
  • 网络Government authority;Governmental authority;state authority
  1. 当代政府权威的应有模式&法理性、情感性、实效性的统一

    Integration of Jurisprudence , Emotionalism & Effectiveness , the Model of Contemporary Governmental Authority

  2. 领导者素质、政策制定水平和领导行为在政府权威的形成、发展和维护当中作用非常重要。

    Quality of leaders , level of policy-formulating and conduct of leaders plays an important role in forming , developing and safeguarding governmental authority .

  3. 但即使是在局势平静的日子里,这些游牧民族也是漠视政府权威的。

    But even in calm times nomads are scornful of nation-states .

  4. 政府权威是社会公共利益的需要。

    It is necessary for social order to set up government authority .

  5. 村民自治与乡镇政府权威重塑

    Villager autonomy and authority reconstruction of township government

  6. 政府权威的历史发展及我国服务型政府权威建设

    The Historical Development of Government Authority and Service-oriented Government Authority Construction in Our Country

  7. 社会转型时期增强政府权威的理性思考

    Reasonable Thought about Strengthening the Government Authority in the Period of Social Transformation in China

  8. 政府权威下的有限妥协&政策执行的三方行动分析

    Limited Compromise under the Authority & The Analysis of the Action in the Policy Implementation

  9. 而这些新闻报道相信是在政府权威的监控下发布的。

    The reports are believed to have been placed at the order of government authorities .

  10. 摘要增强政府权威是顺利实现社会转型的基本保证。

    Strengthening government 's authority is a basic guarantee of realizing the social transformation smoothly .

  11. 从我国实现现代化的进程看,政府权威是不可稀缺的资源。

    From our course of realizing the socialism modernization , government authority is indispensable resource .

  12. 本文三个维度来分析(经济发展、改善民生、社会稳定),乡镇政府权威是处于流失状态。

    This paper analyzes the three dimensions , the township government is in a loss of state authority .

  13. 内部冲突的扩大会挑战政府权威、破坏政治秋序;

    The expansion of the internal conflict will challenge the authority of the government and undermine the political order .

  14. 三家报纸所仰仗的消息源多来自政府权威机构及官方卫生部门和记者或媒体本身,报道形式和消息来源相对单一。

    News sources mainly rely on government officials and , media experts . The report forms and news source are relatively single .

  15. 第五部分是本论文的结语,也就是本论文的最后一部分,对政府权威的发展进行总体上的概括和把握。

    The last part is the conclusion of this paper , it is the general and overall summary and grasp of development of our government authority .

  16. 而休谟关于政府权威及其正当性的依据就建立在对以财产权为核心的正义规则的维护基础上。

    He thought the basis of government authority and its justification should be based on defending the laws of justice which took property rights as the core .

  17. 如果在一个世界上,政府权威可以预言发现人的思想,宣扬真理将不再是勇敢的表现:这将不可避免。

    In a world in which the authorities could divine people 's thoughts , speaking truth to power would no longer be brave : it would be unavoidable .

  18. 那些忠诚地相信官方广播所说的一切和无私地支持政府权威的人比以前更少。

    The number of people who sincerely believe everything that the official propaganda says and who selflessly support the government 's authority is smaller than it has ever been .

  19. 全世界的政府权威部门对任何人的描述都不满意,他们希望确定医药制造商能够履行对于质量的保证。

    Government Authorities around the world are not satisfied by the word of anybody , they want to make sure that the pharmaceutical manufacturer is able to fulfill his guarantee .

  20. 启蒙运动时期的理论思想为现代国家提供了理论支持,对国家的起源进行了不同以往的阐释,对限制政府权威的方法进行了理论上的构思。

    The ideology of the enlightenment supported the modern state , offered a different interpretation of the origin of state , and theoretically posed an approach to restrict governmental authority .

  21. 当前,必须树立科学发展观和正确的政绩观,进一步加强中央政府权威,加大宏观调控力度,确保经济社会的全面协调发展。

    Now , we should set up the scientific outlook of development and achievement and enhance central government 's macro-adjustment in order to ensure the ordinate development of economy and society .

  22. 政府权威部门命令全部居民离开镇子直到负责有毒化学物质的化学公司确定这个镇子被清理干净并且安全。

    Government authorities have ordered all residents to leave the area until the chemical company responsible for the toxic waste can determine whether the town can be cleaned up and made safe again .

  23. 但是后来他的婚姻破裂,为了争取孩子的监护权,他陷入了耗时漫长的官司之中。据说,正是这场官司让他对政府权威深恶痛绝。

    He married at18 , and he and his wife soon had a son , but the marriage broke down and he fought a long custody battle , which , it is said , entrenched his dislike of authority .

  24. 可以看出,国家改善社会的手段首选经济改善,而政府权威建设次之,观念改造则在最后。

    And from these we could see that the fist choice to improve the society should be improving economy , the second could be the construction of the authority of the government , and the last one could be changing conception .

  25. 在这一过程中,新旧结构的更替呈现多层面的交错运动态势,表现为五种发展趋势:中央政府权威削弱及其衰败化;

    In the course of the transformation , the replacement of the old social structure by the new structure presented a multiple layer and interlocking movement pattern which can be described as of five kinds of trends : The weakening and declining of the central government authority ;

  26. 示威者现在直接对政府的权威发出了质疑。

    The demonstrators have now made a direct challenge to the authority of the government .

  27. 无论以哪一种方式失败,都将进一步削弱奥巴马政府的权威。

    Either failure would erode the administration 's authority further .

  28. 这些人在许多地方无视政府的权威,尤其是在北部边境上。

    These people defy the government 's authority at a number of points , particularly along the northern boundaries .

  29. 然大体言之,熊式辉维持了省政府的权威和向心力、凝聚力。

    However , in general , Xiong Shihui maintained the authority of the provincial government and solidarity , cohesion .

  30. 在国家主义理论中,传媒的公共性是以维护国家和政府的权威为目的的。

    In national socialist theory , media with the pursuit of publicity aim to maintain the purpose of government authority .