
  • 网络Bering Island;Beeren-Eiland
  1. 他就读了下来,看到一段讲述白令海圣马修岛上的驯鹿被完全消灭了。

    Reading on , he came to a passage about reindeer being wiped out on St Matthew island in the Bering Sea .

  2. 在美洲大陆北部海岸地区,从白令海峡到格陵兰岛,住着一个与世隔绝的特殊人群-爱斯基摩人。

    Throughout the large area that extends across the whole northern coast of the American continent , from the Bering Strait on the one side to Greenland on the other , remains a very isolated and characteristic people - the Eskimo .