
  • 网络government social capital
  1. 地方政府社会资本建设对于地方治理合作网络的影响怎样?

    What influences does the construction of social capital of the local government on the local cooperation network ?

  2. 此外,北大还将与国家有关部门合作建立政府和社会资本合作中心,推动雄安新区的发展。

    It will also work with governmental departments to launch Public-Private Partnership programs for Xiongan 's development .

  3. 在基础设施、公用事业等领域,积极推广政府和社会资本合作模式。

    We will actively promote models of cooperation between government and nongovernmental capital in developing infrastructure and public utilities .

  4. 政府要集聚社会资本,培养信任、合作、互惠、诚信为核心的价值体系。

    The government must gather the social capital , foster the value system as the core of trust , cooperation , mutual benefit and good faith .

  5. 在初始阶段,政府资本与社会资本先后投入,推动高速公路建设滚动发展;在快速发展期,采用东部模式,加快高速公路建设。

    In the initial stage , government capital and social capital should be used successively in order to speed up the process , but in fast developing stage , the model which has proved to be effective in East China should adopted .

  6. 贫困理论和政府扶贫实践的社会资本逻辑

    Poverty Theory and the Logic of Social Capital in Government 's Practice of Poverty Alleviation

  7. 非政府组织的外部社会资本包括政府、援助者、同质性非政府组织、媒体、志愿者和农民工社区。

    NGO external social capital includes relationships with the government , donors , like-minded NGOs , media , volunteers , and the migrant community .

  8. 社会资本视域下的政府治理问题研究社会资本视野下的晚清政治衰败分析

    Study on the Government Governance Form the View of Social Capital Analysis of the Later Qing Dynasty 's Political Deterioration from the Perspective of Political Culture

  9. 本文以基层政府人力资本对农村经济发展的影响为主线,首先从人力资本、政府人力资本、社会资本的概念和特征入手,分析它们在影响农村经济发展过程中的相互关系。

    This paper firstly introduces concepts and characteristics of human capital , government human capital and social capital , and analyzes their relationships while they impact the rural economic development .

  10. 本文在理清政府绩效理论研究的脉络的基础上,对政府绩效的内涵进行了界定,尝试发现政府绩效与社会资本的关系。

    This article arranges the research on the government performance theory , define the meaning of government performance , try to find the relationship between government performance and social capital .

  11. 旨在强调政府主导下的基层政府和基层社区的双向互动,并从制度创新、组织创新和机制创新等维度凸显政府在提升社区社会资本中所承担的公共性责任及提供相应对策。

    Designed to emphasize under the guidance of the government local government and community interaction , and from system innovation , organization innovation and mechanism innovation of dimensions to highlight government in promotion of community social capital in the public responsibility and then provide corresponding countermeasures .