
  • 网络Oda;Official development assistance
  1. 日本为何炒作对华政府开发援助问题

    Why Does Japan Stir Up Its ODA Program to China

  2. 日本对华政府开发援助的政策演变及其作用

    The Policy Evolution and The Role of Japan 's ODA to China

  3. 1979年以来,日本对华提供了巨额的政府开发援助,其援助力度、援助范围、涉及领域、产生的经济社会影响是其它任何国际经济合作项目所无法比拟的。

    Since 1979 , Japan has provided huge official development assistance to China , with strength , scope , field , and economic and social effects matched by no other international economic cooperation projects .

  4. 菲律宾大约三分之一基础设施项目的建设资金来自世行、亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)以及日本等外国政府的开发援助。

    About a third of Philippine infrastructure projects are funded by development aid from the world bank , the Asian Development Bank and foreign governments such as Japan .