
  • 网络political strategy;political policy;Political Power
  1. 实际上,正如费先生特别在第一篇与第四篇文章中明确阐述的那样,在中国,良好的政治策略是使皇帝的政治权力自然化,而不是要去控制它。

    Indeed , as Fei makes quite plain , especially in the first and fourth essays , sound political policy in China has been to neutralize the political power of the emperor , not to control it .

  2. 最重要的在于提高政府的声誉,这意味着需要缓和政治策略和关注人权间的矛盾

    Most important , improving the government 's reputation means allaying political and human-rights concerns .

  3. 此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。于是,哈维尔领导了天鹅绒革命,由害羞的知识分子转型为精明的政治策略家。

    A group of opposition activists looked to Havel , just returned from his country house in Bohemia , for leadership . He took command of the Velvet revolution , transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd political tactician .

  4. 不过是在安市长选举之前的一次政治策略。

    As a political ploy against mayor Ahn before the elections .

  5. 冻结正在下跌的价格不是好的政治策略。

    To freeze prices which are falling is hardly good politics .

  6. 梅的介入是一个低级的政治策略。

    Ms May 's intervention is a piece of low politics .

  7. 对政治策略和外交手腕诸种现实的认识。

    An awareness of the realities of politics and diplomacy .

  8. 企业政治策略形成影响因素&中国经验

    The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy : An Empirical Examination in China

  9. 但将这种僵持作为一种政治策略是对国家的伤害。

    But gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country .

  10. 自信可以解释他所采取的政治策略。

    The self-belief is the explanation for his political strategy .

  11. 冰岛政府一直追求让社会和经济和谐发展的政治策略。

    The Icelandic government has pursued the politics of social and economic inclusion .

  12. 但反美言论一直是一种统一他政党的有效政治策略。

    anti-America rhetoric has been an effective political tactic to unite his party .

  13. 从教堂到民众广场&巴赫金狂欢化诗学的文本政治策略

    From Churches to Public Squares & Bakhtin 's Carnival Vision of " Politics "

  14. 美国新保守主义与对华政治策略

    American Neo-conservatism and Its Political Strategies to China

  15. 我晓得他的政治策略的概念。

    I know his conception of political strategy .

  16. 动机决定行为,因此对动机的探讨是研究企业政治策略与行为的起点。

    Therefore , discussing motivation is the beginning to study corporate political strategy and action .

  17. 由于单在北方邦就有超过4千万的达利特人,玛雅瓦蒂的政治策略看上去很高明。

    With over40m dalits in UP alone , Mayawati 's political strategy has looked shrewd .

  18. 有时,好的政策会成就良好的政治策略。

    Sometimes good policy makes good politics .

  19. 而且这也不是很好的政治策略。

    Nor is it very good politics .

  20. 解放女性的政治策略应以历史唯物主义为理论基础,反对霸权实现女性解放的历史主体是雇佣劳动者,结束剥削必须进行革命性实践。

    The political strategy to liberate women must have the historical materialism as its theoretical base .

  21. 或者,他那牛仔式的讲话只是用来取悦他的铁杆支持者的一个政治策略呢?

    Or is the cowboy palaver just a political ploy to keep his core supporters happy ?

  22. 不过这句话却让一位匈牙利政治家把一句逻辑难题变成了一个政治策略。

    But it took a Hungarian politician to turn a logical conundrum into a political strategy .

  23. 经营活动政治策略、代言人策略与财务刺激策略在行业间存在显著差异;

    Government involvement strategy , prolocutor strategy , and financial incentive strategy have significant difference across industries ;

  24. 在移民问题上,梅放任自己的个人政治策略凌驾于合理政策之上。

    Immigration is one issue on which Ms May has allowed personal political tactics to trump sensible policy .

  25. 作为一种特殊的政治策略,贵族联姻在古代社会的政治交往中被广泛采用。

    Vinculum matrimony of the nobility was broadly adopted in the ancient political communication as a special measure .

  26. 中国企业在国际化中运用政治策略消除不利政治影响、营造生存环境方面的能力还较薄弱。

    The ability of using corporate political strategy is inadequate for the Chinese enterprises during its internationalization strategy .

  27. 性不平等与差异,则转化为运动团体因应自身需要,必须使用的政治策略。

    Sexual inequality and difference turned to meet the needs of these groups , thought as their necessary political strategy .

  28. 上述三巨头的增长前景和相互对立的政治策略有着天壤之别,这也决定了各自的发展方必将向迥然不同。

    These big three are heading in very different directions , with very different growth prospects and contradictory policy choices .

  29. 墓志涉及了拓跋朝廷接与柔然贵族时高官厚禄、互通姻好的政治策略。

    The epitaph involved the political strategy that Tuoba court lassoed Rouran noblemen wth high official and big salary and marriage .

  30. 本文基于战略管理理论对中国的企业政治策略与行为进行了初步的研究。

    This paper does some researching in the corporate political strategy and action of Chinese enterprises based on strategic management theory .