
  • 网络temperature control;control temperature;controlling temperature
  1. 基于ARM的半导体激光精确控温系统的研制

    Design of temperature control system of diode laser based on ARM

  2. 智能PID方法在高精度控温中的应用研究

    Application of Intelligent PID Method In High Precision Temperature Control

  3. 该机采用PLC、触摸屏自动控制系统及数显电压表微调控温。

    It adopts PLC control system , touch screen and digital displayed voltmeter adjustment .

  4. 研制了一种用于平面光波导(PLC)的控温模块。

    A temperature control module for planar lightwave circuit ( PLC ) is introduced .

  5. 二阶控温聚合酶链原位扩增法检测石蜡切片中结核杆菌DNA

    Detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in paraffin-embedded sections with two-stairs temperature control polymerase chain reaction in situ amplification

  6. 一种输出预报式PI方法及其在精密控温中的应用

    An output predictive PI method and its application in precision temperature control

  7. LD泵浦Nd:YVO4-KTP绿光激光器整体控温的设计

    Temperature Control Design of LD Pumped Nd : YVO_4-KTP Green Laser

  8. 本文主要介绍利用DDZ&Ⅱ系列仪表对高温真空扩散钎焊电阻炉实现PID精确控温。

    PDZ-II series instruments are used to attain PID precise temperature control for high temperature vacuum diffusion brazing furnace .

  9. 本文使用PWM方法制成了一个高精度的PID控温系统,并给出了测试结果。

    The PID Temperature Controling System using PWM method can reach high precision , and the conclusion are presented .

  10. 粘贴式自动控温用PTC加热器的试制

    Trial ─ Manufacture of Adherent PTC Heaters Used for Autocontrol of Temperature

  11. 基于USB通信的SLED自动控温系统

    Automatic Temperature Control System of SLED Based on USB Communications

  12. PTC及其在测温控温电路中的应用

    PTC and It 's Application in Temperature Control Measurement

  13. 综述了近十年来在精密控温方面采用的两种典型控制方式:PID控制、模糊控制,以及基于这两者演化结合的方式。

    Two representative mode of precise controlling_temperature in the recent decade are summarized , including development and unite of PID and Fuzzy control .

  14. 温度控制在工业生产中占据重要位置,PID控温是目前温度控制过程中应用最广泛的一种控制方法。

    Temperature control holds an important place in industrial production . PID is one of the most widely adapted methods in the current temperature control process .

  15. 实测表明,参数调准后的温度控制器控温精度为±2m℃。

    The results show that the precision of controlling temperature is ± 2 m ℃ .

  16. 针对金免疫层析定量测试的要求,将模糊逻辑与人工神经网络相结合,采用模糊神经网络隐式PID控制作为控温方法。

    According to the requirement of the GICA strip quantitative detection system , the fuzzy neural networks PID is used by combining Fuzzy logic and artificial neural network .

  17. 分析了仪器控温状况差的原因在于屏蔽式加热丝性能衰退,打破了硬件系统与控制量u之间的匹配关系。

    The status of control temp of instrument is poor just because shield heater can ′ t make hardware and control quantity ( u ) matched .

  18. 最后,适当调整PID参数,装配恒温晶体振荡器,对结果进行了测试和分析,最终实验结果表明,在应用新型控温电路,并采取单层恒温槽控温的情况下,其频率稳定度可以达到10-8量级。

    At last , we test and analyze the results of OCXO . The experiment shows the frequency stability can reach 10-8 based the new temperature control circuit and single oven structure .

  19. 采用超临界CO2萃取一精馏技术富集α&亚麻酸的初步研究表明,精馏柱温度梯度较大,控温段数多,则精馏效果好,CO2流量加大相应减少了萃取时间。

    Enrichment of a-LNA from kiwi fruit seed oil by SC-CO2 extraction-fractionation technology indicated that fractionation efficiency will be improved with the increase of temperature gradient of fraction column and stages of controlling temperature .

  20. 对采用PID控制的炉子升温过程进行了仿真实验。实验结果与现场实测结果比较吻合,PID控制能达到正负1℃的控温精度,满足工艺要求。

    A simulation experiment has made with PID controller to heat detect furnace , and the results are close to what come from factory , which shows that system is able to reach the precision of ?

  21. 本文介绍一种适用温区为4~300K的自动控温仪。

    In this paper an instrument for automatic temperature control in a range of 4-300K is introduced .

  22. 该算法已成功地应用于太原钢铁公司轧辊罩式退火炉微机自适应群控系统,实际运行结果表明控温精度和炉内温度场均匀度均在±3℃以内,远比常规PID仪表的控温效果好。

    The algorithm has been used to control a group of cover annealing furnaces with microcomputer in an iron and steel company . The control accuracy and temperature distribution nonuniformity in the annealing furnace are within ± 3 ℃ .

  23. 对采用整体控温技术的微型全固态绿光激光器,用光电二极管监测激光器输出功率的变化,PI控制器生成相应的控制信号直接调节驱动电流使输出功率稳定。

    The miniature all-solid-state green laser is temperature-controlled . Output power of the laser is monitored by a photodiode , and driver current is adjusted according to the corresponding control signal generated by a PI controller .

  24. TP801单板机在自动控温中的应用

    The Application of TP 801 Microcomputer in Automatic Control Temperature

  25. 本文即在这一课题背景下采用溶胶凝胶工艺,通过程序控温进行煅烧处理,制备出具有较高光催化活性的纳米TiO2。

    On the basis of the above background , the paper adopted Sol-Gel method to prepare nano TiO_2 of well photocatalytic property with the help of instrument of program controlling temperature .

  26. 在回转窑上安装远红外自动控温系统的基础上,研究证明了撤消T2热电偶的可行性,并实施撤消T2热电偶,从而降低了生产成本、改善了劳动条件。

    It has been shown by the research that automatic far infrared temperature controlling system can replace thermocouple T2 , thus reducing the production cost and improving the working conditions .

  27. 实验表明,用双单片机按时分割方法并结合自校正PID算法实现多台连续式电加热炉的温度控制,不仅可以提高控温精度,而且系统的可靠性有很大提高。

    Through the experiments there are indications that the system using the double-chip microprocessor and linking up relevant self-correction PID algorithm to accomplish grouped control of the continuons electric furnaces improves not only the temperature control accuracy but also its reliability .

  28. 但目前SLS系统在预热温度检测的准确性、预热温度场的均匀性及控温的自动化等方面还有待改进。

    Now , the precision of the preheating temperature measurement 、 the uniform distribution of preheating temperature and the automation of temperature control are need to improve on .

  29. 结果表明:当对象参数慢变时,STR具有较强的适应力,控温精度为(800±1)℃,高于数字PID和LQG调节器。

    Operation result shows that STR can adapt to slow variations of parameters and the control accuracy is about ( 800 ?) ℃, which is better than that of PID and LQG regulators .

  30. 研究表明,在新钻杆的热处理控温过程中可采用PID技术,通过选择合适的P、I、D参数,有效的抗干扰措施可实现:温度控制精度±5℃,时间控制精度±0.5s。

    When appropriate parameter of P.I and D and effective anti-interaction method have been adopted , we can attain the consequence that temperature controlled precision is ± 5 ℃ and time controlled precision is ± 0.5s .