
fànɡ shè xìnɡ fèi wù chú lǐ
  • radioactive waste treatment;radioactive waste processing
  1. 核设施退役放射性废物处理中值得重视的几个问题

    Noticeable problems concerning radioactive waste treatment of decommissioning nuclear installations

  2. 我国放射性废物处理与处置技术十年进展

    Progress on radwastes treatment and disposal in the last decade in China

  3. 重点研究了核电发展的铀资源需求与资源供应保证能力、放射性废物处理处置等问题,以及中国核电发展面临的其他主要问题。

    The uranium demand and supply , the treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes , and other primary problems through 2020 in China are discussed .

  4. 对冶金工业低放射性废物分类处理的探讨

    An approach to classification treatment of low-level wastes for metallurgical industry

  5. 放射性固体废物处理、处置简况

    A brief outline of the treatment and disposal of solid radioactive wastes

  6. GB9134-1988轻水堆核电厂放射性固体废物处理系统技术规定

    The technical rules about solid radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants

  7. 放射性废物固化处理的研究及应用现状

    Research and Application Status of Radioactive Waste Solidification

  8. 中国环保部在报告中建议尽快使更早的核反应堆退役、分享和改善获取信息的渠道、加强核安全领域的研发,以及改善对放射性废物的处理。

    In its report , the ministry recommended phasing out older nuclear reactors sooner , sharing and improving access to information , enhancing the research and development of nuclear safety and improving the handling of radioactive waste .

  9. 放射性固体废物旋风焚烧处理的可行性研究

    Feasibility study of cyclone incineration treatment for radioactive solid waste

  10. 本文介绍了放射性固体废物旋风焚烧处理的可行性研究。

    Feasibility study of cyclone incineration treatment for radioactive solid waste is introduced in this paper .

  11. 核电链有少量气态和液态放射性排放到环境中,产生少量固体放射性废物被封闭处理。

    Nuclear power chain discharge little radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent to the environment and little solid waste are disposed closely .

  12. 本文介绍了放射性废物的主要来源,综述了10多年来,国内外对放射性废物采取的处理、处置方法,并介绍了关于我国中、低水平放射性废物的环境政策。

    This paper talks about the main sources of radioactive waste , reviews methods of treatment and disposal for radioactive waste in China and foreign countries in the past few decades , and introduces enviromental policies about middle and low level radioactive waste in China .