
  1. 甚至简单到在附近摆台复印机这样的事情。

    Even something as simple as having the copier nearby .

  2. 他得伸长脖子才能看清摆台上的情景。

    He had to crane his neck to see what was happening on stage .

  3. 然后对精密摆台和机床横梁进行静力分析并对薄弱环节进行结构优化,优化后的精密摆台和机床横梁可以保证精密加工的精度要求。

    Then static analysis is applied on precision swing table and machine tool beam , and structure of weak link is optimized .

  4. 餐饮部的作业可划分为摆台、迎接客人、点菜、烹制、结账、清理。

    Food and beverage operations can be divided as table , welcome the guests , ordering food , cooking , cleaning and checkout .

  5. 将工件固定在旋转工作台上,然后对摆台的角度进行控制,以此来确保研抛工具主轴方向和工件法线方向成一定角度。

    The workpiece is clamped on the rotating table , and the normal direction of the workpiece at a certain angle with the direction of polishing tool spindle by controlling the angle of precision swing table .

  6. 预定动因为次数,确认预定和退房动因为工时,整理房间动因为房间数,摆台动因为桌数,迎客、点菜、清理动因为工时,烹制动因为菜品数。

    Reserve driver is frequency , confirm booking and check-out motivation is hours , cleaning room motivation is room number , dress table motivation is table number , ordering food , cleaning and welcome driver is hours . Cooking driver is dishes .

  7. 她把几片面包摆在台上,开始抹黄油。

    She spread pieces of bread on the counter and began buttering them .

  8. 1977年,数字设备公司(DigitalEquipmentCorporation)创始人、总裁兼董事长肯o奥尔森称:人们没有理由产生在家里摆一台计算机的想法。

    Later in 1977 , the president , chairman , and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation Ken Olsen stated , There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home .

  9. 另一个办法就是在屋里摆一台加湿器,增加屋内湿度。

    Another technique is to increase the moisture in your room with a humidifier .

  10. 我的工作间只是个木头的黑色小桌,上面摆一台笔记本电脑。

    My work space is just a laptop on a small black desk made out of wood .

  11. 近年来,许多公司转而让员工共享几台联网的大型打印机,而不是在每张办公桌上都摆一台小型打印机。

    Many companies in recent years have shifted to having employees share a few heavy-duty machines on a network instead of having small printers at every desk .

  12. 在试验法中设计了专用的双簧倒立摆试验台,对发动机,车门和车椅等复杂部件进行参数测试;

    In the test method , a special double spring inverted-pendulum test rig is designed , which is used to test these parameters of engine , doors and seats ;

  13. 基于振动系统质量周期法,设计了一种测试发动机质量参数的双簧倒立摆试验台。

    Based on the mass-period method , a measuring device named double spring inversion pendulum was designed , which could measure the center of mass and moment of inertia of an engine .

  14. 当伊凡与一名摄影师抵达明戈拉时,跟我们待在一起的舅舅一遍又一遍地跟我们说在家里摆一台摄影机有多么危险。

    When Irfan and a cameraman arrived in Mingora , our uncle , who was staying with us , said over and over that it was too risky to have cameras in our house .

  15. 你的写字台上还摆得了一台电脑吗?

    Do you have room for a computer on your desk ?

  16. 房间那一头的墙角里摆着一台电视机。

    There was a television in the far corner of the room .

  17. 在苹果公司外面,摆着一台显示乔布斯照片的iPhone,用以寄托对这位苹果创始人和前CEO的哀思。2011年10月6日,旧金山,苹果总部

    An iPhone displays an image of Steve Jobs as it sits with a memorial to the Apple founder and former CEO outside an Apple Store , Wednesday , Oct. 5 , 2011 in New York .

  18. 这里放天篷床,旁边摆个装饰台

    Okay , so I see a canopy bed here and maybe a decorative chest at the foot .

  19. 这种桌子也适用于办公场所。毫无疑问,艾伦·休格爵士一定乐意在他每周的《学徒》节目的录制现场摆上一台这样的桌子。

    It 's also available for the office . We 're sure Sir Alan Sugar would love one for his weekly Apprenticefirings .

  20. 他把每一双鞋的样式裁好、仔细地把它们摆在工作台上,然后关灯。

    He cut out the pattern for each pair of shoes , laid them carefully on the bench and turned out the light .

  21. 但信誉并不是一个摆在壁炉台上用来擦拭的奖品,而是一个应在像今天这样经济疲弱而通胀过高的时期使用的工具。

    Credibility is not a trophy to polish on the mantelpiece , but for use at times such as these when the economy is sickly yet inflation is too high .

  22. 基于Andrews的轴承间隙动力学模型,推导了不同工况下轴承应力的计算公式,并在摆锤碰撞试验台系统上进行了仿真,并编写了仿真软件。

    An equation for calculating the bearing stresses under different operating condition was derived based on the Andrews dynamic model for the bearing clearance . The equation was applied to the simulation of the impact test bench with pendulum and a simulate program was compiled .

  23. 基于轴承间隙模型的摆锤碰撞试验台仿真研究

    Simulation of impact test bench with pendulum based on bearing clearance model

  24. 那间办公室极小,空间勉强够摆一张写字台和两把椅子。

    The office is minute , with barely room for a desk and two chair .

  25. 用摆锤式冲击台对113只家兔胸、腹不同部位进行了钝性撞击实验。

    Blunt impact was conducted on thorax abdominal parts of 113 rabbits by using a pendulum impact table .

  26. 方法控制系统由信号采集装置、触发器、电磁铁和微计算机组成,与摆锤式撞击台配套使用。

    Method The automatic control system consists of signal acquisition device , trigger , electromagnetism actuator and personal computer .

  27. 摩擦摆隔震结构振动台试验及结果分析浮筏隔振系统隔振效果有限元估算方法

    Efficiency Analyses of FPS Isolator Structure Finite element estimation of the vibration isolation efficiency of floating raft isolation system