
  • 网络reorganization plan
  1. 因为老板希望您在星期五之前提交改组计划,而且您答应在下次团队会议时提交项目日程。

    Your boss wants your reorganization plan by friday , and you promised to present a project schedule at the next team meeting .

  2. 委员会只提供了改组计划的大意,没有细加说明。

    The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization , without showing any details .

  3. 在此之前一个月,新闻集团公布了一份范围广泛的星空卫视亚洲集团(StarAsian)的改组计划。

    News of Feer 's closure came a month after News Corp unveiled a wide-ranging shake-up of its Star Asian television group .

  4. 部长JeffLawrence称,该决定意味着将对航空公司的改组计划进行进一步磋商,其中涉及削减数百个工作岗位。

    Its secretary Jeff Lawrence said the decision meant that further negotiations could be held on the airline 's restructuring plan , which involves hundreds of job losses .

  5. 花旗昨日披露了其资本市场业务进一步改组计划。

    Citi yesterday unveiled a further shake-up of its capital markets operation .

  6. 据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。

    A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works .

  7. 克莱斯勒公司重申了它致力于研制多系列电动汽车的规划,并表示这是它2010年改组计划的一部分。

    The company reaffirmed its commitment to have an extended-range electric vehicle as part of its lineup in2010 .

  8. 与此同时,美国国会和布什政府正在审查陷于困境的美国汽车制造商提交的改组计划,它们希望获得联邦紧急贷款。

    Congress and the Bush administration are examining restructuring plans put forth by failing American carmakers in hopes of securing emergency federal loans .

  9. 分析和探讨罗斯福法院改组计划失败的过程和原因,有利于今天的宪政建设。

    To analyze and probe into the process and reason of the failure of the Roosevelt 's " Court-packing Plan " will provide the historic reference value to the construction of today 's constitutionalism .

  10. 介绍了发生在罗斯福新政时期的法院改组计划案的始末,指出罗斯福法院改组计划的失败并不是偶然的,而是有其深刻的经济、政治和文化原因。

    Having elaborated the whole " Court-packing Plan " during the period of President Roosevelt 's New Deal , the paper attempts to indicate that the failure of the Plan is incidental but caused by its economics , politics and culture .

  11. 然而,上周希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(georgepapandreou)与萨马拉斯会面、讨论建立一个全国联合政府时,两人不欢而散,帕潘德里欧选择了改组内阁的替代计划。

    However , when George Papandreou , prime minister , and Mr Samaras met last week to discuss establishing a national unity government , the talks collapsed in acrimony and Mr Papandreou chose the alternative route of reshuffling his cabinet .