
  1. 加压贮存和活性炭吸附在核电站放射性废气处理中的应用

    Application of pressurized gas storage system and activated carbon sorption system in gaseous radioactive waste processing for NPPs

  2. 放射性碘-131废气净化研究Ⅱ.吸附条件对吸附剂吸附性能影响的研究

    Study on cleaning ~ ( 131 ) I in radio-gas waste ⅱ . study on the effect of adsorption conditions on the adsorption behavior of the adsorbents

  3. 针对铀矿山在地下开采过程中产生的放射性废水、废气、废渣,以及对矿区周围环境造成的污染,提出了相应的治理措施。

    The paper advances appropriate control measures against the environmental pollution caused by radioactive waster water , waster gas and waste residue produced in the extraction process of uranium ore.

  4. 核工业的发展为人类提供了能源,但也伴随着产生大量放射性废水、废气污染的问题。

    The development of nuclear industry provides energy resources for human , but it also brings some problems such as producing a lot of liquid and gas radioactive waste .

  5. 动力堆燃料元件在首端切断操作过程中,产生含有放射性金属粉尘的废气。

    The gases given off during shearing of fuel elements of the power reactor in the head end section are treated to remove the metal dust from gases .