
  • 网络tikrit;Saddam bin Hussein bin Majid al'Tikrit;Tikrit District , Iraq
  1. CNN,尼克•罗伯逊从伊拉克提克里特报道。

    Nic Robertson , CNN , Tikrit , Iraq .

  2. 赫特林是在提克里特附近跟五角大楼记者举行视频记者会时说的这番话。

    Hertling was speaking near Tikrit in a teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon .

  3. 对于伊拉克北部城市提克里特饱受战乱之苦的孤儿们来说,这个巨大的“鞋形雕塑”建在这里再合适不过了。

    For the war-beaten orphans of the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit , this big old shoe fits .

  4. 巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。

    The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra , Baghdad , Dahuk , Mosul and Tikrit .

  5. 2003年被美国推翻的伊拉克前领导人萨达姆·侯赛因就来自提克里特地区。

    Saddam Hussein , the former Iraqi leader toppled by the United States in2003 , was from the Tikrit region .

  6. 无所谓。但05年时,我可信任107步兵团的哥们,在提克里特,我信任他们。

    Fine . But the 107 trusted me back in ' 05 , in Tikrit , and I trusted them .

  7. 一名军方官员匿名表示,军方正在提克里特市同什叶派军队并肩作战。

    A military official speaking on condition of anonymity said that the army was fighting alongside Shiah militias in Tikrit .

  8. 2005年10月14日特警杰奎琳·库里安斯基在提克里特巡逻时被敌军射杀当时不是这样对吧

    On october 14 , 2005 , specialist jacqueline kuransky was killed by enemy fire while on patrol in tikrit ... Well , that 's not true . Is it ?