
  • 网络Payment security;Security Payment
  1. 基于SET协议的网上支付安全探讨

    Security Analysis on Network Payment Based on SET Protocals

  2. 基于Petri网的电子支付安全模型研究

    Research in security model of electronic payment based on Petri nets

  3. 电子支付安全协议的Petri网模型及分析

    Petri net model and analysis for electronic payment security protocol

  4. 第三,详细介绍了两种电子支付安全协议(SSL协议和SET协议);

    Third , dissertation explicates two electronic payment protocols ( SSL protocol and SET protocol ), which correlate EC ;

  5. 基于DES和RSA的电子支付安全模型

    A Model of Secure Electronic Transaction Based on DES and RSA

  6. 面向3G的移动支付安全解决方案研究

    Research on 3G-Oriented Mobile Payment Security Solution

  7. 基于J2ME的移动支付安全方案研究

    Research on Security Protocols for Mobile Payment System Based on J2ME

  8. 基于WPKI和WAP技术的小额支付安全问题研究及应用

    The Principles Deployment Investigation of WPKI WAP Based Security Control in Micro-payment

  9. 一种基于WAP和WPKI的移动支付安全性方案

    A Security Mobile Payment Plan Based on WAP and WPKI

  10. 通过对电子支付安全协议的研究,利用Petri网描述了电子支付安全协议处理流程;

    Through the research on the electronic payment security protocol , this paper describes the process flows for the electronic payment security protocol by referring to Petri nets .

  11. 对小额支付安全方案WPKI系统进行了设计并对WTLS证书管理门户进行了设计与实现。

    To design a micro-payment security solution WPKI system , design and accomplish WTLS certificate management portal .

  12. 讨论了网络支付安全需求及有关的密码学知识,重点对对称加密中的DES算法和非对称加密中的RSA算法、杂凑函数进行了分析,并给出了相关的实现过程。

    Discussion of the security requirements and cryptogram knowledge about internet payment , detailed the correlative conception of encryption techniques , emphasized a private-key system DES 、 a public-key system RSA and SHA , some encryption algorithms are afforded .

  13. 最后针对SSL协议缺乏一套完整的认证体系的缺点,采用了CA认证技术和数字签名技术来构建基于PKI和SSL协议的网络支付安全方案。

    Finally , aiming at the shortcoming of SSL protocol for lack of a complete set of the authentication system , CA authentication technology and digital signature technology are adopted to construct the security scheme of network payment , and the scheme is based on PKI and SSL .

  14. 美国电子支付安全与防范对中国的启示

    China 's Enlightenment from United States ' E-Payment Safety and Prevention

  15. 然后,重点研究了移动支付安全问题。

    Then the emphasis of this thesis is the security of mobile payment .

  16. 数字医院的网上支付安全模式的研究

    Research of Network payroll Security Model of Digital hospital

  17. 一种基于身份的在线交易支付安全协议框架

    Online Transaction and Payment Security Scheme Based on ID

  18. 电子商务网络支付安全问题的探讨分析

    Research on Safe Problem of Electronic Commerce Network Payment

  19. 京晶:你觉得网上支付安全吗?

    Do you think online payment is safe ?

  20. 旅游业要加强与银行合作,解决网上支付安全问题。

    Tourist industry should strengthen the cooperation with bank and solve the safe problem to pay on the network .

  21. 这其中有诸多因素的制约,本人认为一个最重要的原因是社会公众对网上支付安全的信心不足。

    There are many reasons , one of these is that the public don 't have enough confidence for online payment .

  22. 另外,电子商务始终的核心研究问题之一是如何为网上购物和支付安全提供足够的保障。

    In addition , how to protect the security of online shopping and payment has been the core of e-business research questions .

  23. 为建造界编制工具套件操作指引,以协助业界遵行新近实施的支付安全及环境计划的要求。

    Develop tools and guidelines to help the construction trade meet the requirements of the newly launched pay for safety and environment scheme .

  24. 本文的重点工作就是研究如何基于公钥密码体制实现安全高效的、易于推广实施的移动支付安全协议。

    This paper focused on how to get a mobile payment security protocol , which was safe and efficient and easy to be implemented , based on public key cryptography .

  25. 比如通信网络技术问题、用户接受程度差、移动支付安全性差、服务内容受限制、资费高等。

    For example , the problems of communications network technologies , bad consumers ' acceptance , lack of security in mobile payment , limitation of service content , high expenditure and so on .

  26. 如何通过电子支付安全快捷地完成整个交易是人们上网购物首先要考虑的问题,因而电子支付是电子商务系统的核心。

    How to accomplish the transaction safely and quickly , this has become a question that people would firstly consider before they choose online shopping , which , also pushes e-payment to become the core of e-commerce .

  27. 随着网络支付安全性的提高和居民消费观念的转变,电子商务已经走进了我们的日常生活,并逐步形成新的消费趋势。

    With the improvement of the security of pay online platform and the change of consumption conception of dwellers , electronic commerce has been a part of our life , and will be a new consumption trends .

  28. 电子商务是目前发展最快的产业,支付安全性决定了电子商务活动的成败,因此,支付网关是电子商务中最重要的环节。

    Electronic commerce is one of the industries which develop fastest . The payment gateway is one of the most important parts in electronic commerce because the safety of payment determines the success or failure of electronic commerce .

  29. 当前我国电子商务存在着基础设施不足、物流配送体系不完备、电子支付安全性无法得以保障等问题,已严重影响了电子商务的健康发展。

    There are a lot of shortcomings in E commerce of our country , such as insufficient infrastructure , immature system of material distribution and unsecure electronic payment , which have seriously stunted the development of E commerce .

  30. 调研表明,北京市基本养老保险态势为两低两高,即基金支付安全系数低,养老金替代率低,职工负担系数高,职工参保率高。

    It is shown by the research that Beijing basic endowment insurance is displaying a tendency of low safety factor of fund repayment , low substitution to retirement pension , high employee burden , high employee endowment insurance ratio .