- 名skimmer

Principles and Performance of Oil Skimmer
the grade of oil , how heavy it is , you use a different type of skimmer .
Reynolds , what we 're looking at here , these are -- these are oil skimmers so these will be ed into the water , into the pockets of oil .
The paper presents the comparisons of the principles , performances and operating conditions between different skimmers .
Using those booms , oil can actually be pushed into that skimmer and then it 's using this giant vacuum .
A fleet of400 skimmers is in place to try to minimise the effects of increased oil loss during the operation , BP said .
The performance , efficiency and controllable factors of a skimmer and some other kinds of marine oil recovery equipment are analyzed and assessed , and furthermore , the development of marine oil recovery equipment is discussed .
At OHMSETT , all different types of oil are sprayed into the tank from a moving bridge . Workers can test skimmers , various dispersants , even burning , all in a safe , enclosed environment that simulates the ocean 's salinity and even its wave patterns .