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bǎi píng
  • Flatten;punish;treat fairly;treatfairly;beat down
摆平 [bǎi píng]
  • (1) [treatfairly]∶摆放平衡,比喻处事不偏向

  • 一碗水摆平

  • 摆平相互位置

  • (2) [beat down;punish] 〈方〉∶击败;惩处

摆平[bǎi píng]
  1. 没事,我已经把事儿摆平了。

    It 's O.K. I smoothed things out .

  2. 由他负责把事情摆平,不管花多长时间。

    It was up to him to make it right , no matter how long it took

  3. NRA发誓要花钱摆平那些赞成实施攻击型武器禁令的议员。

    The NRA has vowed to spend money defeating legislators who vote for an assault-weapons ban .

  4. 怎么才能摆平Edie?

    How are you going to handle Edie ?

  5. 不。Ron医生会第一个支持你,我会想办法摆平Edie。

    No. Dr. Ron would be the first to say that you 're doing the right thing . I 'll figure out some way to handle Edie .

  6. 黎德寿(LeDucTho)曾在谈判中讥讽我:如果用50万人都无法摆平越南,你凭什么认为用越来越少的人反倒可以呢?这个问题我一直没有想出答案。

    I never found an answer when Le Duc Tho was taunting me in the negotiations that if you could not handle Vietnam with half-a-million people , what makes you think you can end it with progressively fewer ?

  7. 正如来自莫斯科新经济学院的NataliaVolchkova所说:“无论遇到何种问题,该公司都能用钱摆平。”

    Whatever problems it encountered , it could " drown with money , " as Natalia Volchkova of the New Economic School in Moscow puts it .

  8. 迈克说过,你要去摆平那件事。

    Mike mentioned that you were gonna fix this business up .

  9. 他想自己去摆平这件事。

    That Schmuck is trying to handle this on his own .

  10. 既然你能够摆平我那疯子一样的父亲。

    You have no problem putting up with my crazy father .

  11. 显然他们希望我们尽快摆平这件事。

    Apparently they want us to wrap this up and fast .

  12. 好了摆平了我们得走了

    All right , get over it . We gotta move .

  13. 现在你要做的就是摆平你老公。

    All you need to do now is de-grot your husband .

  14. 我去跟白会长摆平这件事。

    I 'll try to sort things out with Chairman baek .

  15. 去啊!像她展示怎么摆平的!

    Go on ! Show her how it 's done !

  16. 他们说到‘有钱就能摆平’。

    They said that'money can take care of everything ' .

  17. 这就是你要把事情摆平的计划的一部分?

    This is part of your big plan to make everything right ?

  18. 那么他就会来摆平?

    So he could come over and patch them up ?

  19. 我是说他本可以把事情摆平的。

    I mean , he could have made it out .

  20. 你得摆平全纽约的老富婆。

    You had to shtupp every little old lady in new york .

  21. 别担心,我们会帮你摆平的。

    Don 't worry . we 'll exile him wherever you wish .

  22. 而他的工作就是去摆平这事。

    And it 's his job to make a deal with them .

  23. 我想知道你是怎么如此快地将布莱德摆平的。

    I want to know how you took Brad down so fast .

  24. 但我认为我们能摆平这个没有“树”的系统。

    But we think we can one-up it a bit .

  25. 一具具摆平的尸体后面,黄沙滚滚。

    One has squared body from the back , yellow sanded billow .

  26. 我爸给他买了辆新车就摆平了。

    My dad got him a new carand settled it .

  27. 我们要在下个月之前就把这件事摆平。

    We 'll have to settle this before next month .

  28. 老头子也会在别的领域作些让步,以便事情摆平。

    The Don will make concessions in other areas to square things .

  29. 你不会有麻烦了。我已经摆平了。

    You 're not in trouble . I took care of it .

  30. 恐怕你是唯一一个要摆平的,波沃。

    Afraid you 're the only one going down , little bovver .