
  1. 建议我国的侵权法草案在采纳明示同意的基础上,借鉴美国侵权法中的有关规则,增加推定形式的同意和默示形式的同意。

    It is suggested that , as a result of the study of the tort law of America , the apparent consent and the implied consent should be added into the draft of torts of China on the basis of adopting the affirmative consent .

  2. 无罪推定的逻辑形式

    Logical Form of Presumption of Innocence

  3. 地面施工侵权责任是行为致损的侵权,适用过错责任原则,归责方法采用过错推定的特别适用形式。

    Tort liability for underground construction is tort by physical activity and should adopt the principle of fault liability .

  4. 学生校园伤害事故中,学校宜统一承担侵权责任,对学校过错宜适用过错推定,其责任形式有直接责任和补充责任两种。

    In case of an injury on campus , Schools shall bear liability for tort with presumption of fault on their part .

  5. 其次,作者论证了推定的基本推理形式&可能模态三段论,并概括出二种基本的形式化的表达式。

    Secondly , the paper expounds and proves the basic reasoning form of presumption & the possible modal syllogism and summarizes the formulation .