
fànɡ shè xué
  • radiology
  1. X射线介入治疗放射学就是在X射线影像引导下,采取各种检查手段和方法诊断和治疗疾病。

    X-ray interventional radiology is a method to diagnose and treat patient follow the picture of X-ray .

  2. 对技术和方法、CT导引下优点和CT导引下介入技术放射学的临床应用和前景进行了讨论。

    The method , technique , the advantage of CT-guided and clinical application and prospect of CT-guided interventional radiology were discussed .

  3. Internet网站在远程放射学的应用

    Application of an Internet website of medical images in teleradiology

  4. 目的:探讨CT透视的优点及其在介入放射学中的应用。

    Purpose : To investigate the advantages and the applications of CT fluoroscopy .

  5. ct透视在介入放射学中应用的初步探讨

    Initial Experience of CT Fluoroscopy Applied in Interventional Procedures

  6. 股动脉与股静脉解剖关系的CT研究及其在介入放射学中的意义

    Anatomic Relationship Between the Femoral Artery and Vein : CT Evaluation and Significance in Interventional Procedures

  7. CT介入放射学技术在胸腹部疾病诊断与治疗中的应用

    The Application of the CT guided Interventional Technique in diagnosis and Therapy of Thoracic and Abdominal Lesions

  8. 所有有症状的髋部疾病应该进行标准的放射学检查,然而,核磁共振(MRI)检查仍然是最敏感的检测手段。

    All patients with symptomatic hip disease should undergo standard radiographic evaluation ; however , MRI remains the most sensitive diagnostic modality .

  9. 放射检验用X射线或其它穿透性的辐射对不透光的物体的内部构造进行的检查;放射学放射性排出物检查处置

    Examination of the inner structure of optically opaque objects by x-rays or other penetrating radiation ; radiology . controlled disposal of radioactive effluents

  10. 术后3、6、9、12周C组与其余两组放射学检查评价骨生成差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    There were significant differences in bone regeneration between group C and the other groups in 3 , 6,9 and 12 weeks after operation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 相关的放射学实践管理部门应当学习欧盟的做法,制定全国的CT诊断或者筛查方面的知情同意规定。

    Governing radiologic bodies should follow the EU 's lead and develop national policy guidelines regarding informed consent for screening and diagnostic CT , the researchers said .

  12. 磁共振成像导引活检和介入性治疗,属于介入放射学领域,磁共振导引介入技术是一种安全、有效的方法。MRI导引介入技术应用进展

    MRI guided biopsy and interventional therapy are within the field of interventional radiology . Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Interventional Procedure : Advance in clinical Application

  13. 各种影像学手段中,应用于颅脑急症的主要有CT、头颅和脊柱平片、MRI、US和介入放射学处理。

    The main imaging methods used in the emergency of skull and brain would be CT , plain films of skull and spine , MRI , US and interventional radiology .

  14. 结论C2肥大征为C2椎体骨折的主要放射学表现。

    Conclusion The C 2 hypertrophic sign is main radiographic sign of C2 fracture .

  15. 结论:SARS是传染性很强的疾病,有一定的临床及放射学特点,病情有进行性加重趋势;

    Conclusion : SARS is a disease with high infectivity , and has its own clinical and radiology features .

  16. X线OP可疑组和各阳性(+、++、+++)组,每组均检出病毒粒子,其大小形态与超微结构都与C型肿瘤病毒相似,为放射学诊断提供了病原证据。

    In size , morphology , and ultrastructure they resembled avian type C oncoviruses . The observation provides pathogenic evidence for OP radiological diagnosis .

  17. 方法对15例以关节炎为首发表现的PA的临床体征、实验室及放射学特点进行分析。

    Method The clinical characters , laboratory tests and radiographic findings of fifteen PA patients whose arthritis antedated psoriasis were analyzed .

  18. 方法回顾性分析经病理证实的21例骨原发性非霍奇金淋巴瘤的放射学和MRI表现。

    Methods A retrospective analysis was performed to assess the radiological and MRI appearance of 21 cases confirmed to be primary bone non-Hodgkin 's lymphomas by pathology .

  19. 概述X线、CT、MRI、介入放射学以及分子影像技术的发展,医学影像设备引导临床医学影像的不断进步。

    We summarize the development of X-ray , CT , MRI , Involvement Radiology and Molecular Image Technology . Clinical medical image make great progress by the medical image equipment .

  20. Orion钢板应用于短节段颈前路融合术的放射学评价

    The radiological evaluation of Orion system in anterior cervical oligo-segmental fusion

  21. Lee小组制定了一个调查表,通过电子邮件向大学放射学部主席学会的113个成员进行调查。

    Lee and colleagues developed a survey and distributed it bye-mail to113 members of the Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiology Departments ( SCARD ) .

  22. 数字化血管造影系统的主体是数字减影血管造影(DSA)设备,主要用于血管造影和介入放射学。

    Digital angiography system is mainly composed of Digital Subtraction Angiography ( DSA ) equipment and mostly used in angiography and interventional radiology .

  23. EG的诊断主要依据临床表现、实验室检查、放射学异常和内镜活检病理检查等。

    Diagnosed of EG is mainly baseded on clinical manifestation , laboratory examination , radiological abnormalities , endoscopic biopsy , pathological examination and treatment .

  24. “放射学摄像将会很困难,或者某些时候可以进行,但这些患者可能不符合我们的CT和MRI扫描仪。”Jacobson说。

    " Imaging can be difficult , or at times impossible , as this patient may not fit into our CT and MRI scanners ," said Jacobson .

  25. X射线诊断、临床核医学、放射治疗及介入放射学等放射学科已成为现代医学的重要组成部分,为人类防病治病带来了巨大的利益。

    X-ray diagnosis , clinical nuclear medicine , radiation therapy and interventional radiology became the important components of the modern medicine , bringing great benefits to the prevention and curation of human disease .

  26. IHE放射学22个成功案例分析

    Analysis of IHE Radiology 22 Success Stories

  27. 目前,ROC分析被公认为衡量诊断信息和诊断决策质量的最佳方法,其方法和应用的研究在生物统计学、临床流行病学、放射学、决策学、实验室医学等领域十分活跃。

    ROC analysis is now widely recognized as the best approach for measuring the quality of diagnostic information and diagnostic decisions .

  28. 目的探讨骨巨细胞瘤组织微血管密度(MVD)与病理分级和放射学分级的关系。

    Objective To study the microvessel density in giant cell of tumor ( GCT ) and its relation to pathological and radiological gradings .

  29. 结论:正常肺小叶结构可在HRCT图像上显示和辨认,肺小叶是肺脏放射学基本单位。

    Conclusion : HRCT can detect secondary pulmonary lobules in normal subjects , which may be a basic anatomical unit in pulmonary imaging .

  30. 用自行设计的昆布缩窄器开发供放射学研究的Budd&Chiari综合征(BCS)模型。

    PURPOSE : To produce Budd-Chiari syndrome ( BCS ) model for radiologic studies by using a self-devised Laminaria constrictor .