
bái tian
  • day;by day;at daytime;daytime;in the daytime;during the day
白天 [bái tiān]
  • (1) [day;daytime;by day;in the daytime]∶日升与日落之间或从黎明到黑夜之间的时间

  • (2) [daytime;at daytime]∶一天中有日光的这一段时间

  • 他白天到工厂做工,晚上进夜校学习

白天[bái tian]
  1. 这种鸟白天不常见。

    You don 't often see this bird in daytime .

  2. 白天的温度从未低于80华氏度。

    Daytime temperatures never fell below 80 ˚ F.

  3. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。

    Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day .

  4. 白天大部分时间应无雨,间有阳光。

    The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals .

  5. 十一月气温下降,白天变短。

    In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten .

  6. 夜间活动的动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。

    Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night .

  7. 他晚上干活,白天睡觉。

    He works at night and sleeps during the day .

  8. 他们白天睡觉,夜晚捕猎。

    They sleep by day and hunt by night .

  9. 白天我通常不在家。

    I 'm usually out during the day .

  10. 在白天大街显得很不一样。

    The street looks very different in daylight .

  11. 有些动物白天不活动。

    Some animals are inactive during the daytime .

  12. 这座城市白天死气沉沉、单调乏味,晚上就完全变了样。

    The city , drab and dour by day , is transformed at night .

  13. 在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。

    In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream .

  14. 白天一直阳光明媚。

    The sun was shining all day .

  15. 作画的最佳时间是白天。

    Painting is best done in daylight .

  16. 白天的气温可以达到40摄氏度。

    Daytime temperatures can reach 40 ˚ C.

  17. 冬季白天较短。

    The days are shorter in wintertime .

  18. 她白天忙着处理行政工作。

    She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks .

  19. 我们在白天离开以避免引起怀疑。

    We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion .

  20. 皮尔逊先生说,他对妻子白天的生活习惯一无所知。

    Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife 's daytime habits

  21. 白天回复信件的时间只有这么多。

    There is only so much time in the day for answering letters

  22. 装在窗框上的厚厚的胶合板挡住了白天的光线。

    Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight

  23. 白天慢慢过去,布兰德发现自己兴趣愈发浓厚。

    As the day wore on Brand found himself increasingly impressed

  24. 还是大白天,但所有汽车的前灯都亮起来了。

    It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on

  25. 至少白天我还有别的事情要做。

    I had other matters to occupy me , during the day at least

  26. 她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。

    Her dreams were troubled , reflecting the tenor of her waking hours .

  27. 小吃店白天营业。

    The snack bar is open during the day .

  28. 他喜欢在白天的压力到来之前享受独处的时光。

    He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began

  29. 我并不介意白天的噪音。

    I don 't mind the noise during the day

  30. 天气也不肯帮忙:白天很热,晚上很冷。

    The weather did not help ; hot by day , cold at night