
fàng zòng
  • indulge;self-indulgent;abandon;connive at;licence;orgy;wallow;undisciplined;cocker;give loose rein to;give full swing to;leave alone;let sb. have his own way
放纵 [fàng zòng]
  • [indulge;connive at;give loose rein to;give full swing to;leave alone] 放任纵容

  • 你太放纵自己了

  • [self-indulgent; undisciplined] 任性而为;不受约束

  • 放纵的行为

放纵[fàng zòng]
  1. 例如:SamuelJohnson曾说过:”禁酒容易程度和戒酒的困难程度一样大“我发现完全戒掉要比适度放纵更容易。

    Like Samuel Johnson , who said ," Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult ," I find it much easier to abstain rather than to indulge moderately .

  2. 没有你的时候我游走放纵在世界每一个角落。

    Without you I indulge in every corner of the world .

  3. 传统家庭价值观的恢复是对近几十年来放纵自由的一种抗拒。

    The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades .

  4. 在他看来,她的平静反衬出了他的放纵。

    He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance

  5. 这些小伙子需要放纵一下。

    The kids need to sow a few wild oats .

  6. 在银行的放纵之下,赤字增加了。

    The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks

  7. 圣诞节一番放纵之后排排毒或许是个不错的主意。

    It might be an idea to detox after the indulgences of Christmas

  8. 为自己买花似乎太放纵自己了。

    To buy flowers for myself seems wildly self-indulgent .

  9. 下午去看电影是我尽情放纵自己的一种方式。

    Going to the movies in the afternoon is one of my big self-indulgences .

  10. 他祈祷自己能从自我放纵中摆脱出来。

    He prayed to be saved from self-indulgence

  11. 他放弃了自由放纵的生活方式,和幼小的女儿安顿下来。

    He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter .

  12. 她过去的生活极其放纵。

    She lived a wild and incredible life

  13. 偶尔放纵一下也无妨。

    There is no reason why you couldn 't live it up once in a while .

  14. “撤销指控等于是放纵种族主义者去杀人,”吉姆的阿姨说。

    ' Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill , ' said Jim 's aunt .

  15. 我们偶尔都会放纵一下自己。

    We all overindulge occasionally

  16. 我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。

    We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control .

  17. 你太放纵孩子了。

    You are too indulgent with your children .

  18. 不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。

    Don 't confuse liberty with license .

  19. 她以一种放纵的姿势脱掉了斗篷。

    She threw off her cloak with an abandoned gesture .

  20. 你为什么放纵自己呢?

    Why do you allow yourself ?

  21. 但是不同于现代将伊壁鸠鲁学说定乂为放纵和享乐主义,对于古希腊人来说,伊壁鸠鲁学说意味着寻找种宁静、平和以及精神放松的状态。

    But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence and luxury , for the ancient Greeks , it meant finding a state of calm , peace and mental ease .

  22. 放纵思念痛苦的纷扰盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音

    Indulges the missing pain troubled , inventorying dripped lonely the rough sound .

  23. 节食专家称这种“自我纵许”的心理正是我们很多人在节食的过程中偶有几天“放纵偷懒”的背后原因。

    It 's what many diet experts say may be behind why so many of us fall off the diet rails on our " cheat days . "

  24. 现代化驼峰溜放纵断面CAD的研究与应用

    Research and Application of CAD System in the Design of Modern Humping Profile

  25. Abus用来指过度或者放纵,而不是辱骂。

    Abus is used to mean excess or overindulgence , and usually not abuse .

  26. 夸大或是欺骗,加上过度放纵,这可能会带来问题。

    Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem .

  27. 你知道吗?也许我需要一些放纵。

    Well don 't you know I need a little indulgence ?

  28. 这种放纵是从企业经营中抽时间。

    The indulgence is taking time out from running the business .

  29. 处女举止行为都很拘谨,非处女放纵放荡些。

    Virgin behavior is very formal , non-virgin more indulgent debauchery .

  30. 但是那些感情难道不就是多愁善感和情绪化的自我放纵吗?

    But aren 't those feelings really sentimentality , emotional self-indulgence ?