
dì xiá
  • isthmus;strait;sowneck
地峡 [dì xiá]
  • [isthmus] 夹在两个海洋间、连接两个大陆的狭窄陆地,如连接南、北美洲的巴拿马地峡

地峡[dì xiá]
  1. 岛的北部和南部由一条狭窄的地峡相连。

    The north and south of the island are linked by a narrow isthmus .

  2. 附近的巴比安内罗别墅(VillaBalbianello)坐落在12英亩(约合4.9公顷)的地峡上,它还坐拥起保护作用的树林、精心打理的花园与雅致的建筑。

    The nearby Villa Balbianello , set on a 12-hectare isthmus , pairs protected woods with meticulously tended gardens and elegant architecture .

  3. 中美洲地峡机构发展和区域电气一体化

    Institutional Development and Regional Electrical Integration of the Central American Isthmus

  4. 中美洲地峡体育和娱乐理事会

    Council of the Central American Isthmus for sports and recreation

  5. 连接中美洲和南美洲的一个地峡。

    The isthmus that connects Central America and South America .

  6. 巴拿马地峡将北美和南美连接起来。

    The Isthmus of Panama joins North and South America .

  7. 日本现在成了连接朝鲜半岛和俄罗斯的地峡。

    Japan is now an isthmus connecting the Korean peninsula with Russia .

  8. 加勒比共同体和中美洲地峡各国间部长级会议

    Ministerial Conference between CARICOM and the Countries of the Central American Isthmus

  9. 中美洲地峡经济合作协商小组

    Consultative Group on Economic Cooperation for the Central American Isthmus

  10. 现在与未来的大陆在南北分立中间则有着地峡。

    The present and future continents north and south , with the isthmus .

  11. 中美洲地峡国家经济事务部长会议

    Meeting of Ministers of Economic Affairs of the Countries of the Central American Isthmus

  12. 位于巴拿马地峡的一个共和国。

    A republic on the Isthmus of Panama .

  13. 这个陆地的狭窄地带,我们称之为巴拿马地峡。

    It was the neck of land which we call the Isthmus of Panama .

  14. 一个横贯巴拿马地峡的运河。

    A canal across the Isthmus of Panama .

  15. 位于西半球的一个大洲,通过巴拿马地峡与北美洲相连。

    A continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama .

  16. 她朝下一看,只能看到一条极长的地峡。

    All she could see , when she looked down , was an immense length of neck .

  17. 勒罗斯岛被两个狭窄的地峡分为三个崎岖不平的山区。

    The island of Leros is divided by two narrow necks of land into three hilly sectors .

  18. 另外,罗斯福还把美国舰只“纳什维尔”号调往地峡大西洋那一边的科隆。

    Roosevelt , moreover , dispatched the U.S.A. Nashville to colon , on the Atlantic side of the isthmus .

  19. 1850年,美英两国就巴拿马地峡问题签定了《克莱顿&布尔沃条约》。

    Two countries between UK and USA made the Clayton & Bulwer Treaty because of the conflicts of Panama Isthmus in1850 .

  20. 苏联进攻的主力,最先是集中在卡累利阿地峡芬兰的边境防御工事。

    The brunt of the Russian attack fell at first upon the frontier defenses of the Finns in the Karelian Isthmus .

  21. 但我猜想,在肯特郡、东苏塞克斯和加莱海峡之间的地峡,将是重新连接欧洲大陆的最便宜、最受欢迎的方式。

    But I am assuming that an isthmus between Kent , East Sussex and Pas-de-Calais would be the cheapest , most popular means of reconnecting with the continent .

  22. 1698年,苏格兰王国的贵族与大地主试图通过殖民统治巴拿马地峡把他们的国家提升为世界贸易强国。

    In 1698 the nobles and landowners of the kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonize ing the isthmus of Panama .

  23. 克里米亚与俄罗斯没有陆地相连,该地区25%的天然气、70%的水和90%的电力供应都依赖乌克兰,所有这些资源都是通过一条与乌克兰大陆相连的地峡进入克里米亚的。

    With no land bridge to Russia , it relies on Ukraine for about 25 % of its gas , 70 % of its water , and 90 % of its electricity , all of which it imports over a small strip of land that connects it to the mainland .