
  • 网络Education Base;Education Center
  1. 我校是湖北省天文科学教育基地。

    Our school is the education base of Hubei astronomy science .

  2. 建立柳州市植物科学普及教育基地的建议

    Discussion on Establishment of Education Base of Botanical Sciences in Liuzhou City

  3. 中山舰爱国主义教育基地规划创意

    Planning Idea of " Zhongshan " Warship Base for Patriotism Education

  4. 把师范大学建设成为综合性教师教育基地

    Making teacher colleges the comprehensive base for teachers ' being educated

  5. 大连市环境教育基地体系构建

    The Systematic Establishment of an Educational Base of Environment in Dalian

  6. 区域性高校大学生文化素质教育基地建设研究

    The Study of the Area 's University Students ' Education in All-rounds

  7. 校外环境教育基地;

    ( 3 ) EE teaching and practice bases outside ;

  8. 科普教育基地与休闲旅游场所

    A Base for science education and a venue for leisure and tourism

  9. 科普教育基地运营及管理模式研究

    Study on the Operation and Administration Mode of Science Popularization & Education Bases

  10. 她,就是广东省华侨职业技术学校的华文教育基地。

    She is the Chinese educational base of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Vocational School .

  11. 爱国主义教育基地免费开放后运行机制探析

    Discussion on the Operational Mechanism of Patriotism Education Bases after Being Opened Free

  12. 科普教育基地免费开放出现的问题和对策研究

    Study on Problems in Free Opening of Popular Science Bases and the Countermeasures

  13. 把图书馆建设成为新世纪爱国主义教育基地

    Library Constructs the Patriotic Educational Base of New Century

  14. 本文对我省爱国主义教育基地的相关问题进行探讨。

    This article explores related problems of patriotism education base in our province .

  15. 国家级教师教育基地建设与教师教育培养模式改革研究

    Construction of " National Teacher Education Base " and Reform of Teacher Education Pattern

  16. 我省爱国主义教育基地的价值透析

    Value Analysis of Patriotism Education Base in Hainan

  17. 浅谈市县区档案馆爱国主义教育基地建设及社会功能发挥

    The Construction of the Base for Patriotism Education and Social Function of the Archives

  18. 野外环境教育基地的功能与建设策略

    Functions and Strategies of Environmental Education Field Base

  19. 学校一般会定期组织学生到环境教育基地进行学习。

    Schools generally will organize the students regularly to environmental education base for learning .

  20. 建立相对稳定的环境教育基地是十分必要的。

    It is obviously necessary to set up a regular educational base of environment .

  21. 关于野外环境教育基地建设的探讨

    Research on the Establishment of Field-Environment Educational Base

  22. 高校建立大学生文化素质教育基地的思考

    Some Thoughts on the Construction of the Base for Culture-Oriented Quality-Education of College Students

  23. 变读书场所为教育基地。

    Changing reading place into education place .

  24. 讨论了发展野外环境教育基地的必要性。

    The necessity of environmental education field base was demonstrated by internal and external practices .

  25. 正由于如此,我国很多博物馆已作为精神文明的教育基地。

    That is why our country has lot of museum education as a spiritual base .

  26. 依托本科生创新教育基地培养新型公共卫生人才

    Training New-type Personnel of Public Health through the Training Base of Creativity-oriented Education for Undergraduates

  27. 提供学校,企事业单位及社会团体农业有机化种植教育基地的服务。

    Provide schools , enterprises and social organizations of organic cultivation of agricultural education-based services .

  28. 图书馆是大学生素质教育基地,生动直观的视听文献则是对大学生进行素质教育的好手段。

    Audiovisual materials service is a good way for students ' comprehensive education of academic library .

  29. 深圳市大学城片区是深圳市未来的文化教育基地。

    Shenzhen College City will be the Shenzhen 's cultural and educational base for the future .

  30. 中国浦东干部学院是培养中国高素质管理人才的教育基地。

    Pudong Cadre College of China is an educational base that trains Chinese high-qualified people of management .