
  • 网络landform;landscape
  1. 喀斯特地貌景观特点及旅游形象塑造

    The characters of karst landform and tourism image molding

  2. 江西红层及其地貌景观的发育特征研究地貌发生根本变化。

    Research on red beds and landform sceneries in Jiangxi province The landscape is radically changed .

  3. 应用地貌景观信息预测岩溶地下水富集带

    Predicting groundwater concentration zone in karst regions using geomorphic landscape information

  4. 基底固结程度与变质核杂岩差异。这些差异,构成了太平洋东西两岸盆岭构造的不同地域特色和地质地貌景观。

    Difference in solidification degree of basement and metamorphic core complexes .

  5. 日照市地质地貌景观旅游资源类型与开发利用

    Geological Landforms and Its Utilization of Travel Resources in Rizhao City

  6. 这是中国地质地貌景观的一种新类型。

    This is a new type of landscape in China .

  7. 花岗岩石林(阿斯哈图)&一种新的地貌景观

    Granite hoodoos ( arsihaty ) & a new geomorphic landscape

  8. 兴文石林地质地貌景观的脆弱化趋势研究

    Research on Ecological Vulnerability of Geological-Geomorphological Landscape of Stone Forest in Xingwen

  9. 我国东部典型花岗岩地貌景观形成机理

    Analysis of the representative granite physiognomy in east of China

  10. 花岗岩地貌景观已成重要的旅游资源。

    Granite geomorphological landscapes have been important tourism resources .

  11. 同时对三清山的花岗岩地貌景观进行了评价。

    In addition , the granite landscapes of the Sanqing Mountain are evaluated .

  12. 是非常罕见的喀斯特地貌景观。

    This is a rare type of karst topography .

  13. 科学规划,强化措施做好地质地貌景观保护

    Scientific Planning and Strengthened Measures to Protect Geomorphic Feature

  14. 嵖岈山花岗岩地貌景观特征分析

    Features Analysis of Granitic Geomorphologic Landscape of Mt. Chaya

  15. 古蓟城地貌景观的演化

    Evolvement of Geomorphologic Landscape in Ancient Ji City

  16. 泛欧生物多样性和地貌景观开发战略;

    Pan European biodiversity and landscape development strategy ;

  17. 花岗岩地貌景观若干问题讨论

    Some Problems of Granite Geomorphological Landscapes

  18. 螺髻山冰川地质遗迹景观地具有丰富的资源景观,如古冰川地貌景观、温泉景观、岩溶景观、土林景观。

    Glacier Masterpieces There is abundant geological Landscape resources in the Luoji mountain glacier geological relic region .

  19. 昆仑山西段与东段地貌景观差异性探讨

    A discussion on difference of geomorphologic landscape between the western and eastern part of the Kunlun Mountains

  20. 公园面积398平方公里。它主要是风蚀作用形成的雅丹地貌景观。

    Covering an area of398 square kilometres , it mainly consists of Yadan geomorphologiclandscapes formed by wind eolation .

  21. 石林是一种稀有的喀斯特地貌景观,其发育演化有其独特的过程。

    Stone forest is a kind of rarely-seen karst landscape , which has its own unique evolution process .

  22. “天斧沙宫”是兰州市安宁区一处壮美奇险、旅游开发前景广阔的丹霞地貌景观。

    Tianfusagong in Lanzhou City is the landscape of Danxia physiognomy with a golden future in tourism development .

  23. 锥状喀斯特是湿热带地区重要的喀斯特地貌景观类型和高品位的旅游资源。

    The karst cave is a very important landscape and high grade traveling resource in the cone karst area .

  24. 区内特殊用地形状指数最大(114),客观地反映了岩溶地貌景观现状。

    The maximal shape index ( 114 ) of special-used land reflects the actuality of the karst landscape objectively .

  25. 秦岭北坡陕西段花岗岩地质地貌景观及开发

    Geological and Geomorphological Landscapes and Development of Granite in the Shaanxi Segment on the North Slope of the Qinling Mountains

  26. 在此基础上讨论了这些技术在地质地貌景观可视化中的具体应用,以及地质地貌景观可视化问题中的三维模型创建、优化和集成方法。

    Also , concrete applications in the geomorphological landforms visualization , three-dimensional modeling , methods of optimization and intergration are included .

  27. 第二节论述了地貌景观,包括山、洞、岩、谷等等景观。

    The second part was on paleogeomorphic scene , consisted of hill , hole , rock , valley and so on .

  28. 研究表明,张宣地区的地貌景观是中生代以来地质构造演化的结果。

    Studies have shown that the geomorphological features in the Zhangjiakou-West Beijing region are the outcome of geotectonic evolution since the Mesozoic .

  29. 强烈的新构造运动和特殊的构造位置,造就了本区特殊而典型的构造地貌景观。

    The strong neo-tectonic movement and special tectonic setting produced specific Yellow River and typical landscape of tectonic geomorphology in the area .

  30. 中、低岩溶台面景物(点)具浓厚的高原岩溶生态、地貌景观特色。

    The scenes on the middle and the lower karst platforms have the typic ecologic and geomorphologic landscape characteristics of karst plateaus .