
  • 网络operationalization;Operationalize;operational definition
  1. 中医学健康概念及其测量操作化探讨

    Exploration on Health Concept of TCM and the Operationalization of Its Measurement

  2. 简单求精有三类:分解、特化和可操作化;复杂求精则分为两大类:解释映射、模型演绎。

    Simple refinement is further classified as decomposition , specialization and operationalization , and complex refinement as interpretation mapping and model deduction .

  3. 社会科学定性研究中系统方法的操作化分析

    Applying on the Systematic Method in Qualitative Research of Social Science

  4. 护理不能过度操作化,但要对操作精益求精。

    Nursing shouldn 't be over-operational , but it should be excelsior .

  5. 该问卷可对中国大陆各地城乡居民的社会阶层意识进行操作化测量,经过分析,该问卷具有良好信、效度。

    It can be measures the social stratum consciousness of the residents in Chinese mainland .

  6. 时体助词形式的生成经历了一个范畴化-符号化-现实操作化的过程。

    The formation of aspect auxiliary experiences a process of categorization to marks to practical operation .

  7. 基于目标操作化的多引擎协作体系结构研究

    Goal operationalization-based multi-engine collaboration architecture

  8. 从操作化的角度来说,企业社会责具有多对象性:股东、员工、消费者、社区、环境、商业伙伴等利益相关者。

    In practice , stakeholders include shareholders , employees , consumers , community , environment and business partners .

  9. 随后通过营销风险的识别结果构建出营销风险预警指标体系,其目的是为了使营销风险信息定量化、条理化和可操作化。

    And then the early warning indices system of marketing risks is set up through the risks identification .

  10. 第四部分提出了本文的研究问题、变量操作化定义、受试、工具及研究过程。

    The fourth part mainly introduces research hypotheses , operational definitions of the variables , participants , instruments and research procedures .

  11. 在概念的操作化方面,存在两个主体:施加影响的祖辈与受影响的孙辈。

    In the ope-rationalization of the conception , there are two main bodies : influence of grandparents and grandchildren are affected .

  12. 第二部分对研究中涉及到的有关概念进行界定,并就研究的理论基础、具体指标的操作化、研究性质与研究方法做具体说明。

    The second part demarcates the concerned conceptions , introduces the related theories and demonstrates the research design and the way of collecting information .

  13. 社会指标体系建构的过程实质上就是从理论到模型再到指标的逐步操作化的过程。

    The process of the construction of social indicator system is essentially the gradual operation process from theories to models and then to indicators .

  14. 本文研究的目的,是以案例来剖析涉外税务审计在操作化方面存在的问题,并努力探索解决的方法,以求能更好地推广这一具有时代意义的税务工作。

    This research aims to probe into the present situations , predicaments and giving suggestions to develop tax audit involving foreigners by the case study .

  15. 本文从国家与市场两个向度分析乡村社会的变迁动力,并操作化为农村社会个体化的三个阶段,即农田个人主义经营、权利本位和农村社会福利建设三个阶段。

    The changing rural society can be operated into the three stages , namely , individualism farmland management , rights-oriented and rural social welfare development .

  16. 要想对管理实践起到切实的指导作用,应该掀起一场心理学理论和知识的工具化和可操作化运动。

    We should launch a campaign of making psychological theories and knowledge instrumental and operable so as to play an actual guiding role in managerial practice .

  17. 通过对这三个变量进行操作化和具体化分析,从而认识不同社区类型中社区社会资本的存量及其发挥功能的途径。

    Based on these three variables for the operation and specific analysis , in order to understand the different types of community social capital in the amount and function way .

  18. 紧接着,将这套带有共性的可操作化的测评系统应用于某具体企业特定职系的研究中,便形成了一套个性化的针对特定职系的结构化面试题本、评分要点和评分表格。

    Then , applying this operating system to specific enterprises and specific job in order to create a set of specific structured interview questions , score standards and score forms .

  19. 本研究把城市居民慈善行为操作化为慈善活动的参与程度、慈善活动的参与意愿、慈善行为取向以及慈善意识四个维度。

    In this study , the operation of the charitable behavior of urban residents is four dimensions . The first one is the level of participation of the charitable activities .

  20. 并试图通过假设三种不同的经济增长方案,以具体探讨如何实现公共财政清偿养老保险隐性债务措施的可操作化。

    And attempts by assuming that the economic growth of three different programs to specifically discuss how public finance measures for settlement of the implicit pension debt of the operation .

  21. 因此,研究过程中得到的启示和成果既为实现课堂教学科学化提供理论指导,也为课堂教学实践提供可操作化措施。

    Therefore , the achievement obtained from the research process not only can provide theoretical guidance of teaching , but also can provide actionable measures for teaching practice of the classroom .

  22. 根据多层次理论,团队层次的行为结构通常用反映集中趋势的均值法与反映离散程度的极值法和方差法等几种操作化方法来表示。

    According to multilevel theory , team-level behavioral structures are usually operationalized by mean , which reflects central tendency , and by maximum , minimum and variance , which reflect dispersion .

  23. 现场建立了个人、小组、调查总组的质量控制体系,对调查的各个环节明确操作化定义并建立质量检测机制。

    Besides , Field quality control system on individual person , group and the whole team is built , clearly defining operation work in each link and establishing the quality testing mechanism .

  24. 在概念的界定上,从结果贫困与过程贫困、绝对贫困与相对贫困和收入贫困与消费贫困三个方面具体操作化了农村老年贫困这一核心概念,界定了农村老年贫困的特定内涵。

    Three aspects which are the results poverty and process poverty , absolute poverty and relative poverty and income poverty and consumption poverty , specifically operates the core conception of the rural elderly poverty .

  25. 基于学习科学的学习技术是介于学习理论和学习方法之间的,既是学习理论的具体化和操作化,又是学习方法的综合与规范化。

    Learning technology based on learning science is between learning theories and learning methods , which is concretion and operation of learning theory , and also is a synthesis and standardization of learning methods .

  26. 中国民族问题治理模式坚持了马克思主义关于民族和民族问题的基本概念,但在实践中又根据中国国情和政策制定和实行的需要,将这两个概念进行了高度操作化的定义和使用。

    Although the two key concepts of " ethnicity " and " ethnic issues " have been sustained in China 's ethnicity-managing model , they are defined and deployed in a highly manageable way .

  27. 也是本文的核心部分,立足我国实践结合外国立法和制度先进经验对我国表决权信托制度的构建提出科学、具体、可操作化的建议。

    Is also a core part of this article , based on our practice , combined with the advanced experience of foreign legislation and institutional system of Voting Trust scientific , specific , actionable recommendations .

  28. 在此定义的基础上,本文对组织健康这一概念进行了操作化,认为其包含员工健康、组织绩效以及社会效益三个理论维度,并对其意义进行了概念化操作。

    Based on this definition ," organizational health " concept has been operated by the article . And we argue that it conclude three theoretical dimensions : employees health , organizational performance , and social benefits .

  29. 其次,调整时效期间和明确时效期间的起算,衔接时效利益的主张与证据规则的运用,使时效制度更具精细化和可操作化。

    Next , in order to make the prescription rule practicable and exacted , we should adjust the limitation period and make sure the beginning day of the limitation period and apply the evidence rule properly .

  30. 要提高未来警察素质,一方面必须建立科学的学生素质评价指标体系,即把评价目标转化为具体的可测性、行为化和操作化的指标体系;

    In order to improve probationary police quality , we should establish scientific evaluation index system , that is to transform the evaluation object to a concrete index system that can easily be measured and operated ;