
  1. 对教育优先发展战略地位的理论思考及对策

    A Academic Reflection and Measure on the Strategic Educational Development

  2. 民族地区实施教育优先发展战略论

    On The Strategy To Develop Education Prior In Ethnic Area

  3. 坚持教育优先发展。

    Continuing to give priority to the development of education .

  4. 论当代国际竞争对教育优先发展的诉求

    The Pursuit of Education Development Priority in the Contemporary International Competition Era

  5. 坚持教育优先发展,大力促进教育公平。

    Insist on advancing education first , highly promote fairness of education .

  6. 唐山教育优先发展的政策研究

    Research on the Preferential Development of Education in Tangshan

  7. 教育优先发展战略是现代教育的基本特征之一。

    Education development priority strategy is the one basic character of modern education .

  8. 俄罗斯中等职业教育优先发展战略

    Strategic Priority of Development for Russian Secondary Vocational Education

  9. 教育优先发展的理论依据及战略措施

    Theoretical Basis and Strategic Measures of Giving Priority to the Development of Education

  10. 农村实施教育优先发展战略初探

    Research on Education Development Priority Strategy in Countryside

  11. 确立教育优先发展的战略地位;

    Establish the strategical position of education , education development earlier than the others ;

  12. 教育优先发展是唐山实现走在全省最前列目标的基础和前提。

    High education optimal investment bilevel programming models on the strategy of prior development ;

  13. 优先保障:教育优先发展的实践诉求

    Give Priority to Survival Protection : the Practice Pursuit of Giving Priority to Educational Development

  14. 教育优先发展是构建和谐社会的基本战略

    Giving Priority to the Development of Education Is the Basic Strategy of Construction of Harmonious Society

  15. 教育优先发展战略思想是中国现代教育思想的重要组成部分。

    The essential component of the thoughts of China modern education is to give priority to its development .

  16. 教育优先发展是党和国家提出并长期坚持的一项重大方针。

    Priority to the development of education is an important policy of the party and state for long-term adherence .

  17. 从教育优先发展角度对西安市教育发展现状的研究

    The Study of the Status Quo of Educational Development in Xi'an From the Perspective of Giving Priority to the Development of Education

  18. 落实教育优先发展,建设教育之城,已经成为厦门市社会各界的共识和行为。

    Priority for education and Xiamen for a city of education has become the common goal the people of Xiamen strive to meet .

  19. 实现西部教育优先发展、超常规发展,才是打破贫困恶性循环的重要突破点。

    To actualize the precedence development of the western education and to actualize the superconventional development is the key to the impoverished pernicious cycle .

  20. 其中一贯以教育优先发展的日本进行了新一轮教育课程基准的改订,颁布了新学习指导要领。

    As a nation knows for placing considerable priority to education , Japan revised its curriculum standard , and issued the new Course of Study .

  21. 要充分认识教育优先发展的战略意义,满足先进生产力发展的要求;

    We should fully understand the strategic significance of " cenjoy priorty in development of China " , and content the require of the development of advanced production forces .

  22. 知识经济是智力支持型经济,是教育优先发展的经济,所以在知识经济时代教育者应更新思想教育观念,大力推进创新教育。创新教育是知识经济发展的必然要求。

    It was stood by intelligence , which improves education firstly . So teachers should renew their thought education ideas to force innovation education , which is a certain request of economic improvement .

  23. 实施教育优先发展战略,是加快人才培养、增强我国综合国力、应对激烈国际竞争的决定性因素。

    The strategy of giving priority to the development of education is the decisive factor of expediting talent training , strengthening the national power of our country and replying to the fierce international competition .

  24. 因此,在教育优先发展战略的影响下,研究政府如何确定自身在高等教育评估中的角色,成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , under the influence of education priority development strategy , how to determine role of itself in higher education evaluation , is to become an urgent problem to be solved by the government .

  25. 教育优先发展,必须保障教育公平,保障教育经费的投入,必须提高师资特别是农村教师水平,必须加强教育教学的管理。

    In order to superiorly develop education , We must ensure the educational equality and the support of educational funds , improving teachers ' level of proficiency , especially rural teachers and strengthen the educational management .

  26. 主要内容包括:牢固树立教育优先发展观,坚定实施科教兴国战略以及全民推进素质教育和实施创新教育。

    The main contents include : firmly establish the concept of priorty to the development of education , strengthen the implementation of " technology and education " strategy and national promotion of quality education and innovative education .

  27. 从某种意义上说,目前对于教育优先发展的含义还未达成共识,都各有自己的理解倾向,针对这种情况,本文旨在对教育优先发展的含义将做一番综合概括。

    In a sense , the present to " give priority to the development of education " has not yet reached a consensus on the meaning , all have their own understanding of the tendency for this situation .

  28. 坚持教育优先发展,强化人力资源管理是全面建设小康社会,实现从人口大国迈向人力资源强国的必然选择。

    It 's the necessary choice to persevere in upholding education preferentially , developing and intensifying the human resource management in order to achieve the transform from a great population state to a powerful one in human resources .

  29. 要实现教育优先发展的战略,实行教育投资主体多元化是不可或缺的条件,它不仅能在总量上扩大教育规模,也能通过竞争提高教育的投资效益。

    Education investment subject pluralism is the prerequisite for the implementation of the strategy of education development , and it could not only enlarge the investing scale , but also achieve great benefits for education investment from the competition among variable investors .

  30. 建立家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系,是国家为实现教育优先发展和促进教育公平而采取的一项重大举措,是实现社会公平的重要基础。

    To set up student subsidy system for the needy students is both a significant measure promoted by Chinese government which aims to realize prior development in education and boost educational equity , and an important basis for ensuring equity and justice .