的时钟控制,数据采集端口的控制,数据输出端口的控制。

    The core control circuit design includes control the gain of amplifier circuit , control the clock between external AD chip and data cache chip , control the port of data acquisition , control the port of data output .