
zhì chū
  • throw out;abjection
掷出[zhì chū]
  1. 他掷出骰子。

    He cast the dice .

  2. 他们网站的名字叫做“掷出窗外”或“Throwthebadfoodoutofthewindow”。

    The website is called " Zhi Chu Chuang Wai " or " Throw the bad food out of the window " .

  3. 外层的X射线和炽热的等离子气体将继续向上向外扩张,将挡球网、双方队伍、看台以及周围的居民区一一吞没——而这些都将发生在球被掷出后的第一个毫秒内。

    The shell of x-rays and superheated plasma would expand outward and upward , swallowing the backstop , both teams , the stands , and the surrounding neighborhood-all in the first microsecond .

  4. 谷歌也掷出重言,中国政府是最近针对其基于网络的邮件服务Gmail进行攻击的幕后使者,这样做可以让网上的间谍获取美国高官和其他国家重要人物的电子邮件。

    Google has also dropped heavy hints that the Chinese government was behind a recent hack of Gmail , its web-based mail service , which let online snoopers read the e-mails of high-ranking American officials and those from some other countries .

  5. 在这个游戏中掷出同点骰子是好运气。

    You will be lucky to have doublet in this game .

  6. 你能否将他们从肩头掷出就像一个步兵?

    Can you throw'em over your shoulder Like a continental soldier ?

  7. 他接住球,转身立即掷出。

    He gloved the ball , turned and threw in one motion .

  8. 在棒球被掷出70纳秒后,它已经飞到了本垒板前。

    After about 70 nanoseconds the ball would arrive at home plate .

  9. 推,掷推出或掷出的行为或过程。

    The act or process of pushing or thrusting out .

  10. 我需要掷出4点才能赢。

    I needed a throw of four to win .

  11. 他很幸运地掷出了两个六点。

    He was lucky that he threw two sixes .

  12. 我们输?因为我们赢?赌徒们?正想起再次掷出他们的骰子!

    We lose because we win gamblers recollecting which toss their dice again !

  13. 我摇了摇骰子,掷出两个四点。

    I shook the dice and threw two fours .

  14. 如果你掷出某物,重力使它下落。

    Gravity makes something fall if you drop it .

  15. 在赌桌上连续掷出五个七点。

    Rolling five straight sevens at the craps table .

  16. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。

    He gave the discus a tremendous heave .

  17. 他掷出一连叁个六点。

    He threw three sixes in a row .

  18. 每次掷出钱币的动作都不相同。

    The coin is flipped differently each time .

  19. 剧情片段钱德勒:好,我跟你说,你要是再掷出一个硬八来,咱们今晚就在这结婚。

    You roll another hard eight ① ; and we get married here tonight .

  20. 泰坦们拔起大树,并且掷出一阵乱石回答了他。

    The Titans answered him by a shower of great rocks and uprooted trees .

  21. 他们觉得可以这么快便掷出个大手笔来,也就不足为奇了。

    No wonder they feel able to make such a big move so quickly .

  22. 我掷出春天的花朵。

    I throw the flowers of spring .

  23. 研究人员当然无法知晓每个参加者实际掷出点数。

    He researchers had no way of knowing what numbers participants actually rolled , of course .

  24. 如果一个人掷出四个正面,他向前移动四格,然后轮到下一个人;

    If a player throws four heads , he moves forward four spaces and has another turn ;

  25. 哇!我掷出了一次全倒。我的第一球就把瓶子通通打倒了。

    Yes ! I got a strike . I knocked them all down with my first ball .

  26. 我给女儿买了块冰砖。他把一块砖掷出窗外。

    I bought a brick of ice cream for my daughter . He hurled a brick through the window .

  27. 在高高的,褐色的山岗上我高唱春天的歌,我掷出。

    Over the high , brown mountain I sound the song of spring , I throw the flowers of spring .

  28. 让我们假定,全美国2.25亿的人口在明天早晨起床时都掷出一枚一美元的铜板。

    Let 's assume we get225 million Americans up tomorrow morning and we ask them all to wager a dollar .

  29. 钱德勒:你要是还能掷出一个八点,我们今晚就在这里结婚。莫妮卡:你是认真的吗?

    Chandler : You roll another hard eight and we get married here tonight . 1 Monica : Are you serious ?

  30. 但他们知道,依照统计学规律,如果所有人都能做到如实上报点数,那么这次实验的平均掷出点数应为3.5。

    But they knew , statistically , that the average roll , if people reported honestly , should have been 3.5 .